
Yamato Kozuki

Notes to read. Wish Fulfilment Op MC Cringe romances. Massive harem. Porn With Plot. =========== A man reincarnated in the world of DxD as Yamato with the task of....impregnating Waifu? How? Well, she has a tool for it.

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 6 - Fallen

Akeno Himejima. Her life had been filled with tragedy. Her mother died before her eyes. Her father, who promised to protect them but failed. Her heart couldn't bear the pain and ran until she met her best friend who helped her.

But it was not enough. She looked fine outwardly but inwardly was hurt and wounded like her friends. They got along as all of them had lived tragic lives.

This all changed when she met her lover and now fiancée, Yamato Kozuki. The fallen was summoned to fulfill her wish and this person simply asked to have someone to talk with. She finds her interesting at how she presents herself.

Yamato was a free spirited person who lived freely unshackled by anything. A contrast to her who is bound by her past.

Akeno started to open up about her life to Yamato at how she rejected her other side and how every time she sees it only reminded of the past. She felt it was ugly and should disappear but Yamato looked at it and embraced Akeno tightly whispering into her ears.

"You shouldn't let your past dictate your future and your relationship with your father. Think about what your mother would think? Would she be happy with how you turn out? Would it give her peace knowing how torn you are inside?"

Yamato was there to make her realize that she didn't need to feel rejected, that was part of her. At first Akeno wanted to push her away and deny her words but it kept reverberating through mind until it awakened a distant memory.

"Your father surely feels the pain you are going through. It may not justify his action but you shouldn't let this be the end of your family. I'm sure your mother would want nothing more for you to be happy and be with your father once more. If you want to blame anyone then blame the one responsible! Make them pay for their crimes! Seek justice that you deserve!" The oni's voice roared that broke the chains that binds Akeno and resulted in her finally coming to terms with her past.

Of course she didn't immediately go to talk with her father but started to think about her past from a different point of view. Akeno realized how much her pain blinded her in seeking what should have been done long ago.

Thanks to this, Akeno became a lot more free and happy that eventually resulted in the two becoming lovers and now fiancée.

Akeno woke up and saw the sun rays softly cascade down her face as she rose from her bed and looked for her lover but she was not there.

'She must be exercising.' Akeno looked at her fingers, seeing the beautiful ring having a diamond that was the same color as her eyes. Her lips curled up in a dreamy smile as everything seemed surreal to her. Within three months, she never felt so happy in her entire life. She stroked her belly, having two life growing inside her and couldn't wait for them to be by her side.

She stood up from the bed and got dressed head to head to find Yamato where she saw the Oni swing her Kabano repeatedly while her skin gistenned in sweat. Akeno was mesmerized by her movement and never thought that her heart would be stolen by another woman. Well except for a particular part. She waited for a few minutes until she called out.

"Good morning, Dear."


It was Sunday. The day of rest and Yamato was currently exercising while Akeno was resting. Even as a Devil or fallen, pregnancy can take a lot of energy from them. Especially how accelerated the process was with Akeno. Yamato had been keeping her body in top shape and swinging Takeru without any real force behind them and simply used it as weight.

The problem when it comes to having superhuman strength is that many heavy things felt like swinging sticks where Yamato only got tired by the strain of repeating the motion.

That is why she had sealed herself using the fuinjutsu knowledge that Minato has and helped make her body revert to a human level allowing her to train and once she removed the seal it would amplify her strength.

'Can't believe that only in three months I would be engaged to one of the most beautiful women.' Yamato thought about how Akeno was smiling throughout the night as they danced in the restaurant enjoying the moment.

'I'm going to be a parent in two months! By then I need to get stronger and I'll spoil them rotten hahaha!' She stopped swinging and began to laugh, imagining her children running around and being doted on by him.

"Good morning, Dear." The Oni heard soft and gentle voices and turned to see Akeno having a whole new vibes acting more motherly than ever before.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" Yamato asked and wiped her sweat walking towards her fiance.

"I'm fine. Besides normal morning sickness." Akeno said, rubbing her stomach and Yamato nodded then remembered something.

"Ah right, I have something for that." Yamato walked over taking the fallen's hand then immediately transferred [ Encounter ] ability where Akeno immediately felt the power flow into her.

"Huh? What did you give me?" Akeno asked.

