
Yoriichi Tsugikuni In Bleach

Yoriichi after his passing, meets Yamamoto who takes him to the soul society who meets many future legends like Kenpachi, Shunsui, Gin and even Aizen. Will he be able to compete with such level fighters or will he die to Aizen's plan? If this is your art and you do not wish for it to be used, drop a comment and I will change it within an hour. I usually reply quickly to comments!

ZetzuSensei · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter.8 Ichigo's End of the Begining

Let me start off by saying, gawd dayum I needed that rest. 2 days of rest coming in clutch but back to the topic. We almost have more favorites than on my MHA ff which not only has more words, but also more views! Currently we are at 556 for this and 569 for my MHA fanfic. So, i'd like to say thank every single one of you 556 giga chads and the 155.87k chads for reading my fanfic. I honestly just wrote this on a whim and dindn't expect much out of this unlike my MHA fanfic. That one has better plot to it in my opinion as I actually planned what will happen out, just have to add in filler episodes. Oh? This fanfic isn't safe from fillers either! But anyway I love you guys and thank you all!

3rd POV

"Hey where do you think you're going with Rukia!" Ichigo yells as he runs toward the first person he sees. Plot just happened to be on his side as Renji is the one he chooses. Renji looks back before smirking, totally disregarding his yell before drawing his sword. "Ichigo no!" Rukia yells out trying to stop the mad uh, blond? Ginger? Whatever he is.

Ichigo jumps up and slams down onto Renji who blocks it, although with some difficulty. He pushes Ichigo away before taking a proper stance. "Your kind of strong. Too bad for you though. I'm the Lieutenant of the 6th division. The one behind me is my captain. If you ever want to see Rukia again you might have to fight both of us." He says with a hint of mockery. Ichigo smirks, thinking this would be an easy fight. But who would've known. Fighting a guy who takes L's even in filler arcs would be somewhat challenging. As the gets to its peak, renji decides to use his shikai. "Roar, zabimaru" He yells out with a prideful expression on his face, looking down on Ichigo.

He swings his blade out to hit Ichigo, who blocks. But much to his surprise the blade extends and cuts him on his shoulder. Renji grins wickedly as he slowly pulls the blade out as each tooth of the blade makes more damage. Renji decides its a good time to explain his powers as soon after Ichigo kneels down.

"The zanpakuto changes its size and shape depending on its wielder reiatsu." He says as he prepares to finish Ichigo off. Seeing this, Rukia runs and lunges at Renji, holding his arm back from attacking. Seconds later Ichigo gets up, without an injury. He stands there without moving before his reiatsu bursts out, surprising Renji. Ichigo disappears before re-appearing behind renji, delivering a slash that leaves a small wound on his face while pushing him back. "I don't understand this but it feels good! I don't even feel pain from the wound!" He says with a crazed smile on his face

Uryuu however, is currently on the ground in a pool of blood. His blood to be exact. You see he made the mistake of trying to fight Captain Byakuya, as seen with his current state. He coughs up more blood before Byakuya delivers what he thinks is the final blow.

Back to the Ichigo vs Renji fight, Ichigo leaps in the air to slash down at Renji after dodging Renji's desperate swing. Renji jumps away to avoid the attack as Ichigo continues the onslaught as his reiatsu continues to rise. As Ichigo goes in for his final attack, his blade is broken.

He looks down at the broken blade in shock before looking arround at who could do it before his eyes land on Uryuu first then Captain Byakuya, only to see him holding his blade calmly. Byakuya then disappears only to appear behind Ichigo as he starts falling, with blood gushing out of a wound on his chest. Ichigo remarks that he didn't know if he hit him from the front or behind (A/N: PAUSEEEEEEEEEEEEEE)

"Your slow" Byakuya remarks as Ichigo falls to the floor, still in shock. Rukia runs toward Ichigo screaming his name but Renji interrupts her, grabbing her neck and keeping her away from him. "Let go renji, Ichigo is…" she starts before Renji cuts her off as he explains to her what she is only doing is extending and multiplying her crimes to the soul society.

Ichigo then grabs the leg of Byakuya shuhaksho in desperation before Rukia kicks his hand away. "Your just a human…How dare you grab my brother like that?!" She said. But something was off. She was supposed to sound angry, instead she only sounded sad. Rukia then turns to her brother and Renji and leaves with Renji creating the Senkaimon to leave. They walk through the senkaimon leaving Uryuu and Ichigo out to die.

Luckily for the 2, they have an unexpected helper arriving…

Yoruichi POV

As i'm sitting`12 at the entrance of the senkaimon, I wait for a couple of minutes. It shouldn't take that long to fight those 2, even with the restraints. Meaning they are either stronger than I anticipated or they are playing with them. 'Sigh, why would they play with life with such carefreeness? Life deserves to be cherished and- oh they are here.' I look up and look up at the 3. Renji has blood on his face with a scar while Rukia looks a bit cut and scruffed up. Byakuya-san looks perfect as usual but I take a second glance at Renji. "Renji-san, how did you get that injury?" I ask with a light smile.

He looks at me before making an embarrassed face before explaining "Well that kid gave it to me after his reiatsu just suddenly started rising. If it wasn't for captain here I-" He stops there as give him a knowing smile. Usually he wouldn't admit this if his life was on the line, but this is a special case. Well I am the special case.

