
Study Group

I get a text from Kate saying that the study group meet is today. I hurry and curl my hair and get changed. I'm out the door in an hour.

"You're finally here!", Eve says when I enter.

"Yeah.", I say, catching my breath.

They're sitting at a booth with their notebooks out. I sit next to XuFeng who is deeply focused in his book.

I clear my throat.

"Oh. Hi.", he says, giving me a smile.

"Hi.", I say, smiling back.

We stay for a few hours. In the corner of my eye, I see that XuFeng fell asleep. I laugh to myself silently. Kate picks up all her things and takes a few pictures of XuFeng before saying," I gotta go. My parents are waiting for me."

"Same.", Eve says.

I pack up my things as well. I get up and walk to the door. I stop and turn around to look at the still sleeping XuFeng. I sigh and walk back to him.

"I'll wait until he's awake before I leave.", I whisper to myself.

After half an hour, XuFeng finally wakes up.

"You fell asleep so I didn't want to just leave you here.", I quickly explain.

"You could've just woken me up...", he says, obviously embarrassed.

"But you looked so peaceful.", I said.

"Shut up.", he smiles and looks away.

"Haha. We should probably go home.", I say, checking the time.

"I'll walk you. It's not safe for you to walk alone this late.", he says.

"Ummm...sure. Thanks.", I say, mildly blushing.

We walk silently to my house.

"Thanks for walking me home. Don't sleep too late .", I say.

He simply smiles and walks away and says "Goodnight".