
Yamcha new fangs

yamcha will reach is true potential

xues17 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

chapter 16

There was only 2 Universes left and the clock was ticking, however, instead of going on an all-out brawl, everybody was staring at Yamcha.

He had shocked the whole stage and spectators.

It wasn't often that you see gods with their mouths open in shock but Yamcha had done just that.

"What an interesting human," said, Grand Priest.

"That fight was amazing," said, Zeno on the right.

"Yes! Who could have thought a human being could be so strong" said, Zeno on the left. "Go Lord Yamcha!"

"Go Lord Yamcha!" Said, the other Zenos.

Both of them cheering for him and waited to see what he would do next.

"Y-Yamcha beat, that Giant!" Said, Krillin his eyes shocked from the fight he had just witnessed.

Everybody thought the remaining universe 7 fighters would have to band together to defeat that thing but Yamcha took it down single handily.

"I-It was like there was no size difference and he went toe to toe with it," said, Tien.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it," said, Piccolo.

And Beerus had to think back to the first meeting with Yamcha about how he bragged about being the strongest one there, only to be blown away by a sneeze.

And then he thought about the Yamcha who appeared after a year, not only did he feel odd but there was something in the way he held himself.

"So this is what you became after a single year?" Said, Beerus.

He had no choice but to approve.

"Hmm," said, Whis.

He had never seen such a strong human in the years he had been alive.

Maybe Humanity had been evolving right under his nose and he had been too blind to notice it.

Yamcha existence was making many gods rethink their views on humanity.

Those who didn't knew that the Wang Fang First Tribe was brand spanking new, thought its sole existence in Universe 7, meant that humans most likely were much stronger than the ones in their own universe.

Yamcha turned around and said, as the usual Yamcha, instead of the crazy powerful guy who beat the living daily lights out of a giant that was supposed to be Universe 3 trump card.

"Told you guys, I would take care of it. Am I awesome or what?"

Everybody stared at him included Goku and Vegeta.

Suddenly 17 said. "Goku-san, I think you made a huge blunder in the original lineup"

"Eh?" Said, Goku.

"I agree, you should have asked Yamcha instead of that old man," said 18.

They all remembered how Yamcha was very vocal about how much he thought Goku would ask him before he ended up embarrassing himself.

Goku felt highly embarrassed as he said. "Don't blame me. How was I supposed to know Yamcha became this strong? I thought he was weaker than Master Rochi." Before he noticed Yamcha and said. "No offense"

"None taken," said, Yamcha. "When you didn't pick me, of course, I was frustrated, Goku but it provided me with motivation to get stronger. I wasn't delusional in thinking I could replace any of you, but Master Roshi was very realistic for me to aim for"

"Yes, it couldn't be hard to aim for somebody who has half a foot in the grave," said, Vegeta.

However, you could see the difference in Vegeta eyes, it was one of caution and Yamcha had a very bad feeling that after this Tournament Vegeta would drag him out to do battle, whether he liked it or not.

Thank God for the well hidden Clan grounds.

Yamcha turned to what was left of Universe 11 and saw them waiting patiently.

"Lord Yamcha of the Wolf Fang Fist Clan," said, Daipo. "How about tangling with me?"

He surprised all of them.

"So you want him, Daipo?" Said Toppo.

"My speed against his strength would be an interesting match up," said, Daipo. "There are many fighters left. It would be easy to pick them off"

And Yamcha seemed to have accepted the challenge.

It was fine with him as long as Jiren didn't get off his throne to battle him.

Yamcha was okay by the very real possibility that this could be his last match and wanted to go out with a bang.

"Goku," Yamcha said, getting the Saiyan attention. "I'm counting on you to take down Jiren. This most likely is going to be my last fight."

He had stunned them by given them his reality check, he had proven to be one of their best fighters in his last match unexpectedly.

He was saying goodbye.

And then both Yamcha and Daipo went at it, Toppo went to finish off the rest and Jiren just watched as the King of the stage.

The instant Yamcha clashed hands with Daipo, he knew the fighter was testing him, wondering how fast he could keep up.

Faster, Faster.

Yamcha couldnt afford to take his eyes away when Toppo went into God of destruction mode and started wiping out his teammates.

And than Daipo found his limit.

It went downhill from there.

A missed punch here, a missed kick there.

It was nothing normally but when your with a guy who can lend countless punches on you within a second, it starts getting worrying.

Yamcha couldn't keep up at all and if he tried to instant transmission to provide him space, Daipo was there to make sure he couldn't concentrate to make that move.

It got to point that Daipo was actually faster than his healing ability.

How can somebody be so fast!? Yamcha couldn't help but think as he was getting the stuffing kicked out of him.

His nose couldn't do a thing if even that couldn't keep up.

The only saving grace was that in terms of power, Yamcha was a lot stronger than Daipo so the pain wasn't enough for him to stop thinking.

Universe 7 spectators could only watch in horror seeing what was happening to Yamcha.

And than Daipo made a mistake, he used his tail to grab Yamcha and tried to sweez him to unconsciousness.

