

After the Battle with Salem went horribly wrong, Yang Xiao Long is struck down and Killed in Action but given a second chance to Protect another world from devastation. reborn into a new family, Yang must do what she can to protect this new world where instead of Aura, there's a power called Quirk.

KingRenetti · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Back Home

The sun was rising on the City of Musutafu as the aftermath of a rain fall covered the roads and buildings. On the outer reaches of the city on a highway, a yellow motorcycle zoomed down the highway along side other cars. The bike drove into the city, passing many stores and other various spots and places. They soon pass a bus station and drive towards a residential area of the city.

They pull up to a house before stopping. The bikes driver steps off and props it before removing their helmet.

Yang: "ah, good to be home." she said as she removed her sunglasses.

A now much older Yang has finally finished her training. During her years away from home, she's sent letters and what not back. Where they were didn't have the best cell service. Yang trained along with All Might and even Eraserhead. All Might's mentor wasn't available for most of the training but did show up towards the end. Yang learned All Might's secret during a training exercise and promised to keep it and help him find a successor.

Yang trained her Quirk and achieved the ability to use her Friends and Families Semblance's. She has the hang of Ruby's Semblance and also began using Nora's Semblance. Since she called her original Quirk Burn, she decided to rename it to Aura. Yang put her helmet onto the handle of her bike and put her sunglasses away. As she did, she heard a gasp. A smile found its way to Yang's face. She turned around and saw the wide eyes of Mitzuki at the door.

Mitzuki stared on in disbelief. After years of being away, her daughter was standing right in front of her. Mitzuki wasted no time and rushed Yang before enveloping her into a tight embrace as Mitzuki had tears in her eyes. Yang hugged her mother back.

Yang: "Hey mom. I'm home." she said softly.

A few joyful sobs come from Mitzuki.

Mitzuki: "I missed you." she said, overly happy seeing Yang back.

Yang: "Missed you too mom." she said, with a smile.

Mitzuki never let go of Yang for 9 minutes straight. Mitzuki then showed her own daughter in kisses.

Yang: "Mom! Stop it!" she said as she tried to pry her mother off her.

Mitzuki: "I am your mother, and you will accept my kisses!" she argued.

Yang: "NEVER!" she shouts playfully.

Katsuki: "KNOCK IT OFF OUT THERE WILL YA!!" he shouts from inside.

Yang: (woah, lil bro seemed to have matured as well.)

Mitzuki glares at the house.

Mitzuki: "Katsuki Bakugo! Get your explosive ass our here NOW!!!" she angrily shouts.

Katsuki: "or what woman!?" he barked back.

Yang: "BAKUGO!!! DON'T MAKE ME COME IN THERE AND KICK YOUR ASS!!!" she shouts as her eyes turn red.

Silence. The door soon swung open as Katsuki was panting. He ran from wherever he was the second he heard Yang's voice. Yang smiles seeing him listen.

Katsuki: "Where the hell have you been!?!" he asks angrily.

He was mad that she was gone for so long. He had received the letters Yang was sending back while she was away. But never sent one back. He did want to, buuuuuut at the same time he didn't.

Yang: "Training duh. Didn't Mom tell you how long I'd be gone?" she asks, jokingly.

Katsuki: "She didn't." he responds, a bit calmer than before.

Yang: "Mom!" she scolds while looking at Mitsuki.

Mitsuki: "he's a big boy, he could have figured it out. Besides, he can't be relying on his big sis all the time." she said, almost scolding but it was more of a calm tone.

Katsuki: "big sis? We're the same age!" he retorts.

Yang: "I'm older by 5 minutes." she retorts with a smile.

Katsuki: "Bullshit!" he shoots.

Yang: "Tee Hee!" she gave a toothy grin as well as a closed eyed smile in triumph.

Mitsuki: "alright enough, let's get inside." she said, ushering her children to get inside.

To make her message clear, she even pushed the two lightly.

Yang: "all right, all right we're going." she said in a playful tone.

Katsuki: "Stop shovin'!" he said angrily.

It didn't take long for Mitsuki to get both the Twins inside. Once they get past the door, Yang looked around. She hadn't been here in so long she forgot what it looked like. She sees her brother already in the living room on the couch with his arms crossed. Mitsuki was about to join him but noticed Yang looking around.

Mitsuki: "Everything alright, Yang?" she asks.

Yang: "Just.... been a while since I've been home. Forgot what it looked it." she joked in a soft tone.

