
maybe a problem

Kat slapped the screaming alarm off her nightstand and to the floor. A deep chuckle reminded her that Kye had spent the night. "Sorry kitten. I get up pretty early. If you'd like, I can reset the alarm and you can sleep for a while longer."

"No. I'll get up with you." She thought for a moment. "Are you going to school today?"

"After I shower and shave, yeah." He smiled at her. "Do you want to come with me?"

"Yeah." She said as she excitedly leapt out of bed. "Do you need to go home for a change of clothes?"

"My dad brought me one last night. We can stop by the school store and get your uniforms for school." He smiled as he followed her into the bathroom and closed the door.

"Did you say uniforms?" Kat asked as she pulled his t-shirt over her head.

"Yeah. We wear uniforms in the pack highschool." He said as he watched her strip off her panties. "Damn you're so fucking hot." He growled as she turned to him.

"Thanks." She blushed. "Aren't you going to get in with me?" She asked when she noticed that he wasn't taking off his clothes.

"Yeah. You get in and I'll join you when I'm ready." He smiled as he put his back pack on the sink. "And no peaking."

"Why not?" She pouted. "You've seen me naked. Why can't I see you naked?"

"You will soon enough." He chuckled and placed a gentle kiss on her perfect lips. "But you freaked out when I told you that I want to make love to you. If you see it, you won't ever let me do that."

"I already know that you have a pretty impressively sized penis. I saw the bulge in your pants last night." She grinned wickedly as she spoke. Turning she started to step into the shower stall that looked like it would be barely big enough for the two of them to stand in. "But if you insist, I won't peak. I promise."

He stripped of his pants and stepped in behind her. He had been right about the stall. His front was touching her back and it excited him. Before he could stop himself he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back into him. Kye moaned as he ran his hands over her gorgeous body. "You're so beautiful." He huskily murmured in her ear.

"Kye." Kat moaned as she pressed herself closer to him and tilted her head back. A deep growl bubbled up from his chest. It was a primal, lustful sound full of his need to have Kat screaming his name as she writhed in pleasure on his cock. "Oh Kye." He loves the way his name sound when she moaned it like that.

"Fuck kitten you're all wet." He moaned as he pushed his middle finger into her dripping pussy. She whimpered in pleasure. "That's it. Let me pleasure you." Kye growled and lowered his head to lick, nip and suck on her marking spot.

"Ah! Ah! Mmmmh! Ahhhhhh!" She was starting to get loud and he could feel her shaking. He moved his lips to hers and swallowed her screams as his tongue took control of her mouth. He thrust his fingers faster and it wasn't long before she was convulsing from her orgasm. Kye felt his cock twitch and exploded all over both of them. His cum shot up Kat back as her legs gave out and he lowered her gently to the floor of the shower.

When they caught their breath and Kat could string a sentence together she mumbled something about feeling slimy. "Sorry about that." Kye said apologetically. "That's the first time I've gotten off on making a woman orgasm. That's just for you kitten." He smirked as Kat blushed prettily. "Now let's get cleaned up and get to school. Before I fuck you with something other than my fingers."

"I wouldn't mind getting fucked by your tongue like you did last night." Kat smiled wickedly at him.

"I'm sure you wouldn't." Kye chuckled. "But I was talking about using my cock. It's already hard again. Fuck what have you done to me woman." Kye hadn't lied about his cock being hard. But it hadn't gone down after his ejaculation like it usually did. He wanted to put a baby in Kat, and he wouldn't denie that. But if he volunteered that information it would scare her again. He didn't want to redo all his hard work getting her comfortable around him when they were both naked.

He pulled her to her feet and washed her body while she washed her hair. Once she was all clean he turned them so she could step out of the shower. He watched her as she dried herself off and got dressed. He then quickly cleaned up and shaved before shutting off the hot water and stepping out. He didn't realize that she was facing him. "Damn I didn't think you were that big." He blushed at her statement and covered his still hard member with a towel. "By the way you gave me a hickey."

"I know. It's a temporary mark. I will be giving you a hickey everytime they fade away until you let me take what's mine and mark you permanently." He leaned over and gave one more suck on her neck before kissing her lips passionately.

They were sitting at lunch as Kat picked at her food. Kye's arm was draped around her shoulders as he chatted with his friends. "Are you not hungry, Kat?" Lidya asked snarkily as she watched. Kye stopped talking and watched her.

"Not really. I had a pretty big breakfast." She smiled at the other girl shyly.

"I didn't know that half a piece of toast counted as a 'big breakfast'." Kye growled. He was upset that he couldn't get her to eat more at the table that morning.

"Look I know you're up set but-" He cut her off by pulling her in close and whispering in her ear.

"Eat your lunch and I'll have you for desert." She blushed and he licked her ear. "Deal?"

"Deal." She agreed as she pictured his tongue pushing inside her neathers.

"You have to eat all of your lunch first." He nipped her ear to emphasize his point and she giggled as she took a large bite.

"Don't do that Kye." Mark sighed in agitation. "It may be a problem later on."