He believed Yamcha was in too much pain to do anything, and made sure to open the wounds that had yet to heal.

But Yamcha kept his mouth shut despite the agonising pain he was clearly in.

"Oh? Your body must be killing you, Lord Yamcha" said, Daipo. "You have quiet the pride not to scream"


Daipo knew nothing of his history, Yamcha had been getting his ass kick since he was 15, his first beating was at the hands of tiny Goku and it accelerated from there.

He had endured well worse pain, he still cringing from the blow to his below from Hero all those years ago, decades later.

Nothing can top that even a hole through his heart.

Yamcha fought through the pain and instant transmission out, surprising all those who saw.

He made sure to transmission further way until his wounds were healed and then he noticed the blood that was now all over Daipo tail.

[Wolf Nose]

He purchases some eyes and something else, Daipo was very happy to wait for him.

He appeared before Daipo and said. "I'm ready for round 2"

"You should have run," said, Daipo and than he ran and when Yamcha hand out to punch, he suddenly increased his speed.

Daipo landed a kick to the chin but what the fighter didn't expect was for the punch to suddenly take a U-Tun and punch him in the back of the head making him fall forwards.

Yamcha was ready for the fall and headbuttef Daipo to the face.

He grabbed the fighter and then began to headbutt him over and over again, Daipo couldn't escape and Yamcha brushed off how it hurt to have his head collide with a skull over and over again.

"L-Let me go!" Daigo said before his tail come down and gave him blows.

"Let's get injured together," said, Yamcha.

"Nani!?" Said, Daigo, this guy was nuts!

With each swing, both Yamcha and Daigo drew closer and closer to the edge.





Those who looked saw both Yamcha and Daigo heavily injured and been led to the edge, Yamcha made it a mission to stay close to him and eventual they got to the edge.

It was now time for the true battle.

Yamcha threw Daigo only for the fighter to lath onto his arms, his face bleeding, red and puffy.

"Bastard! Either you go down or we both go down today!" Said, Daigo.

Yamcha kicked but Daigo held on, he punched breaking bones but Daigo held on.

Daigo tried to climb but what awaited him was a Kai blast.

It was obvious to anybody that he won't let go and Yamcha couldn't instant transmission because he would take them both to safety.

His options were limited.

"Damn you!" He said as he got an idea.

"YAMCHA SHAKE HIM OFF!" Yelled Beerus.

"Make him out, Daipo!" Said Vermound.

He had not prepared for the appearance of this human.

Daigo smirked but that smirk turned to surprise when Yamcha suddenly let go.

That surprise loosen the grip and Yamcha used a Kai blast to get distance between them before Daigo could recover and then instant transmission.

He landed onto the ground and Daigo cursed the day he was born as he fell to the spectator's ring.


His god of destruction wasn't happy to see him especially when Tippo appeared as well in the spectator seat.

However, Universe 7 also had casualties as well.

Both Gohan and 18 had been taken out by Tippo.

Yamcha was healing and looked up.

He had survived.

He was in the finals.

Yamcha felt pride that he had gotten this far, he felt pride that he had proven that a human being can stand amongst these strong monsters.

And then it finally hit him.

Where was Ji-

A short kick was delivered to his stomach.

By Jiren.

Jiren had come for him first and everybody was shocked and surprised.

To Yamcha that simple kick had drained him by 70 percent in HP points.

He spat out blood and than Jiren grabbed him by the legs and throw him up in the air.

And than Jiren opened fire.

"YAMCHA!" ALL of universe 7 said.

And than Yamcha was blown up.

Jiren turned his back and felt the remembrance of instant transmission.

He knew Yamcha was in no condition to fight and he was right.

Yamcha manage to get away but the damage was severe.

It was so severer that the moment he reappeared, he flopped to the floor and was unconsciousness.

On his chest was a massive hole and he was bleeding profoundly.

Lord Yamcha of The Wolf Fang Fist tribe was done.

Those who watched and were rooting for Universe 7 were in shock.

Universe 11 were celebrating, the human mance was taken care of, none of the Z Fighters could help Yamcha because Jiren made sure to get in everybody way.

Jiren would come and throw him before he could die so he does't get disqualified.

Meanwhile, Yamcha soul left his body and he stood in shock over it.

He tried to get back into it, only to receive an electric shock but the bleeding stopped.

He heard.

[Owner is unfit for this fight. System will now be taking over]

"Nani!?" He said, what the hell did that mean?

Suddenly Yamcha saw his finger move and he began to get up.

"Nani!?" He said.

Everybody watching was shocked to see not only his bleeding stop but he stood up and then came the heat that rolled off his body.

He said in a robotic tone.

"I will take you on,"

His eyes opened and everybody saw his eyes were solid black.

Every single person the field could tell there was something wrong with Yamcha.

Out of his mouth came.

[System Start]

And the scene!

Next chapter, System versus Jiren, his suddenly strength blew a everyone away but it isn't enough to defeat Jiren. But the fight is a corner stone for Yamcha. Review/ fav and follow!