
Yamato Kozuki

Notes to read. Wish Fulfilment Op MC Cringe romances. Massive harem. Porn With Plot. =========== A man reincarnated in the world of DxD as Yamato with the task of....impregnating Waifu? How? Well, she has a tool for it.

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14 Chs

Chapter 7 - Engagment

The next day, it was now Monday and Yamato messaged the situation and Rias seemed to accept the suggestion but worried that it may start a conflict with the fallen angel faction but Yamato reassured them that they were in the wrong for not asking permission.

At the current moment, Yamato was in the Student Council room with Akeno looking at Sona who looked troubled with Tsubaki was there to help ease her king's nerves.

Sona noticed a ring on Akeno and was now a bit nervous at what they were about to discuss when the fallen angel first spoke.

"Let's skip and go straight to the point. Are you planning on accepting, my dear, as your fiance?" Akeno said and Sona shrunk back a bit embarrassed.

"Y-Yes, you may have already explained to Yamato. I know I could ignore it and pretend to never happen but my pride is on the line and I'm a woman of my words." If Yamato wasn't into girls then maybe things were different.

"To be honest we discussed this and I am fine with you being engaged with Yamato since I'm the first two who officially got engaged to her." Akeno said and Sona somewhat relieved to hear this but tense up when Yamato began to speak.

"Sona, truth to be told, I wouldn't mind dating or being engaged to you since there are many things to like. I like how graceful you look when we play chess and the look was really captivating." Yamato commented and Sona blush hearing her being complimented.

"But what's more important is how you feel about me. I won't force you into a relationship that you do not want simply because of the condition you made." Her words comforted Sona and unaware how huge of an impact it was.

"My dream is to be free but at the same time I don't want anyone to feel restrained because of me." Sona looked at Yamato and can't help but see her in a new light and how charming she now appears to her. Even Tsubaki was surprised and respected Yamato.

The Sitri heiress felt her heart throbbed by the statement that Yamato was giving her. Wondered if she was falling for Yamato and began to remember the things she experienced for the past week or two. Yamato showed honesty and reliability despite how carefree and free spirited she was.

Sona thought of finding another person but every time she did it was replaced by the smiling face of Yamato as she walked beside Akeno who seemed happy more than ever.

"I…I actually don't mind being engaged with you. I've seen how happy Akeno was with you and wondered how it feels to be her. I am simply worried how your life would be by being the fiancee of the Sitri heiress." Sona knows that Yamato will experience ridicule and other shame thinking she's unworthy.

"Also we're both woman meaning we won't hav—" Sona was interrupted by Akeno

"That wouldn't be a problem. The truth is I'm pregnant with Yamato's children." A brief second passed by as the two blinked then gasped in shock.

"What!? How is that…wait unless… but it should take long if you…" Sona was dumbfounded by the news and the same goes to Tsubaki, aware that Devil's have extremely low fertility and the reason why they resulted in using evil pieces to reincarnate Human.

"Yes, I am actually able to impregnate anyone as long as we both have mutual feelings for each other and even select how many along with the gender." Yamato shocked them even further than before.

"Yeah, dear, give me what I wish for and we will be having twins! A boy and girl!" Akeno happily declared wanting to announce it to the whole school but decided not to.

Sona tries to say something but words won't come out and imagine herself also having her children. This thought made her womb throbbed.

"I…I don't know what to say. You really don't mind being engaged to me?" Sona asked.

"Yeah if you're okay with it. We can set a date if you like? We have plenty of time to see if our engagement is worth the effort or not." Yamato said.

"Then aren't you worried about what the people say about you?" Sona asked.

"I should be the one asking you that. Their words are nothing to me. I know who I am, what I am and what I want. I'll simply shut them up through my actions." Yamato said and Sona felt inspired by this thinking about her dream.

"What about you, Akeno?" Sona asked and the fallen simply smiled at this.

"Not at all! If Yamato likes you and you do the same then it's fine!" Akeno gave a welcome smile and Sona deeply sighed.

"T-Then you'll be my fiance from now on, Yamato." Sona said and the Oni gently smiled.

"And I swear I'll try my best to do my part as your fiance. Here, give me your hand." Yamato leaned over and reached her hand with Sona curious what she's going to do when suddenly a mark suddenly appeared on Akeno's wrist before it vanished.

"What was that?" Sona exclaimed.

"It's a seal where you simply need to pour your energy and I'll be notified and allow me to teleport near you no matter the distance." Yamato explained and this shocked both student council members.

"Did you make this?" Sona asked.

"No. I can't tell you now but I promise I'll tell you in the future." Yamato said and Sona didn't force her anymore before nodding.

"Anyway, why don't we hang out after class? It's a perfect opportunity to have a date and know about each other." Yamato suggested and Sona contemplated the offer thinking that she was free later.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind. But would you be alright with that, Akeno?" Sona asked.

