
Yellowstone: The Return of the Lost Brother, a Yellowstone Fan Fiction

Follow the story of Rips younger Twin Brother as he takes the fall for the death of their stepfather.

Test_The_Water · TV
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13 Chs

Very rough Draft Version 2 of Chapter 1

This is the Draft not the actual story for those that want to read what u first wrote and the storys edit

This is the very rough draft

Chapter 1 DRAFT

Rip and I were born on an old pig farm in montanna we were born in 1975 to a loving mother and the father well hes was only around long enough to sign the birth certificate and other information then he was gone.

Sometime later mother remarried and it must have been okay at the start, however as rip and i gree we staryed to notice stepfather drink and he liked it.

It was 1992 (17) and we just had out birthday a few months ago however we didn't dare celebrate it we never did, tonight was good though mother made a small cupcake for us to share it was nice however there was just something unsettling tonight neither me and rip were asleep were just laying on the bed thats when we hear the front door open with a heavy thud and then it slammed open rip and I jump up with a star and come running out of our room when we get to the end of the hallway we hear our step-father he was pissed, he started yelling and cussing at our mother calling here every name in the book he started to throw things around while yelling racist shit, He then threw my mothers dream carcher she made for me and rip for our birthday into the fire as it smolded in the fire it was heart breaking mother would always try celebrating our birthdays even when we werent supposed to, thats when it started i could feel my rage build and that is when he hit my mother, it was as if someone chilled my body and ice was moving from my brain down my back and into my shoulders and wash over me i shiverd and i knew i was pissed.

I looked at rip and he was the same i asked if he remembered what we said we would do if it ever got this bad again rip noded and after a second he grabbed a pan and tried sneaking out it didn't work.


stepfather cought us celebrating our 13 birthday that was a day we will not forget anytime soon we got flogged then mother then it was our turn again it was terible the main thing i remember is how helpless I felt.

Latter that week rip and I set a plan that if things ever got that bad again we would run to find jhon at the duttons ranch, we knew him because he used to buy alot of pigs from us before stepfather tried ripping him we though he was a fool even we passed that test it didnt matter ee got flogged regardless

After that we only met him a few times but he was nicer than stepfather

So the me and rip decided that if it ever got that bad we would go there.

*Flashback end*

The last thing i remember was hearing

Stepfather "And where do you think you're running off to cunt?

I was then knocked out for how long i do not know

Rips Pov

Stepfather threw a wok at ealker and it hit him in the head and walker fell over.

Stepfather " I asked a question you little cunt where are you going it's raining are you going to go to the guy your whore of a mother's been sleeping with? Well are you gonna answer me boy wake up bastard he then kicked walker so i ran over and hit him in the head and he stood up and yelld he then turned and hit me then it all went black.

Switching Povs again


I was wakeing up and my head hurt while laying there i see rip is next to me but not moveing i try shaking him awake i could her mother and stepfather yelling in the other room i go over i can hear mother she is yelling and coughing saying she can't breath I run back to wake rip up, he was not getting up so I licked up the wok and go baxk to where stepfather was with mother it is quiet now besides his labourers breathing i then with all my might i bring the wok down onto his head and he lets out a started yell i then hit him again and then many times aftet I went to stand up and chexk on rip but I slipped in something and then as i was laying thir rip came in and saw me i smiled at him but he turnd and ran i thought he saw me and said good he was closer to the door he must be going to get jhon,

I then got up and heard stepfather groaning so I got on my knees and swung the wok down again and i heard a crack i then git back up and swund with everything i had down and his head smashes opened accompanied with a wet squelch something gave way and his head fully came open and things went everywhere.

I was laying there for a while and I don't know how long but i didnt want to be near stepfather and inknw mother didnt eather so i pulled mother to the other end of he room and layed in he arms and went to sleep it was day time now and police came in and asked hello we got a call that you weren't answering your phone, hello im going to come on and check on you okays if ypu can hear me, I heard him say the he wants to go investigate he stopped when he saw me laying with mother I was to tired to fight so I just reposition my self between him and mother I had bought the wok ove just incase stepfather got back up.

