
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Movies
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42 Chs

Chapter 9:The Sacrifce

Alpha grinned wider, his eyes staring right at me with a challenging look. It felt like he was daring me to confront him. But I couldn't just walk away, not after what he did to Jacob, not after all the pain he caused us.


"I will kill him," I declared, my voice low but resolute. The words echoed in the tense silence, a vow made in the face of tragedy.



Alpha's response was a mocking chuckle. "Oh, Hero, you're going to kill me?" His grin widened into a wild smile. "This is it—the battle between the Hero and the Villain."



In a surge of determination, I grabbed the axe Jonathan had held and swung it towards Alpha, but he deftly evaded the blow, delivering a swift kick to my chest that sent me crashing to the ground.



"You can't beat me like that," Alpha taunted, his laughter echoing in the air. "Listen, I'm a martial artist, you idiot!"



Struggling to my feet, I gritted my teeth. "You bastard!"



Meanwhile, Jonathan and Diane lunged at Alpha from different directions, determined to avenge Jacob's death.



Diane thrust her right hand, wielding the knife, towards Alpha with a cry of "Die, you motherfucker!"



But Alpha swiftly evaded her attack, breaking her hand and snatching the knife from her grasp with a smirk.



Alpha's kick landed with brutal force against Diane's chest, the impact sending her tumbling through the air before crashing harshly onto the ground.



 Diane cried out in pain as she was sent flying backward by Alpha's powerful kick.



In an instant, Jonathan, fueled by anger seeing his friend hurt, charged at Alpha, aiming a punch straight at his face. But Alpha, moving swiftly and smoothly, dodged the punch effortlessly. With a quick, fluid motion, Alpha's knife gleamed as it sliced through the space between them, precisely severing Jonathan's finger.



A sharp cry of pain erupted from Jonathan's lips as he crumpled to the ground, the agony radiating from his injured hand rendering him helpless and vulnerable.


[Meanwhile Back to Adam Pov]



The scene was a nightmare unfolding before my eyes. My friends, wounded and helpless, lay at Alpha's mercy. Every fiber of my being screamed with rage and desperation as I faced off against this twisted monster.



Alpha's gaze locked onto mine, his eyes gleaming with malicious satisfaction as he toyed with the knife in his hand. With a chilling smirk curling his lips, he taunted me with cruel certainty.



Alpha sneered at me, his voice thick with disdain as he spoke. "See, Hero," he said mockingly, "This is reality. You're no match for me in your current state. Your friends are merely extra in our story and they'll meet their end unless you step up and do something about it."



"I won't let you get away with this!" I growled, my hands trembling with fury as I struggled to control my emotions.




Alpha's laughter echoed in the air, a cruel sound that filled me with a cold dread. "Oh, but you will, Hero. You will watch as your friends suffer and die before your very eyes," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice.



I gritted my teeth, feeling a surge of determination coursing through me. I couldn't let fear or despair consume me, not now. I had to find a way to defeat Alpha and save my friends, no matter the cost.



I quickly grabbed the axe I had dropped earlier, feeling its familiar weight in my hand. I Summon all my strength and courage, as I charged at Alpha once again, my determination evident in my eyes.



swinging the axe with all my might. But once again, he effortlessly dodged my attack, his movements fluid and precise.



I let out a fierce cry and swung the axe as hard as I could, aiming straight for Alpha, hoping to end this nightmare once and for all. But he moved swiftly, dodging my attack with ease. It was like he knew exactly what I was going to do before I even did it. His movements were smooth and graceful, as if he was dancing around me, making me feel helpless and frustrated. I swung again and again, but each time he slipped away with ease.



"You're too slow, Hero," Alpha mocked, his voice dripping with sadistic amusement as his eyes gleamed with malicious delight.



Alpha moved quickly, thrusting the knife towards me with surprising speed. I didn't have time to dodge or block. The blade struck my hands, making me drop the axe instantly. The pain shot through my fingers like a sudden shock, leaving me stunned and vulnerable.



Before I could recover, Alpha delivered a powerful punch to my gut, the force of it driving me to my knees, gasping for breath.



Bending over me, Alpha sighed in disappointment, his tone dripping with frustration. "Hero, is this the best you can do? At this rate, you can't beat me."



From a distance, Jonathan's voice pierced through the chaos, calling out to me in concern, his injured finger still throbbing with pain. "Adam!!"



Alpha's attention briefly shifted to Jonathan, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Adam, hmm... now that I think about it, everyone called you Adam. Should I call you Adam too? So that every time someone utters your name, you'll hear my voice and think it's me. ahahahah." His laughter echoed in the tense air, sending shivers down my spine as I struggled to rise, defiance burning within me despite the overwhelming odds.



With a cruel grin, Alpha's voice pierced the air, mocking me as he repeated my name over and over. "Adam, Adam, Adam, Adam, Adam..." His taunting chant echoed around us, each repetition feeling like a chilling whisper in the tense atmosphere.