"You're far too worried about me. Just go have fun. " Akeno said with a reassuring smile. Sona was somewhat guilty for intruding into another man's relationship. Fortunately, Akeno was kind enough to let her.

"Alright then, meet you after class." Sona nodded and before long they finished their discussion and headed back to their class but Yamato paused before telling Sona something.

"By the way, I'll take you to a dinner date in the future and prepare a ring for you." This made the Sitri heiress blush and look forward to their date in the future. Once the Oni and Fallen was gone, Sona leaned on her chair deeply sighing.

"I didn't expect that at all." She couldn't believe that Akeno was pregnant and her fiance had the tool for it.

"Me too. She's quite the mystery. I'm impressed that she respected your freedom and didn't force you to do anything. She's quite considerate." Tsubaki said.

"Indeed. I won't lie, I wasn't interested. Despite the things I want to apprehend, she hadn't done anything unreasonable and was relatively liked by all." Sona commented and Tsubaki agreed.

"Me too." Tsubaki said to her king turn to her.

"Don't tell me you are also interested in her." Sona said and this made her vice president flinch with a hint of red on her face.

"I-I mean…I'm just saying that even though she acts like a delinquent never went overboard." Tsubaki tries to hide it but her interaction with Yamato and what she observed was attractive in her eyes.

Sona was surprised by this reaction and knew her queen more than anyone else. The two unexpectedly started to fall in love with the same person.

After class, Yamato went to meet up with Sona, having Akeno head home using Hiraishin. The oni easily spotted Sona and smiled.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting." Yamato said to her and Sona shook her head.

"No, you were just in time. I just finished doing my paperworks." Sona said and Yamato nodded and reached out grabbing her hand.

"Okay, let's go!" Yamato said with the Sitri Heiress blushing as they had students witnessing this wondered what's going on.

Oni took her car and drove Sona to a nearby cafe to have a light snack with the cafe having a cozy atmosphere. Sona saw the baked goods and was already trying to think of a way to make them.

"They looked good, didn't they? I stumbled upon this place a few prior. I often relax here to clear my head." Yamato said as she waved at the owner who seemed to know her and Sona followed, still holding hands.

"Ah, Yamato! It's been a while. You mention studying in Kuoh? How is it?" The middle aged man glanced over to Sona.

"Who's this friend of yours?" He asked.

"My soon to be second fiancée." She was surprising Sona at how easily she accepted things.

"Second? Oh so you propose to Akeno-ojou-chan? Well I won't judge your relationship. Anyway, the usual?"

"Yes. What about you, Sona?" Yamato turns to Sona who is still a bit trying to understand the situation she was in. Everything was new to her.

"Uhm…what do you recommend?" Sona asked while Yamato suggested a few.

"Maybe something simple for now. Give her some hot dark chocolate with a side of croissant." Yamato said and the owner nodded.

"Got yah! And it's on the house. Still grateful that you made those hooligans leave my shop."

They took a seat and Sona still looked nervous being conscious of the fact that she's dating Yamato now.

"Sona." Yamato called out.

"H-Hai!?" Sona stuttered and Yamato chuckled.

"No need to be stiff. Just relax. We can take our time." Yamato said.

"...Okay I'm just still trying to adjust to our new R-Relationship. Speaking of, my older sister is going to make a big fuss about this once it reaches her ears." Sona said.

"This is the first time you mention your sister. What is she like?" Yamato asked.

"Eccentric and a sis-con. I love and respect but she can be clingy at times. She's also one of the Maou bearing the title of Leviathan." Sona said.

"Impressive but how eccentric is she exactly?" Yamato asked.

"She often cosplays in a magical girl outfit and always tries to make me wear them." This made her crumble and Yamato perked upon.

"Now that's something I like to see." Yamato read her and Sona blush then glared at her.

"Never happening." Sona said.

"If you say so. Still, a sis-con huh? Then does that mean she'll try to kill me?" Yamato asked.

"No, she wouldn't go that far but she'll certainly going to ask to fight you. And if she does please don't accept. I don't want my fiancée to die because of my sister." Sona paused, then realized what she just said.

"Oh don't be quick to think I can't handle her." Yamato smirks.

"In a fight right?" Sona asked and Yamato grinned wider.

"Right?" Sona became concerned.

"Yeah, but You don't even know how strong I am." Yamato said.

"T-Then that same goes for my older sister. She can easily destroy Japan several times over." Sona stated and Yamato grew excited.

"A strong woman huh?" Her words had a hint of lust and Sona saw this then frowned.

"You made it sound like you're going to target my sister as well?" Sona said.

"What if I am?" Yamato boldly said.

"Y-You…" She was taken aback by the question and Yamato chuckled.

