
Yamcha new fangs

yamcha will reach is true potential

xues17 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

chapter 15

There were three Universe left.

Because of Yamcha intervention, Piccolo was still in the tournament.

The worst thing Yamcha feared had come to pass; Universe 11 was now looking at him.

"We have to be careful from now on," said, Gohan.

"So, our last opponent would be universe 11," said, Goku.

"But there's still" Gohan began.

"Universe 3, right," said, 18, knowing Goku could only think of Jiren right now.

And that was the start Universe 3 needed as both 18 and 19 were attacked by robotic arms.

Yamcha felt like he wasn't even there as everybody went at it with machines that didn't get tired or get scratched.

But eventually the fight was ended by Gohan charged up Kai beam, and the scientist guy looked defeated.

"I'm sorry, but we have to make you drop out now," said, Gohan, as he approached the man with his father and Vegeta.

Suddenly the man started laughing.

"What's so funny?" said, Vegeta.

"I don't want to use this," said, the man getting up. "But I have no choice" he raised his staff up, and it began to shine. "I shall drop you from the fighting stage even if it costs me, my life! Observe! Universe 3 most powerful and secret technique!"

The smoke rose and out came the robots that had combined, completely fine and up.

Everybody know whatever was happening next was going to be big.

The light was too bright as the man merged with the robots; the light was enough to even put Beerus on edge.

"What are they planning to do, now!" said, Beerus.

When the thing finished transforming, something huge stood on the stage, the power was enough to knock anybody off their feet, and the giant stood as if he was god.

"It's huge!" said, Gohan.

"Hmph. So what?" said, Vegeta.

Even 18 and 19 were thinking of joining this fight while Frieza fell back.

It merely yelled, and Yamcha was almost knocked clean off his feet, and even Goku was forced back.

Suddenly it flexed its back and beams come from it, it rained down from everyone, and everybody began to dodge, even Universe 11 wasn't speared, but Jiren cooly knocked the beam coming towards them, back.

And then Yamcha noticed something as he gained the group.

"Where's Piccolo?" He said.

And it got everybody attention.

They all scanned the area but couldn't feel him. However, they were all shocked to see Piccolo was on the bench!


"I tried to run, but it got me," said, Piccolo, the way he was outed had been shameful, a yell and a blast.

It had claimed him a causality.

"Piccolo-san!" said, Gohan.

The monster smiled and stood above them like a god.

"I, Vegeta-sama, will see if your strength is the real deal or not!" said, Vegeta before turning Super Saiyan. "Take this! Big Bang Attack!"

The attack flew towards it, only for the monster to slap it away as if to say 'Bitch please' and the attack hit a mountain.

"What!?" said, Vegeta shocked.

It laughed and then begun running at a speed that was shocking for its size, before slamming down its fist in front of them and having them dodge.

But it wasn't done, it kicked, punch, screamed, anything to try and pummel each and every one of them, each time a body part hit the ground, there was a ridiculous shockwave felt through the whole stage and the monster managed to force the stage to tip on its axis.

They all fell back, far away from it.

"What is that monster!?" said, 18.

They all saw it from a distance, it was began casually strolling and crushing everything its path, the ground shook with each step.

"It's so powerful," said, Goku. "We all have to attack it together!"

"You don't need to tell me!" said, Vegeta.

And then Gohan powered up and so did Goku, both father and son rushed forward while everybody was behind them, the monster swung only for all of them to split, confusing it.

Then on Goku signal, they attacked the thing at 6 points of its body, however when they all got close something activated within it, and suddenly it could hit every one of them.

But Yamcha managed to move back a mini-second before the fist could smash into him.

When the smoke cleared, everybody noticed, everybody but Yamcha was down even Goku who was super Saiyan God!

When they all got up, they saw him standing strong, not a single bruise on him.

Over course, the monster was peeved when it saw it hadn't hit Yamcha, and Yamcha began to run when it saw it was mad and everybody else as well when it moved forward.

It suddenly grew interested in Frieza who was watching not that far away and changed direction.

"Frieza!" said, Goku.

Frieza was soon assaulted and tried to fire back, but the monster had beams of its own and cancelled his attack, the monster didn't stay on him for long and started trying to catch somebody.

