
You May Steal from Me Only

"Is that what you are told to do? Sleep with you clients, and then steal their stuff?" "I-it's not what it looks like." "But it is. What is your name?" "Theif." I responded. "You birth name." "Private information." +×+×+×+× She, a orphan who works at a club, giving lap dances and sleeping with clients. She lost her memory when she lost her parents. Moved from London to Canada to attend school. Steals so she could survive this harsh world that she did not want to be thrown into. Elle Smith. He, a spoiled brat that got given and not having to lift a single finger to inheriting his father's multibillion company, but with it, also inheriting his father's crown of the underworld. Moved from Italy to Canada for business, but coming out with much more then he asked for. Luca Russo.

Miss_Pokerface · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Six

Elle's POV

We left in a hurry. The encounter with his mother was too much drama for one day. During that meet up, I had absolutely no control. Not just that, but something seemed off about her. Luca's mother

'She's a witch.' Crystal said and I rolled my eyes.

'How do you know.' I questioned.

'I can sense her. If I had to assume, she could probably sense me as well which will make her even more angry at you. wolves and witches do not get along well.'

'If we don't get along well, why do I feel so attracted to him?'

'The moon goddess is playing a game clearly. She is probably testing her limits... which may possibly end up with you and you mate both dying.' She said nonchalantly.

I sighed, 'okay, enough of this whole witch thing. It seems like somehow you took full control of me in there and I hve no idea you could do that. Also, why the hellwould you sign that work contract? Now I am going to be forced to see him more then I already want to.'

'Its simple, if I am able to muster up enough emotions, I am able to force my control. Seeing mate's mother bring in such a slut, I couldn't stand it anymore. I hated the fact that she though she could make him mate someone else. As for the contract... I will have no problem taking control just so I could see his sexiness work hard.' she hummed and started thinking of it. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see more then I already saw from her imaginations.

'Okay, now that we are home, listen to what I say. I will be able to show myself to you.' she instructed. I nodded and stepped out of the car, assuming listening to a make believe creature wouldn't cause my no harm.

'First go up to your room, grab the biggest mirror you can carry and find some extra clothes.... also you might want to make sure that you have a phone on you incase anything wrong happened... you can never be too careful.'

I got inside and took off my shoes before walking up the stairs to my room. I went to my wardrobe and picked up the full length mirror. It was honestly pretty light. After that, I walked to the pajama section and picked out a simple white night gown, and a coat. My phone was in my pocket like always. I also slipped a pair of slippers onto my feet.

'Now what?' I asked.

'Now you will take everything and leave. I don't sense anyone from our door to the backdoor leading to the garden. There you should be able to follow the harden's path until you get to the back gate. You will need to leave through the back gate into the trees, about a few feet away from the house so we will be a safe distance away from the cameras.' she explained.

'One problem... I just got her like today... I can hardly find my room... I don't think that I will be able to find the gardens before someone catches us...'

'oh shit... you know what, give me control. I have a slight idea on where it could be.... I can also sniff it out.'

'How do I do that?' I asked and I felt her roll her eyes.

'Just give me permission to take over.'

'Okay... I grant you permission.'

With that statement. I slowly felt myself lose all control of my body, being pushed back to the back of my mind. It was a similar feeling to the one that I felt before. To be honest, that feeling was scary... I mean, it is the feeling of having absolutely no control. who would like such feeling?

I felt my body starting to move, and that is when I knew my wolf had taken control. I sat back and watched everything around me move... like a VR movie. I can still feel, see, smell and hear everything that was going on... but it was more like a second hand experience....

To be honest, I never thought that I would ever come to this point of my life... I mean the feeling that I was feeling wasn't my imagination.... so I knew she wasn't lying. Does that mean she also wasn't lying about witches? If so, then does other supernatural creatures also co-exist with humans... hidden? Like fairies and vampires?

'You know, I may have control but I can still hear your thought. And instead of just wondering... you can always ask me. To answer your question tho, yes. Vampires, fairies, all the supernatural creatures in your horror and story books are indeed real. I can guarantee that in your future, you will meet a lot of them. That being said, you also probably meet a few in your pst subconsciously. Of course, I wouldn't know. After what you claim to be a car accident... I also lost my memory. I ended up in a deep slumber because of it.... dispute the fact that I was semi awake to kill off the babies that weren't our make... that was the only thing I could do.

'I suppose that you meeting our mate, getting pregnant with his baby and getting engaged to him woke me up. I want to be the one that said 'I do' at the wedding.'

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. We eventually made it to the back gate with out getting caught. When Crystal tried to open the gate, she noticed there was a lo k on it and growled.