As I repostion i see him notice me im not sure if he beard the silent splat as as my foot connected with the blood squelching under me and my cloths.

The officer just now realising what has likely happened immediately calls for aid

I then watch as The officer then inspects the room from a distance realising that the kid isn't the only one that has blood on him every where dose

I watch as the officer moves away from me and to stepfather while keeping an eye on the me, I saw The father shake his head thats when it started to repplaybin my head that stepfather and inkilled him and mother was probably dead as well she hasent movend in so long i dont remember what happend next.

I just remember shaking for days I wouldn't talk or skeep and i barely ate anything

Because I wouldn't talk they said I was trouble and I was all to blame so it fell on him and he went to jail.

Rip went to Yellowstone Stone in 1992 after the incident,

John knew what happend to rip and the issues so he took Rip in and basically raised him well with me because they trialled and jailed me so fast john ,

couldn't help me in time but ended up getting the retrial which would send him into the Marines, John and I had a meeting and decided this was better than being in jail

When I went to court in 1992

Was to be sent to jail for manslaughter

After 4 years in jail, the case was reviewed in 1996 and was challenged and decided that it was not manslaughter but justified self-defence because his step-father went there to kill them and the stepfather killed his mum so after being assalted and then waking up and he attacked and defended his mother who had juat passed from the but because he signed that he would join the marines when he's 21 he joins with it 1996

The judge realising the injustice cut an under-the-table deal with the prosecutor to drop all charges on the condition that he enlist in the marines

While in jail I got used to the routine and was planning to work out for a year was fit and healthy before but now he had nothing to do but train.

After 6 months there was a fight in the yard which happened between a white gang and a native American gang it was a brawl he helped the native american gang after seeing one of them get singled out and jumped, this made him disdain the white gang, he never joined any gang during his time in prison but had the thanks of the native american gang after helping the younger prisoner.

After a while he for used to holding his own for another 6 months He had a meeting with John and they came up with the plan of continuing joining the marine when he was 21.

For the next 3 years in prison, he held his own and focused on getting fit and preparing for the army as best he could after talking with a few veterans and learning how to speak native american crow and Spanish.

After 4 years it was 1996 and I was being transported to the Marine Core Boot camp


Marine core


After 4 years in prison, he had a retrial the only peopme who showed up was the Yellowstone lawyers and Johnc he showed up because everyone he knew no one else was going every one was dead during this time my only question to John was if rip was

was doing well John said yeah he's good but wants to move on and never talk about his past and I agreed and thank John for all the help and that someday I will repay all the help he's given me and hell in return.

Boot camp

Boot camp was easier for me due to being used to the similar system i had used in prison after following the advice of the veterans who were in prison. After 13 degrading weeks, I passed no one was there at the graduation ceremony i wasnt expecting anyone so I just stayed on base and thanked my drill instructors and was immediately smoked for it, I then trained some more for the next few days before going to combat training for the next 4 months, it was Military Occupation Specialties 1997 training was over and I was now a marine

In 1998 I was providing evacuation for an American citizens in Africa that was when he got his first kill, during an escort off an American Red Cross doctor they came under small arms fire from a building across the street I had to breach and clearing the house and on the 2nd floor on of the bedroom doors where locked me and my team breached the door shot and killed the assailant who still had the rifle in hand this would not be the last time this had happened.

For the next couple of years I was in Africa and then Afghanistan after 911 it was all go

After a few years in and around Africa, it was now 2001 and decided to try for

United States Marine Forces Special Operations Command MARSOC for short

After 1 year of training, I joined MARSOC during training I decided to specialise in Language, Jump & Dive, breaching and clearing and other fast-paced clearing techniques, as well as technical tracking systems hacking.