Not a single person wanted to find out what would happen if the giant caught them.

18 was caught.

"No 18!" said, Krillin, but what happened next was shocking.

It opened its mouth and draw her closer.

It intent ended to eat her!

"Oh, no. Run!" said, Tien.

But before the hand could release her, suddenly Yamcha appeared and forced the hand to open with brutal strength that shocked the creature and then he grabbed 18 and instant transmissioned away.

When they were far away, she was in shock and so was everybody else.

Again, Yamcha had stood out.

"Are you okay, 18?" He said, making sure she could stand on her own, knowing Krillin was most likely thanking him, and he was right.

The monster's three crystals light up, and Goku warned everybody to be on guard.

It suddenly grinned and then punched right in front of it despite nobody being there, a red void opened up, and suddenly Yamcha was feeling something was coming from above Goku head, however, before he could warn him, the fist came down and crushed Goku.

"Dad!" said, Gohan.

Goku was revealed to be hurt when the fist came up.

"What the?" said, Krillin. "The Punch Warped!"

"It warped time and space through sheer will power!" said, Piccolo.

"Damn it! It's unbelievable!" said, Beerus.

Universe 3, Kai was looking smug.

The monster than began to punch at random places in the air and each fist warped, hardly anybody saw the fist coming.

However, Yamcha was the only one who managed to dodge the punch coming towards him while everybody was punch to their knees.

"Nani?" said, the Kai from that universe.

Everybody but Yamcha was on the ground.

Only Yamcha stood.

It was in that moment, everybody knew.

Yamcha was this thing opponent.

Suddenly the monster began to punch in the air, and Yamcha dodge the fist that came from below him, he walked forward, and it began to punch like crazy, warping time and space but Yamcha continued to dodge.

In front of all his friends and gods, he dodged them all and what was more shocking was that he began to close his eyes.

It was like training.

Left, right, Up, down.

Everybody could only look at him in shock as he somehow knew where the punches would come from and dodge accordingly.

It wasn't long before he was within a hair breath of the monster and the monster went for a direct confrontation, it punched at him.

"Yamcha!" said, Krillin.

However, there was only a mild shock wave when the fist made contact.

What happened next was shocking for everybody to see.

The monster visible began to be lifted off its feet, lifted by none other than Yamcha!

The huge thing was being lifted by Yamcha!

Everybody had to rub their eyes to believe what they were seeing.

The Zeno's leaned in interested, even the Grand Priest looked interested.

Yamcha smirked as he lifted the monster up and said. "What to know a little secret? Your weight..." he then yelled. "MEANS NOTHING TO ME!"

He threw him.

He threw him!

Everybody looked in absolute shock as the giant thing was sent flying and crashed through several giant rocks and caused a giant shockwave as it landed.

Universe 3 gods looked ready to have a heart attack.

Even Universe 7 spectators looked ready to have a heart attack as well, Beerus eyes were wide with shock, and everybody eyes mirrored his own.

The creature itself looked shocked to be thrown and tried to get up, only to see Frieza.

In its mind, he was an easy target.

And if the monster wasn't mad before, it was mad now.

It roared and went on a complete rampage, it formed a red ball of destruction and threw it at the ground, everybody ran away while they fired at the creature.

Watching from afar, it was like an explosion party.

It was attacking everyone, no matter where they were, and it was doing it all at the same thing, Yamcha found himself dodging, only to see 17 in trouble too late, the ground crumbled under the force of being hounded by the attack.

The monster pushed him the edge, seeing this the monster went to finish 17 off and shot beams out of its mouth.

17 was pushed over the edge.

"Oh, no!" Seventeen said.

And then 18 jumped after him, Yamcha couldn't hear what they were saying but could imagine 18 sacrificing herself.

We'll; they were both going to survive.

[Instant Transmission]

Suddenly he was underneath 18 who was sacrificing herself for her brother, and her eyes widened in shock when she saw him, he grabbed hold of her.

[Air Walk]

Yamcha began to jumper high and higher with her in his arms; he grabbed 17 when he was high enough, and both of them had their eyes widened in shock.

He made it to the stage and placed them both on it and stood and said. "I will take care of him."

