
You May Steal from Me Only

"Is that what you are told to do? Sleep with you clients, and then steal their stuff?" "I-it's not what it looks like." "But it is. What is your name?" "Theif." I responded. "You birth name." "Private information." +×+×+×+× She, a orphan who works at a club, giving lap dances and sleeping with clients. She lost her memory when she lost her parents. Moved from London to Canada to attend school. Steals so she could survive this harsh world that she did not want to be thrown into. Elle Smith. He, a spoiled brat that got given and not having to lift a single finger to inheriting his father's multibillion company, but with it, also inheriting his father's crown of the underworld. Moved from Italy to Canada for business, but coming out with much more then he asked for. Luca Russo.

Miss_Pokerface · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Five

Luca's POV

When Elle started to fall, the first thing that I could think of was to catch her. I had to save her.

I don't know what this feeling inside of me is... it's strange, and it happened ever since I first met her. She become my everything, even without knowing anything about her. Elle... Elle was just so captivating. Her every movement, her every word.

When I caught her, I turned her to face me. We stared in each other's eyes for what felt like a beautiful eternity. She was the perfect masterpiece. Unfortunately, before I got to enjoy more of this moment I noticed her cheeks turning pink and she pushed me away before turning around.

"Well... that was a bit embarrassing. I will go and grab a bigger winter coat, then we can go."

I hummed and watched her walk into the closet. Not going to lie, but she is not as sick as I thought she would be, after being in the cold rain in winter. She did seem a little bit pale, and her voice was raspy, but surprisingly she can get out of bed and move around just fine.

When she came out, I lead her outside to the limo waiting for us. I opened the door and let her in first before getting in myself. I leaned back in my seat, and a servant quickly ran towards us. He bowed before handing a styrofoam container.

"The food you ordered for madame." I nodded and handed it to her, and the servant went towards the.

When she opened the container, a smile formed on her face. I noticed she closed her eyes to take in the scent before she started to dig in.

"Mmm, this in lovely. I will expect this every morning. But next time, we both will enjoy it together at the table. After all, if we are going to be a family, we should act like one."

"You and the future kids can." I responded and closed my eyes, "I normally have a cup of coffee. Breakfast isn't in my schedule." I shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Are you kidding me! Breakfast is like the most important meal of the day. It's an order that you enjoy a morning meal before work everyday."

I opened an eye to look at her cute face and chuckled with a smirk. "What makes you think that you can order someone like me around? And I thought you were completely against this whole marriage deal?" I questioned.

"Well, I had some thinking. You clearly Kidnapped me cause you can't stand being away from me. If I had to guess, you will probably get bored of me soon after I give birth, divorce and take custody of the child. Whenever that happens, I would like to make sure that I enjoy every single moment of being filthy rich, and seeing a handsome man beside me."

"What kind of man do you take me as?" I questioned.

"Sir, we are here." The driver said and I sighed. I opened the door and got out before letting her out.

"We will talk about this later." I warned and led her into my company build. It was just a Canadian branch of it. The main one is in my place of birth. I know that everyone will be looking at me. I am that one person that you would never expect to be engaged.

At this point, everyone who reads the news knows that I am now engaged. Of course, I kept Rlle's name out. I didn't want her to be part of the press unless she wanted to. So no one knows who my fiancee is. Well, no one except for me and my two best friends.

She keeps saying a whole lot of demands as I lead her through the building. If I'm being honest, for someone who is practically being kidnapped, she is saying whole lot of demands. But I did not mind. I will be more then willing to grant her, her every wish.... well maybe except one. The one that I will not be able to grant is her wanting to eat breakfast with me.

I am a business man. I don't have time to waste on eating. Not just that, but I normally need to be up early to get to my office, today was an exception. Whenever I eat that early, my stomach gets really upset and I feel like shit the whole entire day. It just doesn't do well.

When we finally got to my office and she sat in the seat in front of me. For a few moments, we just stared at each other in silence before I finally spoke up.

"Unlike most marriages like this, there will be no contract. The only thing that will officially bind us together is the child and the marriage certificate. Well will be going to sign the certificate tomorrow so we will be officially married, and have the wedding at the end of the week so we can say that the child is not a bastard since you will still be early in your pregnancy.

"Dome point through out the week, you will meet my mother officially, and receive the blessings of my grandparents. Unfortunately I will not be able to see you parents so they could give me their blessings. We can only hope that they are giving me their blessings in heaven. Also, we will need to go on a few dates during the week, and come up with a believable story so that my mother doesn't end up hearing that I got you pregnant out of wedlock. And then After the wedding ceremony, we will need to keep up appearances." I explained to Ella.