"Hahaha I was just teasing you. I still haven't met your sister to know if I'll like her or not." Yamato said and Sona pouted in annoyance.

"You still didn't say no. What If you happen to like her? What then?" Sona folded her arms.

"Then I'll get a Shimaidon." Yamato declared and Sona lightly hit her was about to scold him when their snack finally arrived and Sona smelled the aroma that calmed her nerves.

"Hmph. We'll talk about this later." Sona said as the two began to dig in their snack with Yamato having Tiramisu and black coffee.

"Ah, this is the life. How's the croissant?" Yamato asked, seeing how graceful and seductive she looked when she ate it.

"It's incredible. I like it's flaky on the outside and soft on the inside." Sona commented and enjoying her dessert.

"And the hot dark chocolate gives a perfect blend." She added taking a sip of the cup calming her nerves.

"I knew you liked it. By the way, I noticed you seem more happy seeing the baked goods. Have you baked before?" Yamato knew that she's a bad cook but with her [ Encounter ] and not feeling sick.

"I have! I often post them on DevilTube." Sona becomes enthusiastic about this topic and Yamato tries to pursue even further, slowly losing track of time.

"Hey, you two, I'm going to close." The owner said that the clock had hit 8 Pm, surprising Sona and never expected she would enjoy her time with Yamato. The two soon left the cafe and this time Sona didn't even notice she was holding Yamato's hand.

"Did you enjoy your time?" Yamato asked.

"Yes. I did. It was better than I expected." Sona said with a heartfelt smile.

"Then expect more. I promise you won't regret being with me." Yamato declared and Sona smiled at this thinking that Yamato doesn't seem a bad candidate. She drove Sona home, finding the house that she was living in.

"Well, see you tomorrow." Yamato said then leaned kissing Sona cheek stunning her and smiled before Sona's face heated up as Yamato went back to her car and drove away.

She parked her car back to Asora and returned to Kuoh and spread his senses to look for Kalawarner then headed towards it.

Yamato walked uphill to the abandoned church having contacted Kalawarner and instantly alerted them where few stepped inside when she met with a young man that had short white hair and red eyes wearing cleric clothing wielding a light sword and a gun.

"Oh what do we have here? A fucking lost maiden? Ah before I forget, My name is Freed Sellzen. I belong to a certain Exorcism organization. Ah, just because I introduced myself doesn't mean you have to. I don't want to remember your name in my memory, so please don't. It's okay, since you are going to die soon. I will make sure of it. It might hurt at first, but later you will feel so good that you will cry." He had shit eating grinned and was about to attack Yamato when she appeared behind him.

"Allow me to pass through for a moment." In that moment, Freed was torn to shreds when Yamato used [ Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist on him ] turning him into a pile of meat.

'It didn't trigger a change in the plot. Guess he was going to be replaced.' Yamato thought thinking about his sister, Lint Sellzen, if she's going to meet her or not.

She decided to let the future decide and continued her walk.

A very enthusiastic walk through the woods.

Yamato didn't take long to arrive inside the church and saw Kalawarner and Raynare accompanied by two people.

"So you're the intruder huh? Did that guy die?" The one who spoke was a girl with blonde hair which was styled into twin-tails and blue eyes.

She wore a Gothic Lolita attire, which consisted of a black dress with white frills, a large black bow on the front, and a green jewel embedded on the collar, white thigh-high socks with suspender garters, black set of frilly panties, and black shoes. She also wore a large black bow on top of her hair.

"He was careless. She shouldn't be able to take us all in a fight." Said by a middle-aged-looking man with short black hair and dark blue eyes.

His attire consisted of a pale gray trench coat over a white dress shirt with a matching ascot, black pants and shoes, a pair of black gloves, and a black fedora.

"This should be light work." The man said while Yamato shook head.

"Yeah it is. For me that is." Yamato vanished from her spot and appeared in front of Dohnaseek touching him and instantly distorting his soul turning him into an egg-shaped groaning creature.

They were far too weak to be entertained and extend the fight. That's why she ended the fight. She decided not to kill her and let Azazel decide on what to do with him.

"W-What!?" Mittelt was taken aback at what just happened then Yamato turned to her and touched her, scaring the fallen Loli but felt something left her body and destroyed the curse.

"Haaa…what did you do to me?" She fell down on her knees and was scared that she was going to die but Yamato patted her head.

"Relax, I removed the cursed seal from your body like I did with Kalia and Raynare." Yamato surprised her and turned to the two girls asking if it was true. They began to explain things as she looked at Dohnaseek before storing it away.

"So what are your plans on doing now?" Yamato asked them.

"Well, now that we're free we plan on continuing our original task for now and send our respect to lord azazel." Raynare said.

"You know where I'm going, you know right?" Kalawarner said, looking at her with a lustful gaze.

"Me too, I might go and stay with my boyfriend." Raynare blush a bit.