Everybody was shocked.

And then for the first time, Yamcha powered up.

He had no idea how his power would skyrocket, but he did in that moment, the sky began red and power pulsed out of him several times over before settling down.

Everybody was downright shocked to feel the extent of his power, even Vegeta and Frieza were shocked.

For the first time, Jiren looked at Yamcha who had power rolling off him.

"W-What was is this?" said, Piccolo in the stand, smoke was warped around Yamcha like it was dancing.

It was the power of peak Lord.

And then Yamcha did something.

[Lord Will]

Suddenly the monster was on its knee's, everybody was shocked, including Universe 3 own fighters as Yamcha brought the thing to its knee's.

But the thing wouldn't allow itself to submit, so it tried to punch him through a warp, only for Yamcha to stop it, using a mere palm and then something appeared on the monster palm.

It was a small fist.

Yamcha had struck.

The monster arm retracted back, and they all heard the Monster scream in pain.

Its arm was broken!

Its screams could be heard all over the stage.

And then it looked at Yamcha and Yamcha became the scariest thing it had ever seen, as an unbelievable pressure slammed on its shoulder's.

The monster began retreating back.

The monster that had been cockily walking around was now backing away in fear!

Nobody would have believed it if they hadn't seen it!

He was running from Yamcha.

"What's wrong?" said, Yamcha as he walked forward. "Weren't you cocky just now? Didn't you make everybody run in fear of you?"

His words echoed through the stage and carried an unbelievable amount power with each word; in that moment he put a proud guy like Vegeta to shame in presence.

The monster grew wing's and jumped in the air, flying, it seemed to have regained some of that courage.

A beam suddenly began to grow above it, easily big enough to destroy everybody and take the whole stage with them.

Yamcha suddenly swiped his hand to the right.

The ball lost its energy.

Everybody looked shocked including the monster.

Suddenly Yamcha disappeared and met the monster in the air, he delivered a punch to the side, everybody was shocked but the monster quickly recovered and returned it with his own punch, both their punches met, and a huge shock erupted when fist met fist.

Everybody thought the fight between Jiren and Goku would be the highlight of the tournament, but Yamcha was proving that wrong.

Yamcha may not have ultra-instinct, but he too was a monster.

Everybody could only open their mouths as Yamcha went tow to tow with the giant, and like Goku who went ultra-instinct, Yamcha learned at full power against an opponent who could take it.

Suddenly Yamcha was landed more than one hit before the monster could fully lunch an attack.




Yamcha outclassed the monster in all.

"Ooh," said, the Zeno on the right.

"Lord Yamcha, is so strong!" said, Zeno on the left.

In front of his friends and gods, Yamcha was showing them how much of a monster he had become in a single year and the spectators were at the edge of the seats from shock.

The former androids had their eyes widened in shock.

Both Toppa and Dispo had their eyes wide.

Even Goku, Vegeta and Frieza were left speechless, as they were forced to re-evaluate Yamcha before their very eyes.

Vermoud, the god of Destruction for Universe 11 was left speechless.

Even Beerus looked shocked at finding out how strong Yamcha was.

Eventually, they all realised, Yamcha was now using the monster as target practise!

It had gotten to that point!

The monster had been beaten black and blue before Yamcha let him go by merely thrust into his chest, the monster was thrown out of the stage after crashing through countless mountains of course.

The monster sunk to the bottom and everybody that made up the monster was badly hurt in the spectator bench.

Everybody on Universe 3 bench minds had stopped working after they had witnessed the beat down of their so-called ultimate secret weapon at the hands of a human.

The Grand Priest said. "Universe 3 has lost!"

The two Zeno put their hand up, and they glowed.

The whole of Universe 3 was erased just like that, but even in the final seconds, the whole bench was still coming to terms with Yamcha strength.

Yamcha dropped to the floor and deactivated his aura.

[Reputation Level UP!]

Lord Yamcha of the Wang Fang Fist Tribe.

The Strongest Human Alive.

And scene!

Did you like this chapter? This chapter just wrote itself: next chapter, the aftermath of Yamcha shocking display of strength. Only Universe 7 and 11 are left, Despo wants Yamcha. Speed vs strength, who will win? Review/fav and follow!