"I've mentioned my power, right? It's a reward I got after beating Sona. It allows you to transfer attacks be it physical, mental or magical elsewhere. This will keep you safe and our child." Yamato said seeing the surprised look on her face that slowly turned into a loving smile and Akeno leaned in to gracefully kiss her cheek.

"Aren't you a worrywart?" Akeno does like how protective her lover was and the reason why she loves her. Yamato scratched her head and smiled wryly.

"Be at it may, I ain't taking chances. Too bad I can make a copy of it and transfer it to future girls I'll have." Yamato said and this made Akeno feel special.

"Really now? Well, why don't I try and test it." Akeno said and Yamato nodded. The fallen tested it by pinching herself and felt nothing as she transferred it to Yamato.

"Ow! Hey, why me?" Yamato said with Akeno giggling seeing that it worked while the Oni immediately copied the ability.

[ You have acquired "Encounter" ]

Yamato nodded thinking about recoil and how it would be useful.

"Well, I'll go ahead and make breakfast." Akeno said kissing Yamato as the Oni nodded since light work was fine and her new skills will help keep her safe. As Yamato watched her disappear, she turned to her system and checked the notification that she dismissed during the time she proposed to Akeno.

[ You are engaged to Akeno Himejima! ]

[ You have acquired "Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist" ]

Yamato never thought she would acquire this technique and saw that it would be useful in combat. She couldn't even begin to imagine how devastating it would be to apply Haki to it.

She began to test it out moving in a graceful and fluid motion contrasting her brawler style approach when it comes to fighting. It showcases a level of proficiency executing the martial arts.

After a few more minutes, Yamato finished training and went inside where the Oni rinsed away the sweat and dirt on her body before joining Akeno who finished setting up the table.

"So you're going to have a date with that fallen today." Akeno said and Yamato nodded.

"Yeah, does that bother you? I can cancel it if you want?" Yamato asked.

"No, it's fine. I believe this is something you need to do especially how you are often rewarded for doing certain things. And I'm confident you won't forget about me, right?" Akeno looked at her filled with love and Adoration resulting in a deep embrace.

"Of course not. My love for you will always remain." Yamato said.

"That's great to hear. Now let's eat. I was planning on going out shopping with Rias today." Akeno said and Yamato smiled.

"Okay. By the way, why are you all surprised when I won against Sona in chess?" She pretended not to know as Akeno mischievously smiled.

"Well…According to Rias, she once was forced to be in an engagement but when she defeated that person in chess declared that she would marry someone smarter than her and whoever defeated her would automatically engage to her." Akeno looked at Yamato who acted shocked and baffled.

"Wait what!? Are you telling me that I'm now engaged to Sona without knowing? Would it be okay? I mean I do like Sona but I don't want to force her on something she doesn't want."

Yamato does stand by this since she may have engaged to her doesn't mean she'll immediately act like they are fiancée if Sona doesn't like her.

But if Sona accepts it and doesn't mind then Yamato will do her best to keep her safe.

"I think she is going to discuss this with us soon enough. Sona is a woman of her words and it would damage her pride if she went back on her words." It was all integrity and Sona was a person who values these things. She wouldn't want to be seen as a liar.

"But I'm not a Devil though?" Yamato understood how those old fossils still cling to their old beliefs while thinking they are different from the Satan faction that opposed them.

It's likely that Yamato and Sona will be engaged and many would oppose it. And if the Oni and the sitri have mutual love then the Okuchi no Makami would fight even the entire devil faction if they try anything against Sona.

Even Sirzechs would likely not be able to go against Yamato now that she has [ Encounter ]. But the Oni doesn't want to be overconfident and be defeated from carelessness.

"Or a man for that matter." Yes, she has a tool for breeding but it's not a common knowledge even though Yamato doesn't necessarily hide this fact.

"Fufufu~ that's why I think Sona would like to discuss this issue. It will most likely be on Monday, tomorrow." Akeno said and Yamato nodded. The two continued to eat, enjoying their time together until Yamato went to have her date with Kalawarner.

She had a simple form fitting crop top with jacket over and trousers. People were staring at her seeing how beautiful she looked. There were even some who tried to flirt with her but received a dose of Conqueror Haki enough that they trembled in fear and ran.

"Ah, sorry for keeping you waiting." A voice was heard and turned to see Kalawarner wearing a purple string crop top with black leather jacket and black shorts that perfectly show off her curves.

