
You Broke Me First (completed)

Betrayed by his Alpha boyfriend, Ricky an Omega, also died by an accident caused by his boyfriend. When he really thought he died, he suddenly opened his eyes to find himself in the future time with a new body owned by Daveryl Ortega, a senior high student who haven't differentiated yet so his parents think he's a Beta. And not only that, the boyfriend who betrayed him in his previous life, is the father of Jobel Lopez, the alpha who was the reason why his parents in his new life died. Revenge is now in his hands, especially that his new guardian, the boss of his late parents, Jamie Razon, is the number one richest man in the country. And a dominant Alpha. The only problem is that, when Jaime is in his rut, he accidentally marked someone that he doesn't remember who. Until Ziana Lopez said, she was the one who he marked, and he have to take responsibility by protecting her from her family's enemy. Daveryl ally became his enemy, and his real enemy wants to be his ally. Is just that, there's no secrets that never been discovered. Especially when Daveryl suddenly changed his secondary gender.

Fire_QUEEN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs


The chairman of Lopez Commercial Company was stunned while remembering what happened last night at their home.

Yesterday, when he heard what his son Jobel said about the foods that Daveryl likes to eat, he felt really nervous. All the foods his Son mentioned were his ex-boyfriend's favorite foods. That's why he almost hit the cars blocking his car, just to get home early last night

When the head chefs called him that the guest was already at his house, he had an idea to find out if his suspicions were right. He ordered her to give Daveryl some cucumber juice. And that's right, he couldn't stop himself from releasing pheromones after hearing what Daveryl said while drinking the juice.

" "Thanks, how'd you know that I like this juice? Did Jobel tells you?" That's what Daveryl said.

He clenched his fist to stop the urge to approach and ask the man if his suspicions were correct or if he was really delusional. His heart was beating very fast at that moment. What if Ricky is indeed Daveryl? And what if, he is here now because he wants to take revenge for what he did to him?

28 years ago..

"Father, I love Cedric, so please, accept him as my boyfriend. I will do whatever you want as long as you accepted him." He heard Ricky talking to his Father, Richard Sebastian.

He is currently inside the Sebastians' house because his boyfriend invited him to have dinner in there. Cedric is a son of Sebastian's butler. Honestly they're really poor. But because Ricky secretly helped him, he was able to enter the school of the rich.

"He's a son of our butler! There are some rich Alphas who wants to be your partner, Ricky. Why do you have to choose someone like him?!" Mr. Sebastian increase the volume of his voice.

"But he's the one who I like, Father. And he will never be poor for long, I'll help him finished his study. And once he finished, I know he will be great in business." Ricky keeps insisting.

His father let out a frustrated sigh then look at him.

"You're already 25 years old, yet you still act like a stubborn teenager." His father told his son who is now smiling at him.

Cedric realized that time, rich people hates poor, and he is now hating that fact. So he decided, he will do everything to make Sebastian's money become his. And he will make sure to make the old man look like he has no power if he doesn't have money. He will make the Sebastians feel how to be poor. He clenched his fists tightly at that thought before turning around and leaving the library where the Sebastian father and son were talking.

"Cedric, I'm sorry, did I make you wait for too long? I talked to my father about you, and guess what?! He finally agreed!" Ricky embraced him while happily smiling.

"He does? Really? So, I can now come here to visit you, anytime I want?" He faked his joy and embraced him back.

"Yes! You can.. I love you, Cedric. I'm so happy and lucky to have you." Ricky said.

He feels disgusted for the first time. He now certain, he doesn't love Ricky for real. He only feels sorry for him because he keeps helping him. When his mother got sick, Ricky was the one who helped them. Ricky loves him, so he'll use that love to ruin the Sebastian.

"I love you too, Ricky." He answered.

Times passed and Richard Sebastian suddenly feel sick and bedridden. Cedric feels like he won with his first battle.

He secretly had a relationship with another Omega, and she's a girl. Ricky knew nothing of what was happening, because as an Alpha, he never lacked time for the man. Until that night of their monthsary as couple.

"Wait, what if the maids sees us?" Ricky tried to stop him from kissing him.