We start to walk away from the senkaimon talking about how things went. Turns out that human was strong for not even using his shikai. But then again, renji was being restraint so that doesnt mean much in actuality. We finally made it where we will have to separate and I wave them goodbye. Renji waves back but Byakuya doesn't. I dont know what I was expecting from him to be honest.

I continue towards my division and immediately get greeted by Yachiru. "Yori-chin! Do you have any snacks for me?" She ask gleefully. I bend down and pat her head before nodding. "Of course we do. I have a collection of snacks just for you" I say as I poke her forehead which excites her even more. "Come one Yori-chin lets go!" she yells while basically vibrating in excitement.

We walk into the division and I go into my room before asking Yachiru to stay outside. I go into my closed and release a Bakudo I specifically made to keep Yachiru out. Though I bet she can still find a way in…

After releasing the bakudo I walk down a large tunnel that goes down. I use Hado #31 Shakkahō to create a light. Walking down the tunnel you immediately get hit with the smell of chocolate. I release the final Bakudo that is the last ditch effort if she somehow got in and there is several trays of sweets that I have collected from the human world. Personally I enjoy their cakes. There are so many flavors to try it in its amazing. So far my favorite is between strawberry cheesecakes and lemon pound cake. And Yachiru likes chocolates and generally anything sweet. I pick up a slice of chocolate cake, a slice of lemon cheesecake and a hand full of candy and put it in a bowl and head back up, not forgetting to seal everything up.

I then exit the room to see Yachiru jumping up and down from excitement. And once she sees me she jumps onto my shoulder to see what I have brought. In my left hand is the chocolate cake. In the other there is the lemon flavor cheesecake. And finally im holding the bowl of candy on top of my head. I smile at this and head towards the sitting area.

Here is a couch which I have also taken from the human world with a coffee table and some drinks. I place everything down on the table and let Yachiru down. "Yachiru, don't eat it too fast. Ill go prepare some of your favorite tea." I say as I walk off. She does like sweet tea, well she eats or drinks anything thats sweet that doesn't look 'weird'. I personally witnessed this when I gave her a christmas exclusive chocolate of santa.

Finishing brewing the tea, I grab a few Ice cubes and put them in a glass before pouring the glass. I stir it a bit to make sure it cools down a bit. But when I walk back to the table, everything is gone except the half eaten chocolate bar in Yachiru's hand. I stare in astonishment as it would usually take me atleast 10 minutes to finish this alone. As the bowl was the size of a halloween bowl. I sigh as I give Yachiru her drink which she yells out a muffled "Thank you" as he mouth is full of chocolate as to which I smile at her.

I then leave to finish off some paperwork that i've been meaning to do. Turns out it wasn't that much. It was mostly about the amount of hollows we purified this year, which was a year high. This was all due to me assigning my Lieutenant to go "let off some steam" half a month ago. I didn't expect him to purify so many hollows though…

Putting down my pencil, I go out to hang out with one of my best friends. Turns out she usually busy around here so its easier to hang around her. I walk out and meet the sight of Yachiru running out of the division which I wave her off.

I then head out myself and meet up with soi-fon who was at her division which is closer than it should be… I knock on the division door before being granted access. Being a captain does has its perks. I walk out to the training field to see soi-fon still working on that kido she has been trying. "Soi-foi san. How has your training been going?" I ask as she finishes her kick to a nearby rock which shatters on impact.

As the dust settles you can see Soi-fon in her unique and rather revealing shihakusho with black arm bands that reach to her biceps with long black socks and black shoes with a white top to them. Though there is a bit of dust and burn marks on them. She turns around with a smile on her face as she proudly proclaims, "Excellent. I've been able to use shunko for longer periods now!" She says. Usually this would take forever but with my knowledge of kido I was able to help her understand what she needs to work on to achieve shunko. To be honest it amazes me Yoruichi-san was able to develop this on her own.

"Haha, is that so? How about you relax now. You have been training alot lately." I say with a smile on my face. It makes me feel glad that I was able to help my friend achieve this form.

(A/N: Ok so uh, Soi-Fon shunko IS NOT on par with yoruichi shunko. It is still weaker by a lot. She can just use it more than she could in cannon.)

"Maybe I should wash up before that…" she says as she looks at her clothes. It didn't bother me much to be honest. But then again I had to live with a Zaraki and a chaotic Yachiru… I nod at her as I sit down on the porch in front of the training field. While I wait, I think about that human. For some odd reason I cant get him off my mind.

There is something special about him, other than his unique zanpakuto shape. Anyway, Soi-fon san should be coming out soon…

End of chapter

Have you guys seen that new demon slayer episode! Nezuko off the perc!

And the one before that we got a preview of the goat Yoriichi and I already love his VA, he brings out the character even more. And that AOT episode gave us an unexpected jumpscare, she didnt have to look at armin like that lol.

But tommorow (techinically today) I am going to go and get an eye exam, hope they dont break my pockets. Then I can finnaly see! Ah, how much I miss my old glasses. I remember for the first time seeing an actually floor instead of a blury piece of wood. I know what your thinking, yes I am basically headbutting my computer. My vision just makes schook harder ngl. But enough rambling. I hope you enjoyed and stay safe!