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This is a wild story of a young teenager whose passions are music art and science. Shen is torn between his academic intruige for science and his strong love for art ; however the one thing both him and his parents can agree on is whole hearted commitment to piano. His life's a bit of a mess, he's fallen for one of his closest friends and his best friend's a trickster, his dad's hardly ever at home and when he is Shen can never do anything right.

lily_Greenwood · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Excited much!

It's about 7 and the comp has just finished, I've been sitting watching the other students' performances from the TV in the waiting room since mine. It was a nice surprise to see my biggest competition ( since i was young! ) here though i would rather not have; he is one of China's best young pianists because of his insane ability to play sheet music he has never read before in an outstanding way. I really hope Eve didn't like his performance as much as the judges seemed to because aside from is great skills he's also very good looking. Now i  just have to wait for the results so i go look for my mum, and dad said he could get there just before my part so i hope he did but i'll have to wait and see-" Shen you were amazing!" exclaims Evie, popping up from nowhere, Fin was right after with " you blew my mind bro," as he slid up next to her, "you know what that means" he adds hinting at our bet, before either of my parents could get a word in " thanks you guys i say" then i turn and look at my dad," hay did you make it in time?" i ask " of course, i wouldn't have missed it for the world, you were an incredible son, truly fantastic, though i might add your left hand was slightly slow on the last bit!!!" He said the first bit compassionately but i don't understand the last bit because my left hand was right on time? My mum looks like she's about to burst as she disrupts my thoughts with  " it was so lovely I wish I could play like you, it's a talent to be able to entrap so many people's attention at once." "You are a prodigy" Evie says gently and she has a warm look in her eyes, "now let's go look at the score!" it then sparks into a confident fire, glowing and excited.

Well I got a 9 and three tens and came a close 2nd, so im happy now i just have to ask out Evie, fingers crossed she'll say yesss.