I was deployed into Afghanistan early into the operation in the 3rd year because he had the training to complete and was responding to all manner of evacuation and smash-and-grab missions his worst was when his convoy was hit by an IED on a poppy field road it wasn't his first time being in open combat and not the last time he has seen his friends die but the smell and sight of his friends that on fire always stays with him After this he knew that deployment would be bad


It has been 2 years in Afghanistan it's now 2004, and I am sitting in this bunker-like everyone else, with the rest of the marines on base he is bored keeping watch in his dugout on he starts reminiscing on his time when he was a kid,

he liked the farm not this kind of farm where only poppies grew not even the pig farm he hadn't eaten pork since that night in 1975 when he killed his stepfather after what he tried to do to his brother, him and his mother while thinking about this night his only regret was that he was to late to save his mother and how inhave spoken to rip in so long.

I was rudely interrupted when someone came over and kicked some sand onto my feet and told me that there was going to be a muster tomorrow at 0600 I grumbled out Yeah the next day at muster the colonel addressed everyone saying some of you are receiving new orders and that those on the list are to stay behind, I was on the list but the name that called for me was dead he died that night with everyone else it was just me now ill have to change it later, later after the list everyone cleared out the colonial address those remaining "alright lady's pack your bags you're going you are going on a nice vacation to Fallujah". I couldn't help the shiver that ran down my back I didn't know why but I will soon

We arrived 2 weeks into the operation and it was already Fubar we were immediately placed into squads and we were doing different operations I have learnt multiple languages during MARSOC it helped that I have been learning since prison and my MARSOC trainer knew I had a thing for learning new languages I learnt Spanish and Russian, French and Farsi after that I even crow because he told me I was a shame to my ancestors for not learning it other MARSOC guys where laughing and messing around with me but it was all in fun.

We went out on patrol in our Hummer going down a street and we started taking fire from down the street there was a muffled sound of someone yelling and then it went black and I woke up again some time had passed since I passed put a second time but rounds where still firing

I then woke up and felt the pain I felt pain before more than I care to admit but this was different, I was still in the hummer but it was so bright I couldn't see or hear all I smelt was burnt meat and I thought I gagged I Leand over and spewed somewhere then the sound came back it was almost impossible to hear myself then things started coming back there pain in my chest.

When I woke up and came around someone was trying to yell orders next to me in the back I turned my head and the gunner was down from his gun bleeding everywhere and the driver and passenger weren't moving from what I could see at least I looked me and the other MARSOC operator pulled the gunner down and out of his seat we tagged gim black I then said you check those in front ill lay down suppression fire.

There was still a lot of gunfire outside of the Hummer and only the outside of the front windshield was on fire no one else was on fire thankfully but the smell of flesh cooking wouldn't leave me

I poked my head out and saw gunfire coming from windows I pulled back on the charging handle on the 50 cal and started blasting I shot at every fucking window i only stopped to fix the 50 when it jammed, when I was done the barrel was smoking and red once that was over I must have shot enough for a bit because someone was pulling me out if the top of the hummer I looked up and was going for my pistol but he was a marine so I climbed out and followed we stacked up and I took point man we started moving through the building.

It didn't matter I was like a dog looking for a pound of flesh and I wasn't going to stop till I got it and followed everyone in I remember everything clearly but the body cam footage showed more detail it was like an orchestra of violence and death every door I opened was checked we went intel and I flipped tables kicked in dressers and pulled up carpet rugs I shot or muzzle dumped someone I thought looked suspicious or shot them if they had a gun on my last door I opened I saw a guy with a gun pointed at a kid in his arms.

He was yelling at us to lower our guns or he would shoot the kid, he aimed his gun at us and then at the kid while swearing saying these stupid Americans can't speak Farsi and then he pointed at me and that when I shot him in the leg he was holding the kid to his chest while standing up his legs were exposed I shot him in the leg and then ran at him three the kid at one on the guys behind me and I started asking him where the rest where.

He laughed I then smiled in return while I pulled out my knife while everyone was busy clearing the room I cut his eye out his screaming cought everyones attention with his other watching I made him eat it. While I laughed at him I cut off some off his cheek fat and also fee that to him while i was cursing him i fed it to him qhuke cursing him in crow and then Russian and the old bastard must have recognised some of the hit because his one eye went wide when I told him he was no lobger going to paradise because he just ate human meat he looked mortified and as ilI sat on his chest he started screaming I was then pulled up off him by one of my MARSOC guys asked what I did I told them that cursed him in crow and Russian to become a wendigo and in Russian that a demon will take him because he will not be going to paradise. I laughed and they did as well one of the younger marines recognise what I said and asked if I was native American I told him maby and that I know how to speak crow he was surprised because his father is chief Thomas rainwater I told him that's cool and all but I don't know who that is.

