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This is a wild story of a young teenager whose passions are music art and science. Shen is torn between his academic intruige for science and his strong love for art ; however the one thing both him and his parents can agree on is whole hearted commitment to piano. His life's a bit of a mess, he's fallen for one of his closest friends and his best friend's a trickster, his dad's hardly ever at home and when he is Shen can never do anything right.

lily_Greenwood · Fantasy
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5 Chs

What to do?

"Uagh" wow what day is it, oh that's it i had my competition yesterday and i was really tired after an- and i asked Evie out! Wait no i think that was a dream cuss she said yes. Wait, what if it wasn't, then i have to decide where to take on a date, damn. Okay, okay, first i'll ask Fin he should know.. God, whys he taking so long to pick up its 10 o'clock already, he should be aw- " Hi sooo... where are you taking her, she deserves somewhere special like that fancy cafe on the high street  or, i hear that girls like going to the cinema, you should get her some chocolate, like Lidt she likes that stuff, doesn't she?" "Whoa, umm i think so but wait what did you say about the cinema" completely stunned by the rushing torrent of information being thrown at me, i try and make sense of the situation; so i need to get her chocolate and take her to the cinema or a nice cafe, that sounds simple enough right? "Um, okay so what kind of films do you think that she'll like, romance or will that be too soppy, maybe action?" god I'm lost, what do I do? "Girls like watching scary films so that their boyfriends can hold them and make sure they're alright. So maybe watch that new romance horror 'Forbidden Horror'." Surprised I replied " Sorry i forgot you were still there, thanks that sounds great and should i get her the chocolate as well?" I mean it's a good idea right! "Yea definitely, she'll love it, now go ask her when she's free, okay!" " Okay, bye then and thanks for the help, i honestly don't know what i'd do without you!" i hang up and make my way down stairs, i can remember the sweet sound of her voice as she said "yess," my heart was pumping out of my chest i was so nervous but i'm glad i did it. Now what type of chocolate should i get, maybe salted caramel; thats nice and sweet yet kinda savoury, or how about honeycomb; you can't beat honeycomb, and these white chocolate and raspberry, which is sweet but also sour, i just love them all! Agh, ill just get all of them. " Hi sweety, what do you want for breakfast, how about this new healthy granola?" Yummm! "That sounds good, thanks mum and can i go out after piano practise, i just need to get something from the shops?" Yess, that's right, i can go get the chocolate later. "Sure hunny, it is sunday so i don't see why not!" please say yes dad, please say yes… " Well okay, but don't rush your homework to make time, you need to get good grades." God why does he always need to do that, i know i need good grades, you dont need to tell me that, i do have a brain! Wow, my thoughts have an attitude.