Turning his attention back to me, Alpha's gaze bore into mine with annoying smirk. "Now that you've heard my voice saying 'Adam' a hundred times," he sneered, his tone laced with malice, "every time someone calls you 'Adam,' you'll be reminded of me. Every day and every night, my presence will haunt your thoughts, filling you with anger and torment. Nightmares will plague your sleep, and you'll be consumed by the relentless pursuit of vengeance."



Alpha's words weighed heavily on my determination, casting a shadow over my resolve. His threat fueled an intense desire for revenge within me, pushing me to confront him at any cost.



3rd Pov


The tension in the air was thick as Alpha's gaze shifted towards Jonathan, who was struggling to his feet despite the pain radiating from his injured hand.

A cruel smile played on Alpha's lips as he saw an opportunity to further break Adam's spirit, to push him deeper into the abyss of vengeance.



With a quick motion, Alpha lunged towards Jonathan, his movements fluid and deadly. Before anyone could react, Alpha's knife sliced through the air with deadly precision, finding its mark in Jonathan's chest.



Jonathan gasped in shock and disbelief as the blade stabbed into his chest. Blood flowed from the wound, staining his clothes red as he staggered back, his expression filled with Shocked



As Jonathan felt his life slipping away, he looked at Adam with pain etched on his face. "Adam, what's happening?" he managed to say, blood dripping from his lips.



Adam's heart broke as he witnessed his friend's agony, his pain so intense it felt like a physical blow. "NO!" he shouted, his grief flooding through him like a powerful wave, overwhelming and consuming.



Diane, despite her own injuries, managed to rise to her feet, her face contorted with shock and horror. "NO, Jonathan!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with grief and disbelief.



Alpha's laughter pierced the air like a dagger, his amusement at their torment evident. "There's your friend, Adam," he taunted, his voice dripping with sadistic pleasure. "Another casualty in our Story."



Adam's eyes filled with tears of fury and anguish as he reached for the axe he dropped back then, then his hands trembling with emotion. Gripping it tightly, he surged forward with a primal scream, swinging the weapon wildly at Alpha. Each blow was fueled by the searing pain of loss for his love ones and the burning desire for vengeance, driving Adam to unleash his pent-up rage upon his enemy with every swing of the axe.



As Alpha and Adam distanced themselves from Jonathan, the tension in the air thickened. With a smirk of arrogance, Alpha deftly evaded the axe hurled towards him by Adam, his movements swift and calculated.



Meanwhile, Adam, his mind racing with urgency, summoned a small potion and a grenade from his inventory. With precision, he tossed them towards Diane, who managed to catch them despite her injuries. Confusion clouded her features as she looked between the items in her hands.



"Diane, that small potion can heal Jonathan!" Adam shouted, urgency lacing his voice as he saw Alpha's shock at his unexpected move. "I don't have time to explain!"



Alpha's eyes widened in disbelief at Adam's words, his mind struggling to comprehend the sudden shift in the tide of battle.



Seizing the moment, Adam lunged towards Alpha, his fingers clenching around Alpha's body with an iron grip. "Fuck!" Alpha muttered a curse word


"Let go of me!" Alpha demanded, his voice tinged with confusion as he attempted to break free from Adam's grasp.


But Adam held firm, his resolve unyielding as he turned to Diane with a desperate plea. "Now, Diane, throw the grenade!"

Diane hesitated, tears welling up in her eyes as she grappled with the weight of Adam's request. "No, I can't let you die," she sobbed, torn between her loyalty to Adam and her fear of losing him.



"We don't have a choice!" Adam insisted, his voice tinged with desperation. "Please, I'm begging you, or else all of us are gonna die!"



Alpha's laughter echoed in the air, a cruel reminder of the stakes at hand. "So this is the story you want—a sacrifice story?" he jeered, his words dripping with contempt.



"Shut up!" Adam snapped, his grip on Alpha tightening as he braced himself for what was to come. 



Then Alpha attempted to free himself by striking Adam with his elbow, but Adam's grip remained unyielding. Despite Alpha's efforts, Adam held on firmly, his determination unwavering as he gritted his teeth in resolve.




"Hurry up!" Adam urged, his voice laced with urgency as he fought to maintain his grip on Alpha.



"Let me go, you idiot!" Alpha snarled, his desperation evident as he tried in vain to break free from Adam's grasp.



Meanwhile, With tears streaming down her face, Diane knew she had no choice but to act. Gripping the grenade tightly, her heart heavy with sorrow, she steeled herself for what she knew must be done.



"Adam, I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion as she prepared to throw the grenade towards the entwined figures of Adam and Alpha.



"It's okay, and after this go take Jonathan with you!" Adam reassured Diane, his voice calm despite the impending danger.