I was on sick leave on an American base somewhere in Iraq I went through a few evaluations and was sent back out into the meat grinder of Fallujah They asked why I cut the guys ear and eye out I said the heat of the moment he was reaching for his chest and we needed him alive so I made sure to disable him before his hand made it into his vest, a few days late this time I was in the chow hall and rainwater came up and introduced himself as Motega rainwater after a brief conversion about how I freaked him out because he wasn't expecting anyone to speak native american and at the curse someone he jokingly called me a skinwalker which I found funny and laughed

I told him "I already killed my father I'm halfway there " his face after I said that was priceless I have already come to terms with what happened that night a lot of the rage and indignation at being so helpless after a good workout it was a nice feeling, I also talked about it with all the MARSOC boys when were talking with each other one of the best night's I got a little teary eyed was very therapeutic and everyone was nice about it,

He was shocked

Motega "You're joking right"

Me "sure"

I then got up and left

I meet Motega a few times after that we sent letters to each other fucking around when we weren't busy and just sending one to take the edge off the shit around us

Once I got back to work it was compound to compound, house to house, door to door it was on one of these that I got caught and cleared a room but not fast enough and paid for it with a bullet in the liver I immediately shot him back and I was fine but after a few steps I dropped and I remember trying to get up but a fellow MARSOC guy called it in abdominal wounded and stuffed me with gauze I was dragged out I couldn't walk it was like my nerves system was fucked I remember is waiting for the cooperation in pain and one of the boys said to look out the skinwalker is summoning something I don't think I have laughed so hard while in so much pain the fool we played and with sticks and rocks a few times on base

After being flown back and checked up on the chopper we landed and went into immediate surgery they fixed my liver but they had to take out the appendix because it was inflamed and didn't want to risk it rupturing.

I was out of combat for a while resting up during that time Motega came by and carved a skinwalker/ leshy skull on my helmet it was rough but good enough then I got a big tattoo on my back it was a skinwalker/leshy with a wendigo head in its hand and a dead wendigo next to it the monster was like an evolved or super strong skinwalker/ leshy thing I liked it ( the witcher 3 leshy )

With nothing to do, I checked my old phone I didn't have a family, a house, a car anything I was technically homeless my only home had been the marine core I never bought anything only some tattoos or other exotic experiences but never touched drugs or anything I just didn't need for anything the marine core was all I needed and honestly the rush from kicking doors in was sublime nothing better, that's when I knew I was staying for longer then I thought I would.

With minimal spending I have $1,150,000 thus, all 4 years 57k a year, then special forces at least 120k from the training in different areas with 8 years without spending a dime it added up

I had a year left on my military contract then I was to go to court to see if I could finally go free and become a civilian, I was then ordered to go through another round of counselling I was fine, but I was thinking of the old trial and how Yellowstone had no home the house was sold tocthe Dutton my brother was as good as dead john said rip wont talk about the incident with anyone and that he started a fresh with John Dutton at Yellowstone not that I blame him, I had no friends no family only those in the marines and after 10 years It's the only family home I knew so I renewed my contract and signed up for the next 13 years from 2004 to 2017 after this last year is up

during this downtime, I went through the military to change my name to

Christopher Walker I named myself after one of my favourite bad-arse actors Christopher Lee he was a WW2 veteran and a very experienced man and my last name became walker after my nickname and because everyone called me it anyway so i might as well change it as well, it also helpd that my other favourite actors' last name is walker

The next year was mostly recovering and training after Fallujah we were given a break and put on leave for a bit

In America, we were in Texas and I got an advanced court hearing due to going back for deployment I was now no longer technically a prisoner I was like everyone else I signed up for the next 13-year contract.