
You Broke Me First (completed)

Betrayed by his Alpha boyfriend, Ricky an Omega, also died by an accident caused by his boyfriend. When he really thought he died, he suddenly opened his eyes to find himself in the future time with a new body owned by Daveryl Ortega, a senior high student who haven't differentiated yet so his parents think he's a Beta. And not only that, the boyfriend who betrayed him in his previous life, is the father of Jobel Lopez, the alpha who was the reason why his parents in his new life died. Revenge is now in his hands, especially that his new guardian, the boss of his late parents, Jamie Razon, is the number one richest man in the country. And a dominant Alpha. The only problem is that, when Jaime is in his rut, he accidentally marked someone that he doesn't remember who. Until Ziana Lopez said, she was the one who he marked, and he have to take responsibility by protecting her from her family's enemy. Daveryl ally became his enemy, and his real enemy wants to be his ally. Is just that, there's no secrets that never been discovered. Especially when Daveryl suddenly changed his secondary gender.

Fire_QUEEN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs


"I.. I did that because I thought Jobel likes him. And besides, isn't he also likes Jobel?" Ziana answered her father.

"But it's not good to asked your younger brother to marked someone, Ziana!"

"Why not?! He's an omega anyway." Ziana said before looking at Daveryl. "Do you think I didn't know that you just had your differentiation?" She said while evily grinning.

Ah, so she wants to tell her father that he hides that fact to him. What a great move, but..

"Ha?! But I thought, Jobel already told your father about it." Daveryl innocently answered.

"What?!" Stunned, Ziana lost her words after that.

He heard Cedric let out a deep breath. The man also grabbed his glabella.

"Even if Jobel didn't tell me yet, it is still concerned the fact that you asked your younger brother to mark someone, just because you're jealous of him. Ziana, you're already 27 years old, for Christ's sake. But you still act like a child?" Cedric controlled his voice this time.

But Daveryl haven't had enough. He wants to watch more.

"But, how did you know that I had my differentiation, sister Ziana? As far as I remember, I asked Jobel and my doctor to hides it from anyone." Daveryl asked, and glance at Jobel with disappointment in his eyes. "Did you tell her?" He asked him.

"No! I didn't! I swear! I'm sorry Daveryl, I also have no idea how did she know that. Actually, when I got back home after sending you to the hospital, my sister came to me and.."

"Jobel!" Ziana shouted to her younger brother to hopefully stopped him.

Unfortunately, the situation already picked Cedric's whole attention. He frowned as he glance to Jobel.

"And what?" He asked.

"Yes father, I was surprised that sister Ziana knew what is happening to Daveryl, she told me that, Daveryl will soon be having his differentiation. So, I should marked him as mine. But of course, I never thought of marking you yet Daveryl!" Jobel immediately explained to him after to his father.

Daveryl was speechless. Well, its not surprising, because Ziana saw him with Jaime. Its just that, he feels excited for knowing that, his rival is actually planning to bring him down, while Jaime is asking him not to touch her. Now, what should he do this time?

"I-I have no idea why are you so mad at me, Ziana. But what would be the reason, I'll apologize for making you..."

"Stop! Why are apologizing to someone who was actually the one who wants to harm you?!" Cedric is enraged.

Ahh.. I love it! Daveryl shouted to his brain.

"Huh! Are you sure, you don't know?!" Ziana walks towards him this time.

Of course he does know! But the question is, will Ziana uncovered the truth? Especially this time that his father and brother is on his side? For sure, Cedric will fucking punished her once he knows what his daughter just did.

He shooks his head before speaking. "Why are you angry with me, Ziana?" He even used his innocent look.

The woman flinches, her eyes widened as she gritted her teeth. A heavy slapped landed on Daveryl's cheek. If the woman thought that he doesn't like that slap, well, she fucking wrong. Because, because of what she did, Daveryl took another step of revenge.

"Daveryl!" It's Jobel.

"Ziana!" And it's Cedric voice.

Just after he heard that, another slap sound echoes in the living room. When he raised his head, he saw Ziana sitting on the floor with disbelief expression. Cedric is looking at her like she's a criminal, while Jobel is hugging him like he's fragile. What a sight! Daveryl shouted in his mind one more time.

"W-why did.." Ziana tried to asked her father why did he slap her.