Mitsuki: "Well, you're home now. All your stuff you left in your room is as it is when you left." she said.

Yang: "was it at least cleaned?" she asks, worried about a lot of dust building up on all that stuff since it's been a LONG time.

Mitsuki: "Oh don't worry. I made sure to keep it as clean as can be." she said with a smile.

Yang: "cool." she said, smiling back.

Mitsuki: "So! How was your training?" she asks as she walked into the living room.

Yang followed close behind.

Yang: "It was... interesting to say the least. My Quirk evolved." she said, casually.

Mitsuki: "really? How so?" she asks, stopping her movements and turning to face the blonde.

Yang smirks and suddenly burst into yellow rose petals and zoomed across the room. The cloud of rose petals burst as Yang reappears on the other side of the room. Mitsuki and Katsuki were surprised by it. Yang chuckles seeing their reactions.

Yang: "Ta da!" she said as she did jazz hands.

Mitsuki: "But... I thought-"

Yang: "I renamed my Quirk from Burn to Aura since I apparently have more than just the ability to throw back attacks twice as hard." she explained.

Katsuki: "tch, show off." he whispers as he slouched back on the couch.

Yang: "say somethin' oh brother of mine?" she asks.

Katsuki looked at her. He paled when he saw her smiling at him. Her now red eyes showing heaps of murderous intent.

Katsuki: "nothing." he said quickly.

Yang: "thought so."

Mitsuki: "is there anything else you should tell us?" she asks.

Yang: "What about you lil bro? You do anything while I was gone?" she asks, dodging Mitsuki's question.

Katsuki remained silent. Mitsuki rolls her eyes. Yang looked at her mother.

Mitsuki: "he's going to take part in the UA Entrance Examination." she said.

Yang: "Really?" Mitsuki nods. "Congratulations little bro." she said, smiling.

Katsuki: "it's nothing." he said cockily.

Mitsuki: "he's doing it because he wants to make his Sis proud." she said to tease Katsuki.

Katsuki glared at Mitsuki with anger radiating off his face. Mitsuki smirked as Yang snickered a little.

Katsuki: "SHUT THE HELL UP!! I DIDN'T DO IT FOR YANG!!!" he shouts angrily.

Mitsuki: "Really now? Weren't you the one who—oh I don't know—kept asking me when your sister would return from her training?" she remarks with a grin.

Katsuki: "I SAID SHUT UP!!" he yells, blushing in embarrassment.

Yang then busted out laughing at her brother's misfortune. Yang then remembered something.

Yang: "oh, speaking of Hero related stuff." she said as she reached into her pocket.

Mitsuki and Katsuki stop their argument and look at Yang. Yang smiled at them before bringing out something. Her Official Hero Licenses. The thing she went away to train for. Both Mitsuki and Katsuki looked at it with wide eyes. Apart of them thought the whole thing was a joke and that Yang wasn't going to become the world's Youngest Hero. Seems they were wrong. VERY wrong.

Mitsuki: "i-is that-"

Yang: "I am officially a pro hero!" she proudly proclaims.

Katsuki just looked on with wide eyes. Yang is then tightly embraced by Mitsuki.

Mitsuki: "I'm so proud of you, Yang!" she said with a bright smile on her face.

Yang chuckled a little before returning the embrace her mother was giving her.

Yang: "I know, in every letter you've sent me you always talked about how proud you were." she said.

Mitsuki took her time but eventually released Yang from the embrace.

Mitsuki: "So, when are you going to make your big debut?" she asks.

Yang: "Tomorrow. All Might and I are going to team up for a day." she said, putting her hero licenses away.

Mitsuki: "Glad to hear. We still got time in the day. So why not share some stories of how training was. Even any boys who might have caught your eye." she said, ending the sentence with a wink.

Yang sighs and rolled her eyes. Ever since she was reincarnated. She never really had an interest in getting into romance just yet. She was concerned with making sure she had people she could trust to fight beside her. Now that she has that, she might give it a try.

Yang: "Fat chance. No boys caught my eye while I was away. None of them were my type." she said, playfully.

Katsuki: "What is you type?" he asks, genuinely curious.

Yang: "that's for me to know, and you to find you little bro." she said, with a playful grin.

Katsuki just rolls his eyes at what Yang had said. Yang frowns. The frown quickly goes away and is replaced with a smile as Yang looked at Mitsuki.

Yang: "now then, shall we get started?" she asks.


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