"Stupid mate." She mumbled and started to look for a way to get passed with all the stuff she hand in my hands. I know that climbing it wouldn't be of help. Unfortunately she wod have to throw the mirror over the gate which would cause it to break. And everyone knows, you break a mirror, you get seven years if bad luck.

Crystal started to search around the area, mumbling to some kind of God for guidance. I was to on edge to pay attention to anything tho. If anyone were to come and catch us... I would be the one to get in trouble.... tho, it would be questionable if I was going to run away. I had a large mirror, a bag of pajamas and a phone in my pocket. A strange combination of items to say the least. The only thing that I could think of him think of was me going to the trees to take mirror selfies in the trees. Nothing even close to running away.

After searching, Crystal found a hole under the fence that she was able to slide the mirror under. After she climbed the fence to get on the other side. Once she picked the mirror back up, she walked for ten minutes before resting the mirror on a tree and stripping the clothes off my body.

'What the fuck are you doing!' I screamed and she rolled her eyes.

'I am ensuring that our clothes don't shred.' she said and finished so I was standing fully naked in front of the mirror. 'Make sure you are ready, this is going to be the most painful thi g you have ever experienced.'

With that last statement, I saw fur starting to grow on my body through the mirror... beautiful snow white fur. Soon, I felt my bones start breaking and bit my inner to to try to ease the pain. It didn't work. I was being forced into all fours with a glass shattering screech. My hands.... or my claws were digging deeply into the ground below us. After what felt like an eternity of pain, but only a few minutes, the pained slowly eased.

Crystal was still in control as she brought to look at into the mirror.

Where I was standing a few moments ago stood a huge white wolf. Bright silver eyes.

'Is this... you?' I asked and she nodded.

I didn't get to spend anymore time looking at the beautiful white wolf infornt of me. I noticed a wolf in the background of the mirror, running towards us. Crystal was quick to turn around and got into a defensive stance.

We didn't notice that another wolf was behind us until they attacked Crystal's neck. She Yelp and howled in pain from the surprise attack befirefalling slowly to the ground.

I couldn't hear or smell anything as Crystal laid on the snow covered ground. My vision was blurry and the only thing that I felt was Crystal's body slowly form back into my and the cold snow on my naked body.

I didn't realize how weak we were, I thought that werewolves were suppose to be strong?

I felt cold hands lift me out of the snow. I didn't know whose hands they were, but I didn't care. Darkness was starting to overwhelm meand take over. I was a helpless as a sheep to a wolf.

Bright lights shune into m my as I slowly opened them. There were too bright... maybe this was the light that lead to heaven? I subconsciously smiled at the thought before I heard noise around me.

I blinked a few times and moved my heard to look at my surroundings before I sighed disappointingly. I was just in a hospital room... still living. I guess I'm going to have to wait for heaven for a different day.

I looked back over to my right where I sensed the most movement. Sitting in a car, using the bed as a pillow, slept the overly attractive Luca.

I carefully stretched and went to sit up, which woke him up. He smiled, clearly happy to see I was still alive and helped me to sit up.

"The doctors were afraid you were going to die on me. I can't believe that you were stupid enough to go pass the gate." He stated.

"Please save the lecture for another time. I just woke up and you blabbering is giving me a headache." I massaged my temples.

"Oh yea, when I got honest night, I noticed this envelop sent addressed to you." He said, handing me a black envelop.

I accepted the envelope and looked at it. "Oh- wait!" I looked up at him from the envelope. "I only slept for one day?" I questioned, confused.

He shrugged, "I know, strange. The doctor said that they could see anything inside of you to properly determine when you will wake up, it was like something was blocking it. You really got to be careful and never step into the woods again." He warned and looked at the envelope, "now open that." He demanded, gesturing to the envelop.

I rolled my eyes, "demanding much." I commented before carefully opening up the envelop and staring out an professional looking letter.

"Dear Miss Elle Smith and your future husband...

It will be an honor to meet you both in person. I would love to give both of you my blessings for your marriage.

I also need to speak with Miss Smith and your future husband privately for personal matters. I will expect you both to be here. The picture in the locket will give a hint to what will be discussed.

I will send one of my drivers to pick both of you up at Elle's old orphanage in London, England. There he will take you to my humble home. He will be there right at noon in two days.

If I find out that one or both of you does not show up, I will personally hunt you down and you both will regret your poor decision.

Signed by

~King Colten Edwards"

I read out loud and looked up at Luca with confused eyes.

"What should we do?" I said, then I noticed a locket fell out of the envelope.

I opened the locket and two pictures shown. In one of them, there was a young girl who seemed to look a lot like me...