"No, they'll not. Don't you miss me?" He asked him with sadness in his eyes.

"Of course I miss you. I love you, Cedric, but this location is a bit.." He didn't let him finished his sentence and kiss him on the lips.

Cedric smirked when Ricky offered his body to him more. He just stopped to gave him alcohol. They continue to celebrate, and when he noticed that Ricky is already drunk, he takes out the papers that he prepared for tonight.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I bought a resthouse for us. It's my gift for you." He said.

"Resthouse? Why do you have to bought for us? I have many of them, hmmm.." Ricky once again stopped from talking when he suddenly suck his tits.

"I said, it's my gift for you. Sign the papers that indicating that you are the owner of that. Don't makes me feel down, Honey, Even I'm poor, I still want to give you some gifts." Cedric used his sad tone.

Enough for Ricky to give up. He chuckled and kiss the man he loves and let him enter him. He signed the papers while he was being fuck by his boyfriend. After signing, he look at Cedric and they continue what they just started.

The next morning, Cedric left early and headed to his attorney's location. He secretly hired her to work for him. Then he called his girlfriend and invited her to a park. He is going to propose to her. That night, where everyone is watching them, he proposed to the Omega he thought he loves.

And when Ricky suddenly showed up, he was honestly surprised. But when the memories of his father's words came back to his mind his anger also burst out. He used his pheromones to attack Ricky. When he left him crying on the ground, he admits, he felt pain in his heart. He look at him again and waved his hands, but to his surprised, the car suddenly appeared and it crashed Ricky in the spot.

"Oh my God!!" He heard his fiance shouted.

But with the shock of what he saw, Cedric seemed to be enveloped by heaven and earth in those moments. He couldn't move as if he was nailed to the spot. His whole body trembled as his throat went dry. Besides, it's like a movie when everything comes back to his memories, how Ricky protected him, how he helped and loved him. How Ricky chose him to be his boyfriend. The memories of how Ricky gifted him everytime he celebrates birthday. All of it.

"Ricky... Ricky.." He uttered his name but the boy is already drenched with his own blood.

He runs towards him when he finally recovered from shock. His world seemed to stop spinning when he saw how the car almost crushed his Omega's body. Cedric knelt on the ground and gently held Ricky's hand.

"Ricky.. Ricky, open your eyes.. Ricky!" He couldn't help himself from shouting that time, as if he becomes crazy. "A-ambulance, call the ambulance!" He once again shouted.

He wanted to kill himself because he realized the big mistake he had made. He didn't think that despite the good Ricky did to him, he still managed to hurt him. He feels that he is the one who killed his Omega. The man died crying because of him.

When the old Sebastian who just woke up, heard the news, he also died out of heart attack.

Several years have passed but Cedric still lives in that bitter memory. And every day he thought about Ricky, he almost wanted to kill himself. He may not be the one who killed him, but he is the reason why he died.

"Master, your son Jobel called." The voice of his secretary interrupted his thoughts.


"He said, Mr. Ortega is now avoiding him because of what his sister did to him. He even said that, Mr. Ortega's face is now swollen."

Cedric flinches. Ricky is dead, but someone is living with the same likes and actions as his. So, he will going to tell a promise.

"Call Ziana to come in my office right now." He said coldly.

His promise is, he will do everything to protect that person who seemed like Ricky. To at least he can escape from the pain of the past that is torturing him everynight.

"Yes Master."

Cedric glanced at the small picture frame on top of his desk. Inside was the picture of the man who gave him everything. The only picture of him and Ricky together.

"Hi Honey, sooner or later, I'll introduce to someone, someone who exactly like you. And guess what, our son likes him." Cedric talked to the picture before looking at the door where someone is knocking.

"Come in." He said.

Upon opening the door, his daughter Ziana was almost suffocated by the thick pheromones he released. He ordered the secretary to close the door before he began disciplining his blasphemous daughter.

"F-Father... W-what did I do wrong this time?!" Ziana asked while struggling.

"You tell me yourself, what did you do to pissed me off?" He asked with dark expression on his face.