"I never taught you to be this disrespectful, you attacked someone in front of me, and you still have the guts to asked why?!" Cedric loud voice almost deafened him.

Now that he has put a tear in the relationship of the Lopez family, maybe he will stop tonight. It's enough, he will go home first, and think about the next step of how will he ruin this family. Oh! Maybe he'll left a refreshment before leaving.

He fake his trembling and wiped his invisible tears. "I-I think I should go now. I'm sorry for making trouble for my first visit, Mr. Lopez." He said with trembling voice.

He withdrew himself from Jobel and picked up his school bag. He didn't talk with Jobel. While Cedric also turned to look at him.

"Daveryl.." The father and son spoke at the same time.

He didn't answer and just bow his head and slowly walks towards the door. But he landed an evil glare to Ziana who still on the floor. After giving her his deadly stare, he bow his head to her and let out a smirk.

"I'm sorry Ziana, I didn't meant to make trouble. I just visited here because I just wanted to know Jobel's family. I really don't know why are you mad at me, but I hope, you're forgiven me." He loudly said. Enough to reach the hearing of the two boys who is now emitting their pheromones.

"But don't worry, I will asked you for the repayment to what you just did to me, sooner or later." Daveryl whispered to Ziana who suddenly feels scared, while grinning.

He then stands straight and left. His pick-up, George, arrived just in time.

He got inside the car and simply caressed his cheek. He released a dark aura as he darkly turned to the Lopez house. He promised to himself..

"I'm just getting started, prepare yourself for my incoming strike Lopez. I will not disappoint you, I promise." He mumbled.

He rested his head on the backrest. Then close his eyes and recollect what happened. He knew, Ziana would come back to him. He needs to rush, before it's too late. He must hasten his revenge.

Arriving at his house, he immediately entered his room and took a shower. He was already thinking about what to do tomorrow morning. And that is..

"Daveryl! Please, stop avoiding me!" Jobel is currently following him early in the morning.

This is his plan. He plans to avoid Jobel. He pretended to be too affected by what happened last night. He also caressed the cheek several times that he repeatedly slapped last night before going to bed, only to have it swell and red the next morning.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for what my sister did to you." Jobel speak again.

He stopped walking and make his expression sad. He then look at the young man. Be saw him gritted his teeth when he closely see his swollen face. Jobel rushed towards him and cupped his face.

"Oh my God! She slapped you that hard?!" Jobel exclaimed.

He didn't answer and just averted his gaze. "Let me go, I don't want to be slapped by your sister again. And please, don't follow me anymore." He said sadly.

To his surprise, Jobel suddenly pulled him into his embrace. He then shakes his head in disapproval.

"No.. Please don't pushed me away. I'll do anything for you. I'll make her pay for what she did to you."

"You don't have to. She'll never go after me if I avoid you, anyway. That is why I also left Jaime's house. I don't want trouble." Daveryl said that, although he is fucking grinning.

Jobel's embrace tightened. He is obviously doesn't want to let him go. Did he fall for him hard?! Oh dear, it's a good sign!

"You don't have to. I'm fine, don't worry. Just maybe you should, distance yourself from me from now on." Daveryl said while withdrawing himself from the young man.

He also removed Jobel's arms from his body. Then he turned his back and left the young man in tears. He saw the fury in his eyes. Daveryl knew it wasn't for him. Its for Ziana. So he just smile and continue to walk away.

At lunch time, with the same day. LOPEZ COMPANY.

"What are you doing in the President's office, young master?" The secretary of Ziana confronted Jobel who just arrived.

Unfortunately, his sister is not in her office.

"It's none of your business. Just continue your work and don't mind me." He answered the secretary coldly.

Everyone in the Lopez company knows that after he graduated, he will automatically replace his sister as President of the company. But since his sister touches what he is protecting, he can at least touch what she's protecting right?

"But sir, this is.."

"It'll only be 3 months before I graduated. It means, I will soon be your president. If you don't shut your mouth, I swear, you'll be thrown away once I got this company." He threatened the poor secretary.

"I'm sorry, please do whatever you wanted to do sir. I won't tell the young Miss." The scared look like rabbit secretary said.

Jobel nodded his head and continue to enter the office. And after ruining some files, he left with a smile on his face.

"If you never touched what's mine, I won't touched what is yours." He said with a grin.