"Nah, seeing how good you look then I wouldn't mind waiting a bit more." Yamato flirted, which made her flinch and slightly blush while giving a smile.

"I wonder how long you're practicing that line to be so smooth?" She giggled, impressed by the oni's line and Yamato laughed.

"I'm a smooth criminal and know how to steal hearts." Yamato noticed something spreading her Observation Haki and finally noticed something.

'Is that a seal? If that is the case then she's likely being forced to do this. Guess plot has changed quite a lot ever since I was dropped here.' Yamato thought that she should be able to remove the seal quite easily.

"Well, ready to go?" Kalawarner asked and Yamato smiled, holding out her arms gesturing to wrap her own. The blue haired fallen nodded as she did it and started to genuinely feel safe around Yamato.

They decided to walk around the mall looking around trying to spot anything that could entertain them before having something to eat. The two sat down and chatted, sharing about themselves with Kalawarner telling the truth about herself and how she complained about her job and other things.

"What is your dream then, Kalia?" Yamato asked and Kalawarner contemplated it.

"If I have to guess then be successful in life." She answered never considered pursuing anything besides doing her best to live.

Yamato was satisfied by the answer and then continued their date where they decided to watch some movie together. The movie was entertaining where they were on their seats enjoying it, especially how Kalawarner was acting. She was genuinely enjoying her time with her but internally in conflict when she looked at Yamato.

'I guess she's going to try and kill me later because she has no choice. Well, too bad I'm going to stop her before that happens.' Yamato thought as they finished the movie and walked out commenting on the movie.

They went into various stories and looked at items. After looking around Yamato found Kalawarner looking at a necklace with a dark purple diamond.

"Oh, so you like that one." Yamato asked, walking over.

"N-No I don't, we can leave now as it's almost evening." Kalawarner was clearly in conflict and As she walked out the door, Yamatl took her card and bought it.

It was easily one of the most expensive things in the store but he was rich so it didn't really matter. It was put in a small box and handed to her which she placed in her pocket and left the store as well.

They hung out a little bit more until it was evening. They went to a secluded area where they were able to see the large part of the city. Yamato noticed Kalawarner was trying her best to calm herself.

"Hey Kalia, can you close your eyes?" Yamato asked.

"Why?" Kalawarner was confused.

"It's a surprise." As she closed her eyes, Yamato brought out the necklace she had bought and carefully put it around her neck. After making sure it was on properly, she took a step back.

"Ok you can open your eyes now."

Kalawarner opened her eyes and looked down. When she saw the necklace around her neck her eyes started to water a bit.

[ Kalawarner's affection: 80+ ]

[ Affection status: Close Friends (Why does it have to be this way!? This is unfair!!) ]

Yamato read the message and saw Kalawarner trembling as she cried. Everything rushed to her like a thunderstorm shattering her heart with every emotion whirling within her like a hurricane.

"Are you ok, Kalia?" Yamato knew the reason but still worried for her.

"It wasn't supposed to go like this." Kalawarner said.

"Huh?... what do you mean?" Yamato said.

"Why are you so damn nice? I want to complete my mission but you just keep on making it harder for me." Kalawarner cursed her heart. She wished for their date to be horrible to lessen her guilt but no. Everything has been amazing.

At this point tears were running down her face. Now Yamato already knew that her mission was to kill her but she wanted to be an ass and asked.

"What mission?"

Kalawarner looked at him and suddenly changed her clothes into what she wore before. She also gained two black angel wings signifying that she had fallen from grace. She had expected Yamatk to freak out but she just stood there with a smile.

"My mission was to kill you. I'm a fallen angel and my superiors deemed it necessary for your death. I have to kill you but I can't.... not after today, and my name isn't Kalia…it's Kalawarner." She didn't excuse the fact she was being used and simply wanted Yamato hate her if she was successful in killing the Oni.

"Oh Kalawarner I knew this was your mission all along." Kalawarner's eyes widened. That was impossible.

"H-How could you know about my mission?" She believed that Akeno shouldn't have told Yamato that she's fallen yet unaware of how quick their development was.

Yamato held out her hand and began to use [ Idle Transfiguration ] removing the seal that was placed on her soul then destroyed it completely where Kalawarner was shocked when this all happened in a split second as Yamato shattered something.

"W-What was that?" Kalawarner felt something left her body and was exhausted but overall was alive and safe.

