
X-men: Wolf

A new Feral arrives in the X-men's lives.

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


" Rahne!"

Danielle yelled out to the girl.

" Wha' is it Danielle?"

Rahne asked.

" Get your gear on quickly! Logan and Alex were attacked in the city. The school is going into lockdown, we're moving the kids that are still here into the sub-basement."

Danielle explained to the woman.

Rahne quickly got out of her bed and threw her gear on as fast as she could and then ran out of the room, ready to help the other teachers at the school.

Cyclops and Frost were the ones in charge of getting the students who had stayed over the summer to safety, while Colossus, Bobby, Danielle, Rahne, Kurt, Storm, Gambit and Rogue stood by outside ready to face down any threat coming to the school.

" Did logan say, who had attacked them?"

Kurt asked.

" No, he didn't just armed men tried to capture them."

Storm replied to the man.

" Och, I hope they're okey."

Rahne stated.

" They will be fine. I'm more concerned about the ones foolish enough to try and take Wolverine."

Gambit stated.

" Speak of the devils. They're here."

Danielle said as she spotted the Van the two men were in approaching the mansion. Logan drove through the gates of the mansion and stopped just in front of the group of X-men.

" You guys didn't need to roll out the welcome matts for us."

Logan stated as he climbed out of the van.

" Yeah, right. You go out to get clothes and somehow manage to bring back trouble with you. It's only right that gambit stand ready with the red carpet."

Gambit joked.

Logan looked at the man and grinned while he flipped him off.

The passenger door to the vehicle opened and out stepped Alexander.

" Och, Alex, yuir alright."

Rahne shouted as the man stepped out of the vehicle.


Alexander growled as he robbed the top of the woman's head.

" You were? You don' neda worre about me."

Rahne blushed as the man gently rubbed her head.

" Aw, look at that. Aren't you two adorable."

Danielle joked.

" Nae the time Danielle."

Rahne stated.

" Where you followed Logan?"

Storm asked.

" Nah, made sure to unalive them."

Logan said with the obvious quotations.

" Okay, seems like the problem has been solved by very capable hands. Let's go back inside."

Gambit stated.



Captain growled as he smelled the air.

" Yeah, I smell it too."

Logan replied.

" Aye! Someone's nearby."

Rahne stated.

The words of the three sent the others into high alert. They all began looking around for any sign of an attack when a bullet whizzed through the forest towards Rahne. Captain stuck his hand out and caught the bullet before it hit the woman and turned towards the direction of the bullet.

" Ah, you got in the way."

A rather large man stated as he walked out of the forest line.

" Rah! Omega red."

Logan growled.

" Thank ye alexander. ye saved me."

Rahne said to the man. He patted her head again and turned towards Omega red and took the top of his uniform off.

" Sorry, but I got business with Logan and the mutt boy! So, get out of my way or die."

Omega red said to the man who was approaching him.

The captain raised his hands into a fighting stance and emitted the white mist that was apparent with the use of his powers. He took a step and instantly turned into the mist and raced towards Omega Red. The man raised his arms to attack, but his tendrils passed right through the captain leaving him wide open for an attack. The captain planted his foot into the man's chest and kicked him through the forest, Cracking the man's carbonadium skin and breaking the bones underneath. Omega Red spat up blood as he landed harshly on the ground.

" Damn, what a kick."

Gambit stated as he watched Omega Red get rag dolled.

" No kiddin."

Rogue said as well.

" Aw Rahne look. He's protecting you."

Danielle stated in an unteasing way.

" Nae the time."

Rahne replied as she and the others watched the fight.

Omega Red got back to his feet in an attempt to defend himself only to be drilled by a kick to the side of his head.

' How? Why? Why can't I touch him? This is impossible!'

Omega Red thought as he looked up at the imposing captain.

Captain raised his leg and delivered a vicious ax-kick to the man's stomach cratering the ground around them and knocking the man unconscious. Captain grabbed the man by his collar and dragged him back to the rest of the X-men.

" Damn wolfy, never seen Ole red get beat like that."

Logan said as he looked at the unconscious murderer.

Captain threw the body of Omega Red to logan's feet and picked his uniform back up. He then turned to Rahne and nodded before walking towards the Institute to rest.