
WTF I am in the Marvel Universe !

After waking in someone else’s body our protagonist screamed out in fear as he found out he was in the Marvel Universe. Unfortunately for our power hungry protagonist he ended up in the 1980s Marvel Universe where nothing happened. So is our power hungry protagonist path to power stunted before it even started ? Read and find out !

Tony_Wong · Book&Literature
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A Surprising Answer

"Um... what does the blessing ceremony entail ?", Ray asked in a girlish voice with a sweet fake smile.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Nothing much, you just sit on my throne while we Asgardian gods kneel down in front of you while you say you give us your blessings. That's all.", Odin said with a sweet fake smile.

"Yes. Nothing much but just say you give us your blessings in front of all Asgardian gods and citizens. Ha. Ha. Ha.", Freya said with a sweet fake smile.

(Ray's point of view)

Oh God ! There is Odin's fake smile again ! It's creeping me out. Oh God ! Not Freya too ! Not you too ! Oh God ! Freya's fake smile is creeping me out as well. What ? Sit on the throne of Asgard ? All Asgard gods kneeling down before me to receive their blessings ? What the fuck is going on ? I guess there is no other way than to go through this so called blessing ceremony to find out what they are up to.

"Uh... I suppose there is no harm in giving you my blessings. When will I have to do this ?", Ray asked in a girlish voice.

"Yes ! I mean I thank you my guest for doing the blessing ceremony. I think tomorrow is all it will take to do the ceremony. Make it tomorrow morning. Right Freya ?", Odin said with another fake sweet smile.

"Thank you. Thank you. Oh ! Yes, of course my husband, I can have everything arranged by today and the ceremony held tomorrow. No problem. Excuse me, Ray. I will have to get everything ready for tomorrow. And thank you again. You don't know what this means to us.", Freya said with a smile that seems sincere.

"Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Meanwhile let me take you around for a tour of Asgard. Your three bodyguards are here as well as our guest." Odin said sweetly.

"Do you need my three bodyguards to give you their blessings as well ?", Ray asked in a girlish voice.

"Uh. No, but they can be witnesses to the blessing ceremony tomorrow.Ha. Ha. Ha.", Odin said with a fake smile.

Meanwhile in Kamar Taj, a very depressed Dr. Strange is getting his daily briefing from the Ancient One about information they got about the cosmic entity that ate Dormammu.

"So what's new ?", Dr. Strange asked depressingly.

"Ahem. Cheer up. We got information on the entity that ate Dormammu. Hey, I am the one dying here, cheer up.", the Ancient One said confidently.

Baron Karl Mordo walked in with Master Wong at this moment.

"Welcome Karl, do you have any news ?", the Ancient One asked with a smile.

"Well we have good news and bad news, which one do you want to listen to first ?", Baron Karl Mordo said in a gruff voice.

"You have good news. Can I have the good news first ? Lately I have been a bit depressed.", Dr. Strange said with a slight smile.

"Ah. The good news is that Galactus the world eater is dead. We don't have to worry about him anymore. The bad news is that we think whichever cosmic entity that devoured Dormammu also devoured Galactus, the Celestials, Mephisto, Satannish, The Gibborim, The Beast, Chthon, Set, Oshtur, Agamotto, Hoggoth, Master Order, Lord Chaos, Love and Hate, M Kraan Crystal, Eon, the Watchers, the Progenitors and various other cosmic beings we know nothing about.", Baron Karl Mordo said grimly.

"What ?! That's the good news. Why is that the good news ?", Dr. Strange said depressingly.

"Well you don't have worry about any evil entities attacking Earth anymore. You can just concentrate all your effort on protecting Earth from a single cosmic entity.", Baron Karl Mordo said with a smile.

"Gah ! That's not good news ! It's bad news and worst news ! Oh God ! I am so depressed right now. I need to lie down in my bed and rest for a while.", Dr. Strange said as he left the room and walked down the corridor.

"Karl, why did you tell him that information ?", the Ancient One asked angrily.

"Well he deserves to know sooner or later.", Baron Karl Mordo said with a smile.

"You can always tell him after I am dead. Now I will have comfort him and calm his fragile ego. Damn you Mordo ! Don't tell him anything next time.", the Ancient One said as she walked away.

"Master Wong, what do you think ? Did I do the right thing ?", Baron Karl Mordo asked Master Wong.

"Don't get me involved. I am just here to assist the new sorcerer supreme.", Master Wong said as he quickly walked away.

"Sigh.", Baron Karl Mordo said as he walked away as well.

(Another Day in the Life of Black Panther)

Black Panther Prince TChalla was sitting down at an Avengers meeting sitting next to him was his new intern, Ms. Lisa who was plump, wearing blue thick plastic spectacles and had short purple hair. Ms. Lisa was a feminist and a Social Justice Warrior.

Sitting opposite Prince TChalla the Black Panther was Tony Stark Iron Man. On the left of Iron Man was Natasha Romanov the Black Widow and on the right of Iron Man was Captain America Steve Rogers. The rest of the Avengers was seated around them. Tony Stark Iron Man had a dark expression on his face. Tony Stark's mouth was twitching slightly, he had started to do this whenever he saw Black Panther. After going out on ten missions whereby Prince TChalla had to use his Wakandan Vibranium energy weapon ten times, Tony Stark had to pay Prince TChalla US$10 Million. So you can expect Tony Stark to be extremely unhappy whenever he sees Prince TChalla the Black Panther.

"Ahem. Why are we here today ? Why did you ask me to bring my intern to the meeting ?", Prince TChalla asked Tony Stark and the Avengers.

"TChalla, we are here because we have a problem with your intern. She has been stealing things from our trash bins and selling them online.", Tony Stark Iron Man said angrily.

"Ahem. You should address him as Prince TChalla and show him the proper respect. If not then you are a racist Tony Stark !", Ms. Lisa yelled out loudly.

"I think you should cut your intern's pay. She shouldn't be so rude around us.", Natasha Romanov the Black Widow said unhappily.

"Mmmm.... but I pay my intern nothing. Ms. Lisa here works for free.", Prince TChalla the Black Panther said happily.

"No wonder she has been stealing from our trash bins and selling our things online.", Captain America Steve Rogers said in shock.

"Hello ! I am still here ! Captain America you are a toxic Male and have no rights to speak to me a superior Female ! So shut up !", Ms. Lisa shouted out.

"TChalla, she stole my used menstruation pads and sold it online. Do you know that ?", Natasha Romanov the Black Widow asked angrily.

"Don't talk to my boss like that ! Talk to me you racist toxic Male !", Ms. Lisa yelled out loudly.

"But I am female.", Natasha Romanov the Black Widow said.

"No ! You are with the patriarchy ! So you are definitely an inferior Male !", Ms. Lisa shouted out.

"Okay. We will install incinerator garbage bins in all our rooms now. And Prince TChalla the Black Panther will get rid of his intern Ms. Lisa or he will be fined US$ 100 Million. Thank you. Meeting adjourned. And can someone call security to kick out the delusional Ms. Lisa.", Tony Stark Iron Man said as he walked out of the Avengers meeting room. The rest of the Avengers followed him. While Ms. Lisa kept on shouting, "Fight the Patriarchy !", as well as, "You are all toxic Males !".

Prince TChalla the Black Panther just covered his face and wondered how he was going to get rid of his crazy free feminist Social Justice Warrior intern.

Thanks for the support ! Will definitely try to finish this story but it’s still I think about 50 chapters away from concluding... hopefully less ! Enjoy ! And thanks again for the support !

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