
X-men: Wolf

A new Feral arrives in the X-men's lives.

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

New Teachers!

" Hm, quite the interesting outcome. To beat someone who can kill you with a touch so viciously and effortlessly that he seems like a helpless child. I must say we've gained quite the powerful ally."

Charles explained as he and a few other X-men watched over the footage from the short brawl between the captain and Omega red.

' Hm, if things work out properly. He could be a great asset to Krakoa.'

Charles thought to himself.

" Why did he beat him so badly?"

Bobby asked.

" Cuz he attacked Rahne. He's a wolf and sees himself as the Alpha of the pack. And with strength like that he damn well is."

Logan explained.

" He cracked carbonadium with relative ease. Logan, your claws could never cut through Omega Red. Do you think he could do the same to adamantium?"

Storm asked as she looked at the pictures of Omega reds shattered carbonadium skin.

" Maybe, but I ain't in a hurry to find out."

Logan replied.

" Wish we would have had him years ago. A fighter like that would have been great to have by our side."

Emma stated.

" Yeah, why is it we didn't find him before?"

Scott asked the professor.

" I don't know. Logan said he was trapped in a vault in a hydra base and that many strange symbols covered the floor and walls. It could be that room was blocking Cerebro and cerebra all these years."

Charles theorized.

" If hydra had a monster like him at their disposal, why didn't they use him?"

Kitty asked.

" Could simply be he didn't want too. Would explain why he was locked away in the first place."

Logan stated bluntly.

" But why give him the rank of captain? If he wasn't one of theirs, he wouldn't have their dog tags right?"

Bobby asked

" Not always bobby. They could have trained him from birth or maybe he turned against them. We really don't know."

Storm stated

As the X-men were talking a sharp noise soon pierced their ears.

" ARooooooooo!"

Rahne and captain howled together as the stared up at the moon.

" Gah! Again?"

Logan asked.

" I'm glad they enjoy each other's company. But do they really need to do that?"

Kitty asked.

Outside Rahne and Captain were outside howling.

" Och, Thank ye fer such a fun time."

Rahne said to the man as she transformed back into her human form, the captain doing the same.

" Hm."

The captain growled lightly.

" We are a pack aren't we."

Rahne laughed.

The captain transformed again and wrapped his giant body around the woman and let her use him as a pillow. Rahne let her instincts take over and transformed as well. She curled up into a ball and laid down in the man's Maine. The two soon fell asleep on the lawn of the institute as the moon light shined down over them. The captain's strong and sturdy body protecting the young wolfwoman from any potential dangers.

" You get him girl!"

Danielle said as she watched the two from a window in the school building.

The next day Rahne awoke to the soft feeling of the captain's fu

' Och, my god. I feel asleep.'

Rahne thought as her cheeks turned bright red.

The captain felt the woman stirring and awoke, he started to shift back to normal as well.

" Och, sorre about tha' I didn' mean tae wake ye."

Rahne said to the man.

" Hm."

The captain growled lightly as he rubbed the top of the woman's head.

The woman blushed again before speaking up.

" Come on, we should go inside. It should still be time for breakfast."

Rahne said as she began to walk towards the house the captain close behind.

Inside The staff had once again come together to discuss the events of last night.

" So, let me get this straight. You want to put him in charge of the self-defense class. Are you sure about this Charles?"

Scott asked.

" Yes, scott that is the plan. This will give Logan free time after history. And he seems to be an excellent hand to hand fighter, more so than any of you."

Charles explained.

" I don't mind the idea, but how is that going to go with him not talking?"

Storm asked.

" We could have Rahne interpret. She seems to understand the growling. Or we could just make him a co-teacher and have him and Logan both teaching the class."

Bobby answered.

" Either of those options work. But I was thinking of letting him run the class by himself. Maybe teaching will help him be more vocal. Either way the choice is still his own."

Charles explained.

" Does anyone know where he is?"

Charles asked.

" Yeah, he and Rahne slept outside last night. It was actually kind of cute."

Kitty explained.

" All right. Kitty can you go ask them to both come to my office please."

Charles asked.

" Sure."

Kitty said before phasing out of the room and went downstairs to fetch the two wolves.

She ran into the two of them as they were coming inside.

" Oh Rahne! Glad I found you two."

Kitty called out as she walked up to the man and woman.

" What can we do for ye Kitty?"

Rahne asked.

" Xavier wants to see you two in his office. He has an offer to make."

Kitty explained.

The three walked back to the office together with Kitty explaining along the way what it was the professor wanted.

" Is tha' right! You hear that, Alexander; we get to teach a class together. Och, this is so excitin."

Rahne happily exclaimed.

The captain looked down at the girl and nodded

" Well, I'm sure the professor will be happy to hear your answer."

Kitty said as she walked towards the professor's door.

She opened the door and the three walked in.

" Ah Rahne and our new friend. I believe you wanted me to call you Captain. Well captain, how would you like to teach the self-defense class for the kids. I know you'd be a great addition to the school, and it would give you a chance to help the future generation."

Charles explained to the man.

Captain nodded and grabbed Rahne's hand and held it up.

" You wish for Rahne to help?"

Charles asked and Captain nodded.

" Okay, Rahne would you like to assist him in the self-defense classes?"

Charles asked.

" Och, I'd love tae. Och this is so excitin!"

Rahne cheered.

" Very well. I'll have the schedules for the school year printed out and delivered to you two in a few hours as well as the student registry list. I look forward to seeing how you two do as teachers."

Charles said to the two.

Captain nodded and left the room with Rahne.

" Och, this is going to be so fun. I can't wait."

Rahne exclaimed.

Captain nodded and leaned down into the woman's face.

" What is it?"

Rahne asked.

" Hm."

Captian growled and partially transformed. He rubbed his wolf like head against Rahne's.

" Hmmm."

Rahne growled as she did the same.

" Get a room you two!"

Danielle hollered making Rahne blush.

" Come on, we got some work tae do."

Rahne said to the man as she led him towards the Gym.