
Youjo Senki: The Dacian Prince

After dying in an accident and having the famous Isekai, Adam finds himself in the body of the Crown Prince of the Grand Duchy of Dacia in the world of Youjo Senki. Now he's on a mission to strengthen the country, ensuring it can survive against The Empire and win the World War...as well as dealing with a certain extremely powerful and dangerous Loli. I Don't Own Anything.

PowerMan579 · Others
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62 Chs

Chapter 8: My Fellow Legionnaires

Arthur Iordanescu Pov

It's been several weeks since that day at the Bar where I made my political ''speech'', after that I got to know more about the man called Valeriu Continiu, he was just like me a loyal follower of the Monarchy.

We kept in touch for a while, meanwhile, I went to various Bars and other places to do my political propaganda, gaining a lot of followers along the way, men and women loyal to the Royal Family and God, but mostly men who were willing to make a difference in Dacia.

We were able to raise money from people who could afford it, so we started hiring a number of tailors to create militarized uniforms for our popular movement, which was growing in size.

Uniforms were worn by all members of the Movement, to show our unity, also some members armed themselves with sticks or knives and began to attack the socialists and communists in the country.

This was happening without me knowing it, but when I found out, instead of scolding them, I was congratulating them, as they were giving a message to all the traitors in Dacia, that we are here to stay and bring glory to Dacia.

Now I'm going to make my speech in a big hall, which could and does have 3,000 people inside, not counting the armed men to finish off any communists or socialists who have infiltrated among the people.

''Are you ready, Arthur?'' asked Valeriu as I straightened the tie on my uniform.

''Yes, I'm ready'' I say while taking a deep breath, I then get serious and leave and go to the stage, while I hear the screams of several people, female and male screams.

Looking around I see men and women screaming my name, everyone had their arms raised doing the Roman salute, something that has become part of our Popular Movement, I then slammed my fist into my chest, in the region of the heart before raising my arm and return the salute to my followers.

I then get onstage and stand in front of everyone, waiting a few minutes while everyone calms down before I can deliver my speech, with everyone paying attention to me.

''My Fellow Legionnaires...for a long time our beloved Dacia fell into the Abyss...for a long time corruption was in power and nobody was doing anything, but now, the situation has worsened, the Church and the Monarchy, pillars of our dear nation, have been weakened by Traitors and Reds!

For a long time, the citizens of Dacia were silent about such depravity, but we will no more! We are going to make our country recover, we are going to give jobs to citizens, we are going to give them the food they need to feed their children, and we are going to provide security so that no one has to go out at night for fear of being robbed, we are going to change Dacia and whoever against this, IT WILL BE CRUSHED, BECOMING NOTHING MORE THAN A STEP TO THE DACIAN ASCENSION'' I hear the cheers of support and see everyone raising their arms once more after pounding their fists in the heart region.

Soon we will become something more than just a simple popular movement, when the time comes, God's chosen will rule Dacia and finally, we will be a true power, both regional... and world.

Ferdinand pov

I was eating in the lunch room with my family, I managed to convince my dad to make the Navy and Royal Guard wear German military uniforms, which wasn't difficult as he loved the designs, which I can't blame as they were really amazing.

The Royal Guard uniforms were made by the tailors my father hired, with the Stahlhelm being made by the factories that my Family has as a business in the Empire since the guns they had came from an Imperial Company called ''Brandeis''.

As for the Navy, it will take a while, but not that long after all, it only has 15,000 people, so it will be easy to get everyone in the new uniforms, thus gaining even more loyalty from them, which is useful in case the Royal Family decides to say ''enough'' ' and stage a coup against the Traitors.

Now I have to focus on something that will be important for Dacia if we ever want to make a war or if we join one, find oil.

As Dacia is an alternate version of Romania, I've been wondering if we have oil equal to Romania, if we do we can focus on using a possible Blitzkrieg in this alternate version of the Balkans where Dacia is located.

We could destroy Magna Rumeli and if we don't have oil, then we will have to use Superior Artillery to take over the Rumeli lands and rid the continent of their religion.

It would make us even more ''Protectors of Christianity'' if we take Agibul, the alternative version of Istanbul or as some would call Constantinople or ''Constatinul'' as it is called here in this world.

But it wasn't Constantinul that mattered to me, but the lands that are under the rule of the Turkman Principalities, which when I researched more, I got some interesting things.

First of all, the territory of the Turkman Principalities was basically almost the entire Middle East region, just not having Magna Rumeli and the colonies of the Allied Kingdom (as well as Iran), being a large Arab state in all but name.

I don't know if the author of Youjo Senki wanted to make a joke involving the Middle East, but this nation, in addition to being basically what the French and British had promised the Arabs to create a Great Arab State after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, was a vassal of Magna Rumeli.

But by the looks of it, the Turkman Principalities have had several uprisings in recent times, with various nationalist groups wanting independence and creating their own countries, which could be used by Dacia.

Especially if they have oil, if they do, Dacia will be more than willing to help such groups in their struggles against Rumeli Tyranny (in addition to creating Puppet States, just to guarantee the region's oil).

Shit...I'm acting like the Muricans...anyway.

I will use the money I saved for years from my allowance as Crown Prince to look for oil in Dacia, if it is found, I will ask my father to create an Oil Company on behalf of the Royal Family, before the government or something dares to put it their dirty hands.

''Ferdinand, are you sure you want to do this?'' My mother asked as she looked at me seriously, I then nodded.

''Yes Mother, I do, and you don't have to worry, I know the consequences and I don't mind losing my allowance if this venture goes wrong.'' I say as I grab my juice and drink it.

''Calm down, my dear wife, this is a great lesson for Ferdinand, if he gets it right we can make a good profit for us, if not, at least he'll learn a thing or two about the money involved.'' My father said as he picked it up his glass of wine on the table and drank.