"And then a few years after the child has been born we divorce, you will most likely have custody of the child since you are rich, and I go on my average life." she added. When she said divorce, I noticed her eyes squint as if saying the words hurt her.

I sighed and shook my head, "This is not a place to take about that Ella. We can talk about that stuff when the time comes. In my view, I don't see any of us divorcing anytime in the future." I concluded.

Changing the topic, I pulled out a few papers from my drawer. "You are now officially fired from the club you use to work at. I don't appreciate you stealing from anyone that isn't me. You will now be working here, as my SPA."

I handed her the papers to read, "As company protocol, you will need to sign a one-year contract." I added and leaned back in my chair.

She started reading and asked, "What is a SPA and what do they do?"

"Well, a SPA stands for a Special Person Assistant. Your job is very similar to a regular PA, but with a few extra tasks that I would only ask my wife to do." I asked and watched as she nodded her head.

As she sat there reading, I looked down at my desk and started to work on the papers that were sitting there. There was still so much to do since I didn't do the work yesterday.

"Okay... seems simple enough... but I have to reject your offer. I really, really liked my previous job." she said with a straight face, placing the papers down. I looked up at her.

"If you do not want this job, then you will become a stay at home wife. I will ensure that no one hires you." I responded while fiddling with my pencil. I saw her sigh and she thought for a long moment.

"Fine. As handsome as you are, I would much rather die then be force to work with you. Anyways, this would give me much more time to spend with 'our' child." with that she stood up.

She turned to leave, but before she could make it to the doors, they burst open. My steaming mother walked in with a attractive female walking behind her. But not attractive as Elle.

My mother looked towards Elle, then back at me with suspicious eyes.

"Son, is that a slut? Why are you bringing in a slut while you are suppose to be work?" she questioned then after a moment, she became fuming again. "Is she the reason why you didn't dare come to visit me?" my mother accused.

I was about to speak but Elle stood in front of me, she seemed calm and collected. I wonder if she was really rangung on the inside.

"How dare you call me a slut Mrs. Russo?" Elle stated. "Well, I guess I am kinda of a slut.... but only his slut." She continued, looking back at me with a small, flirty smile. I swear, her eyes turned.... orange? Or maybe it was the lighting. But soon after, she looked back at my mother, "but I suppose every fiancee is suppose to be her's fiance's personal slut after all." Elle chuckled lightly while playing with the ring on her finger.

I noticed she took a peek at the female behind me and looked back at me with a tilted head, "are dogs allowed in this building?" She asked, I shook my head no and noti ed a smirk forming before turning around to look face-to-face with my mother, "Well, I am afraid that your mother has broken one of the company's rules then. She has quite a rare and exotic bitch her with her."

"Who do you think you are Miss?" My mother replied with anger.

"I don't think I am nobody. But I can tell you that I know that I am Elle Mary Smith. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you my parents since they died in a car crash when I was far to young."

"Well Miss Smith, I suggest you watch your back. After the way you treated me today, I can tell you for a fact that once I am though with you, you will never even dare think about taking a single glance at my son again." my mother warned and then she looked at me, "And you son, I do not give my blessing to your fiancee. She is clearly from a much lower class then we are. I an very disappointed in you son, and I can only hope that you will soon realize your mistake."

With that, my mother walked out of my office with the female walking behind her, following her like a lost puppy. It seemed as if she was whispering to my mother as they walked out.

"That was quite brave.... no one ever steps up to my mother like that." I commented. Elle turned around with the most unimpressed face ever before she picked up a random pen off my desk and signed the contract.

"I swear, I might just kill the next girl your mother brings here. I promise." Elle warned me, staring straight into my face with a serious expression.

My eyes widened at her statement but then I noticed that her eyes still looked orange. I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head, "Your eyes... they are-"

Before I finished my sentence, she cut me off. "You are seeing things. I start my job tomorrow, call your driver and have him pick me up at the front of the building." She said quickly before turning g around and speed walked to the door. As she walked out of the door.

She walked out, Nicole walked in. "Boss, I have the papers gags you wanted." she said, placing them on my desk. "Anything else?" she asked and I nodded.

"I think my fiancee is hiding something...I want you to dig as deep as you can, no matter how much help you need, and give me information on whatever she is hiding. I want it as soon as possible." With that, Nicole nodded and walked out of the door.

It was late now, almost eleven. I packed up my things before I received a call. I picked it up and lost ed to the other person.

"Sir, you need to come home now! Its about madame."