"I removed the curse seal from your body." Yamato noticed how it was intended to kill her if she refused to do what was ordered. Kalawarner was shocked to learn that her date was more than what they knew. It has only been said that she could potentially be a threat and needed to be observed.

"Now that you're feeling better, be honest with me, Kalia." She said wiping the tears from Kalawarner never felt this way before to someone.

"Yes…I'll tell you everything." Her heart was throbbing and began to tell how everything ended up. Apparently Azazel tasks them to simply observe sacred gear users and send the information that they found while also waiting for the other sacred gear user that they recruited.

However, one for them betrayed them, a fallen angel named Dohnaseek who was not under Azazel but Satanael, someone that had similar interest to their governor in regards to Sacred Gear.

"In the end, we ended up cursed to follow their command. At the moment, my ally, Raynare, is targeting a boy named Issei the same time I am." Kalawarner said while Yamato spread his Observation Haki and found Issei currently in the park fighting.

"I can sense that Issei is with her and something is wrong. Let's go and I'll try to save her." Yamato grabbed the Kalawarner and was shocked when they suddenly vanished and appeared in the park.

"Kalawarner!?" a female voice was heard and turned to see a black haired fallen wearing a BDSM outfit.

"Take your sweet time, Aneki." Issei had been informed by Yamato beforehand about this and he took it to heart since if things are too good to be true then it's likely a trap or something more than meets the eye.

"Gaaah! P-Please save him! I'd rather die than kill him." Raynare felt pain as the curse was activating.

"Aneki! Please save her! I don't know why she wanted to kill me but something is clearly wrong like you said!" Issei shouted and Yamato took action, vanished from her spot and appeared behind Raynare and immediately used Idle transfiguration to remove the curse that seems to latch onto Yamato. Unlike Kalawarner, it was already half through activation.

'Parasitic curse? Interesting.' Yamato was easily destroyed by Haki and Raynare fell into her knees as her body was freed.

"Yuuma! Are you alright, talk to me!" Issei ran to Raynare and held her in his arms as she felt exhausted.

"W-What happened…what did you do to me?" Raynare asked looking at Yamato.

"I removed the curse like I did with Kalia." Yamato said while Kalawarner chimed in.

"You can call me Kalawarner, you know?" She said and Yamato looked at her with a bright smile.

"Well, consider it your nickname then." Yamato replied and this made Kalawarner blush, surprising Raynare then turning to Issei.

"I-I'm sorry, Issei. I lied to you. I never expected that our date would turn out this way." Raynare said and Issei shook his head.

"I knew about it because of Aneki but I trusted my guts and I'm glad you're okay now." Issei said.

"Y-You'll forgive me just like that? Why!? I tried to kill you!?" Raynare was trying whatever their date was Yamato guessed that Issei took her advice and acted matured.

*Of courses, it's not your fault and also…" Issei looked at her with a sincere gaze.

"You're my first girlfriend and I'll make sure to beat those who made you cry." Issei said with Raynare blush falling hard for him as she suddenly leaned and took a kiss while Yamato and Kalawarner gave them some privacy.

Moments later when everyone had calm down, they began to discuss everything that had happened.

"What now? Are you going to return back?" Issei asked.

"Unfortunately, we can't leave our friend, Mittelt behind." Raynare said and Kalawarner nodded.

"We're going to return and pretend we're still under their command to save the Nun that will be coming here a few days from now." She said Yamato thought about Asia turning to Issei.

"Hey I get the feeling you'll meet this girl. If you do then try to take her with you. I'll try to speak to Rias about it. By the way, what kind of sacred gear does this nun have?" Yamato planned ahead and let her join the peerage without letting her die.

She then told them that she'll handle the rest of the fallen angel and free their friend mittelt. Kalawarner and Raynare nodded as they began to leave, with the former going to her date then kissing Yamato.

"Thank you for everything. When this is over I'll reward you." Kalawarner said while Issei heard this grumbled in jealousy but Raynare whispered and suddenly regained strength as she giggled. They soon left as Issei nodded, swearing to get stronger to save and protect precious to him.

"I'm glad you saved me and Yuum—I mean Raynare." Issei said.

"No problem. Just look out for the Nun if possible bring her with you. I'll contact Rias about the situation and she will surely be happy to have another possible piece." Yamato said and Issei nodded as the two headed back home.