"What the!? Did you two manage to snag a boyfriend while I don't!?" Mittelt complained in annoyance.

"What about coming with me? Unlike Issei, my house has a lot of spare room." Yamato suggested and Mittelt thought for a moment and nodded.

[ Mittelt's affection: 20+ ]

[ Affection Status: Acquittance (That doesn't sound bad but I wonder why Kalawarner like her) ]

Yamato wasn't planning on having Mittelt but if things ended this way then might as well since it would give her a reward.

Time passed, Kalawarner and Mittelt followed Yamato home while Raynare went to Issei, having messaged him about it.

Back at the Hanyo Oni, they arrived to see Akeno was waiting for Yamato. Being a devil does make her more nocturnal.

"Welcome back, dear." Akeno said kissing Yamato made Kalawarner jealous a bit while Mittelt was surprised wondering what made Yamato special to make her friend jealous.

"Are they the ones?" She looks at each of them judging Kalawarner and Mittelt.

"Yeah, I suggest that they stay in guest rooms. You two, make yourself at home. I'll go ahead and wash myself." Yamato left them with an Akeno gesture for the two to follow, giving them a brief tour.

"So, you're the one my dear managed to free and steal his heart." Akeno said and Kalawarner nodded realizing something.

"You must be lord Baraqiel's daughter." This caused them to stop from there a track.

"Yes, how is my father anyway?" Akeno still feels bitter about mentioning him but her anger has been settled, deciding to focus on her happiness rather than let herself continue to grieve.

"He's doing fine I supposed." Kalawarner answered and Akeno nodded then continued their way to the rooms provided by her.

"Once again, thanks for letting us stay. This place is way better than an abandoned church, that's for sure." Mittelt commented.

"You should thank Yamato and not me." Akeno said turn to Kalawarner.

"May I speak to you in private?" She said and the other fallen nodded as the two moved in the corner to talk.

"I'll speak plainly. What do you think of Yamato? Did she strike as someone you would die for?" Akeno asked, trying to confirm if she's worth it or not. Kalawarner was taken aback but paused to think.

She knew Yamato for only a day but the impact that she made was huge in her life. Not only was she freed but also given a place to stay. Kalawarner felt indebted to Yamato but that's the only reason she wants to be with her.

"Yes. Throughout our date, I find her company to be amazing and wish to know more about her. It pains me that I was forced to kill such a person." Kalawarner said.

"Is that so then are you planning on sleeping with my dear tonight?" Akeno wondered if she's aware that Yamato has the tool to turn Kalawarner into her bitch.

"That's the plan. I want to reward her for saving me, no, us." Kalawarner answered and Akeno nodded.

"Is that so? Feel free to visit us. I'll leave to give you two some privacy and join later once you enjoy yourself. That little girl can also join if she's interested." Akeno said wanting the best for Yamato and she knows that she's not someone who neglects any person in her life.

Kalawarner nodded as Akeno left to set up the table for dinner while the former went to her room and met with Mittelt.

"You were eavesdropping weren't you?" Kalawarner said to Mittelt and this made the blonde loli blush.

"Yes, what of it!? Are you really considering sleeping with her?" Mittelt asked.

"Of course. You didn't get to experience it but I guarantee that Yamato is worth the time. So are you going to join me? We can reward her at the same time."

Kalawarner said and Mittelt was considering her suggestion since she was grateful for Yamato and what she has done for them but Mittelt isn't a slut to give herself to a woman that she exchanges a few words with.

"I'll pass." Mittelt said while Kalawarner doubts that she won't be interested once they start doing it.

"Oh, hope you two liked the room." The two turned to see Yamato half naked showing her off her chest that was covered by her hair and six pack abs. Kalawarner saw this and couldn't help but lick her lips while Mittelt also felt aroused by this.

"Ah yes, thank you again for not only saving us but providing a place to stay." Kalawarner said with a smile.

"Y-Yeah it certainly beats sleeping on a church chair." Mittelt said and her heart throbbed when she saw Yamato's bright smile.

"I'm glad to be of help." Yamato said, giving a nod before heading to the kitchen when her fiancée was setting up the tables.

"How's the most beautiful woman doing?" Yamato embraces Akeno from behind and kisses her cheek.

"Am I now? What about Sona and that other woman, Kalia was it?" Akeno said.

"Kalawarner but I call her Kalia as a nickname. As for them, their beauty is different and has their charm. In my eyes all of you are beautiful just the way you are, unless, well, they want a more curvaceous body which I can provide."

Using [ Idle Transfiguration ] Yamato can easily make anyone into a bustier version of themselves. She can even change someone's change.

"If you say so? Why don't you take a seat while I call our guest." Akeno summoned her familiars which were small creatures and Yamato nodded as she took a seat with Kalawarner and Mittelt joining them soon after.