Diane nodded, her hands trembling as she hurled the grenade towards them, her heart breaking with each passing moment.



As the grenade hurtled through the air, Adam's grip on Alpha remained unyielding. And with a final, desperate plea, he braced himself for the inevitable explosion.



With a sudden blast, the grenade erupted, engulfing both Adam and Alpha in a wave of searing heat and blinding light. The explosion reverberated through the air, shaking the ground beneath them and leaving destruction in its wake.



Meanwhile, Jonathan, struggling to cling to consciousness, watched in horror from a distance as the explosion engulfed Adam and Alpha. "Adam, no," he whispered, his heart heavy with despair as he prayed for his friend's safety amidst the chaos



Meanwhile Before this happened


Adam pov


As I watched in horror as Jonathan was stabbed in the chest, a surge of desperation coursed through me. I couldn't bear to lose another friend, not like this. With determination burning in my veins, I turned to the familiar interface of my mind, the system that had been my lifeline in countless battles.


"System, I still have 5 revival points left, right? Please buy the Revival Resource Pack," I pleaded, my voice tinged with urgency.



The system responded promptly, confirming my request. "Affirmative, host... initiating... ding..."



Hope blossomed within me as I silently prayed for the potion I needed to save Jonathan's life. "Please, let it be a potion... please..."



With a resounding ding, the Revival Resource Pack was complete, its contents ready to be revealed. I wasted no time in accessing it, my heart pounding with anticipation.



As the pack opened, relief flooded through me as I beheld the small health potion nestled within. It was exactly what I needed to save Jonathan, to turn the tide of battle in our favor.


[Small Health Potion

Function: This potion restores a small amount of health upon consumption, providing a quick boost to vitality in dire situations. After one use, the bottle will vanish.]



I picked up the axe lying on the ground. Then I charged towards Alpha with the axe still in hand, my main goal was to create some space between him and Jonathan. I needed to make sure Jonathan wasn't caught in the blast when I threw the grenade.



As I got closer, I started shouting curses and swinging my weapon like a maniac. I wanted Alpha to see me as this crazy, out-of-control guy, driven mad by what he did to my friend. It was like I was putting on this big show, hoping he'd buy into it.



My heart was pounding, but I kept up the act, making sure every move I made looked wild and unpredictable. I needed Alpha to think I was too nuts to deal with, so he'd back off and give me a opportunity at saving Jonathan.



Finally, This was it—the big moment.



Then with all my might, I throw the axe towards Alpha, hoping to keep him focused on me and away from Jonathan. Then, with a quick motion, I summoned the small potion and grenade from my inventory and hurled them towards Diane.



Diane, despite her injuries, managed to catch them. As she held the items in her hands, confusion painted her face. I needed to act fast.



"Diane, that small potion can heal Jonathan!" I shouted, desperation evident in my voice. "He's still breathing... I don't have time to explain."



With that, I prayed that Diane would understand and administer the potion to Jonathan. But I couldn't dwell on that now. My focus shifted back to Alpha, who was undoubtedly reeling from my sudden attack.



Then as Alpha was momentarily distracted by my action, I seized the opportunity to grab hold of him tightly, ensuring he couldn't escape.

Now with Alpha firmly in my grip, I turned to Diane with a sense of urgency.



"Now, Diane, throw the grenade!" I commanded, my voice urgent as I pleaded with her to act quickly.


But Diane hesitated, her eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. "No, I can't let you die," she protested, her voice trembling with emotion.



"We don't have a choice!" I insisted, desperation creeping into my tone. "Please, I'm begging you, or else all of us are gonna die!"



Alpha's laughter cut through the tension like a knife, his mocking tone ringing out in the air. "So this is the story you want—a sacrifice story?" he taunted, his words dripping with contempt.



"Shut up!" I snapped, my grip on Alpha tightening as I braced myself for what was to come. Despite his attempting to break free, I refused to let go, knowing that our only chance at survival hinged on Diane's willingness to act.



As the grenade hurtled towards us, Alpha, the cunning bastard he was, managed to shield himself by using me as a human shield. Despite his efforts, I knew he wouldn't escape the explosion unscathed. Then His body tensed as the explosion engulfed us.



Then, with a deafening boom, the explosion ripped through the air, consuming everything in its path. The world around me blurred as flames danced in the darkness, swallowing us whole.



As darkness engulfed me, a sense of relief washed over me. I had done what needed to be done to ensure Jonathan's safety and to put an end to Alpha's reign of terror. And though I knew I would face consequences for my actions, I was willing to accept them if it meant protecting those I cared about.



As I slipped into unconsciousness, a voice whispered in my mind, "Fifth Death: 15-minute cooldown." It was a reminder of the price I had paid for my recklessness, but also a promise of a chance to rise again and continue living on. And with that thought lingering in my mind, I waited for my revival and ready to face whatever challenges awaited me in the next chapter of this story.

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