
Just one night

Kye couldn't control himself. His middle finger worked its way up inside her tight entrance and he began to move it in and out to gently stimulate her sex. She was soaking wet and the smell was driving him mad. Kat was moaning and whimpering in pleasure as he worked his other hand under her bra to tease her nipple. "I want to make you cum." He growled and licked her ear.

"Okay." She whimpered and spread her legs wider. He chuckled low in her ear as he slid a second finger inside her tight pussy and twisted his wrist just enough to elicit a sharp gasp of surprise from her.

"So accommodating." His voice was low and husky now. Her scent was filling the room and Kye was trying so hard to restrain himself. Once again he shifted so Kat was pressed on the bed, this time she was on her stomach. Kye ran his hand up her back to the clasp of her bra and, in one swift move, unfastened it. She flipped over in surprise and he pulled the bra off to free her beautiful breasts.

"K-Kye!" She stumbled over his name as her arms went up to cover herself. It was just what he had planned. Now that her arms were out of the way, he grasped the waist band of her shorts and panties and, giving a sharp tug, pulled them off of her only to toss them aside. "W-what ar-"

He cut her off by shoving his tongue into her mouth. She moaned and submitted to him just as he needed her to. "Calm down baby. It just makes it easier for me to pleasure you." He said when he drew back from his breathless mate. He watched her body relax as he rubbed slow gentle circles on her clit.

"Mmmmh." She moaned softly in pleasure and bit her now swollen lip.

"That's right Kitten. Just let me pleasure you." He coaxed as he kissed down her body to the nest of crimson curls that covered her pussy. "Just don't forget to keep these perfect legs open." He added as he pushed gently on her knees. Her pink folds were glistening with her love juices and he couldn't wait to taste her any longer.

He parted her folds with his thumbs and licked up her beautiful slit. Kat gasped in shock but he knew that she would like what he was about to do. Just as he predicted, she was soon moaning and whimpering in pleasure as he sucked and nibbled at her clit.

The taste of her pleasure was enough to drive him wild. Without hesitation he pushed his eager tongue into her virgin pussy and moaned as she gasped his name. Her voice was breathy and desperate as he continued the sweet torture. It didn't take long for her gasps to turn into screams. And soon her whole body began to convulse as fluid gushed into his mouth. He lapped up her juices and chuckled as her body calmed from the pleasure he had coaxed out of her.

Suddenly there was a loud pounding on the door that shook the entire room. "Kat? are you okay?" Esther Lafayette asked, concerned about her daughter's safety.

"I'm fine Momma." Kat called back in a shakey voice.

"What the fuck is going on in there Kat?" Derik half bellowed. By now kat had snatched her shorts off the floor and was struggling to get them back on. As soon as she straightened Kias pulled his shirt over her head.

"Guess it's not sound proof." He shrugged as he went to the door. "That's okay. My room is." He smiled at her and winked as he pulled the door open. "Next ti-"

CRACK!!! Kat screamed in horror as the top half of a bat spun in graceful arcs into the room and smashed the body length mirror next to her desk. Time seemed to stand still as Kye stood unmoving in the doorway. He was facing a very angry looking Derik, who seemed to be out for blood. Then almost as if a cue was given both men turned to look at the smashed glass on the floor.

"Kitten don't move!" Kye snapped before grabbing kat and putting her on the bed.

"My mirror." She whined pitifully as she looked at the once beautiful antic.

"Seven years bad luck, Derik." Esther sighed as she shook her head in disapproval.

"It touched Kye last!" Derik deflected defensively.

"Only cause you hit me with it." Kye chimed in as Esther disappeared to find a broom and dustpan to clean up the broken glass. "By the way I could have told you that it wouldn't work."

"I wouldn't have hit you if you weren't in here hurting my daughter!" Derik half yelled.

"I wasn't hurting her! I would never hurt her!" Kye was on the verge of losing control of Balthset once again. This was dangerous for everyone in the room.

"Then explain to me why she was screaming like she was being murdered!" Derik shot back.

"We were..." Kye stopped yelling and blushed suddenly. "Doing something else." He half muttered.

"What exactly were you doing?" Derik demanded.

"I'm not going to tell you that!" Kye said defensively.

"Why not?" Derik was growling now.

"You might shoot me." Kye said matter of factly.

"Oh? Oh. OHH! Esther, get my gun!!" Derik bellowed as realization dawned on him. "What were you doing to my daughter?" He demanded again.

"I already told you. I'm not going to tell you that because you might shoot me."

"No. I'm definitely going to shoot you."


"What's wrong? Afraid I might kill you?"

"No but it will still fucking hurt! Besides, what if you miss and hit Kat? I'd have to explain to my dad why I killed you!"

"Okay boys that is enough of that!" Esther snapped as she shoved the broom into Derik's hand and the dustpan into Kye's. "Both of you are going to clean up this mess and no one is shooting anybody!"

"But he-" Derik started before being cut off by his wife.

"They were probably having sex. It's normal and what he is hard wired to do." She gestured to Kat. "Besides, she isn't hurt in anyway. What's the problem?"

"I guess-" Derik grumbled.

"Exactly! Now get cleaning." She turned to Kat and her expression gentled. "We do need to talk about some basic rules, it seems."

"like what?" Kat asked innocently.

"No skipping meals to have sex with Kye." Esther gave her a sympathetic look.

"But I did eat. Look!" Kat lunged across the bed and snatched the empty plate to show her mom.

"You got her to eat?" Derik said incredulously.

"It wasn't that hard." Kye said as he smiled.

"Alright then. How about keep your clothes on while we are in the house?" Esther motioned to Derik and herself.

"That's fair." Kye said before Kat could protest.

"And if you are going to stay at his place we do need to know ahead of time so that we don't worry about where you are."

"Yes momma." Kat agreed meekly.

"Good. Now, Kye your father is downstairs. He said he wants to talk to ya."

"Yes Ma'am." He said politely as he dumped the shards of glass into the trashcan. He jogged down the stairs and his father was standing in the entryway. "Hey. What's up?"

"Thought I'd bring you some pajamas and a change of clothes for tomorrow." Eirik passed him the backpack. "Was he really going to shoot you?"

"He really wants to." He grinned back.

"Maybe you should come home with me." Eirik suggested hopefully.

"It's just one night. What harm could it do? Besides Kat loves me. She won't let him seriously hurt me."