
Wrong Name

An ostracized boy at the end of his rope accidentally summons an ostracized demon at the end of her rope...

eldargard · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Prologue 02

Given that she was a lust demon, or succubus, as they were popularly known in the earth realm, it came as no surprise that even the single word on her tongue felt like an attempt at seduction. What bothered him, was the fact that even after all these years, that tone still affected him. The fact that they were actual brother and sister born of the same womb meant next to nothing to either one of them. In hell, debauchery wasn't frowned at, if anything, demons took great pleasure in defying any rules of decency or piety. If not for his anger at her blatant disrespect, he would have had a very hard time resisting her charm.

"I am a prince of hell, you will refer to me by my title," Prince Asmodeus growled at her in a dangerous to of voice.

She, however, didn't seem the least bit affected by his threatening tone of voice. Instead, she silent began to rise o the ground while still in the lotus position. Once she was at the right height off the ground, she allowed her legs to leave the lotus position and to step down on the floor of the throne room. Watching the sway of her hips had brought many men and demons alike under her spell. He might have been able to resist her voice but Prince Asmodeus didn't allow his gaze to go any lower than her face. Doing so would be like playing with fire.

"Little brother," She said as she came to a stop before him. Her hand rose to caress his cheek as she brought her lips dreadfully close to his. He wanted to fight her off, but those eyes of hers kept him still. Unable to do anything but acquiesce to her whims. It wasn't that she was more powerful than him. While they had both been demon lords she had been indisputably more powerful than he was. He had, however, managed to become a prince of hell and left her behind as a demon lord. On pure power alone, he was now a realm higher than she was. As such, while it wouldn't be an easy fight, any direct combat between the two of them will inevitably end with him as the victor.

Rather than combat power, it was her powers of charm and seduction that he feared. Among all demons of lust, she had no equal in her ability to ensnare anyone she sets her sights on. Kingdoms had gone to war for her. Not just in the mortal realm but in hell also. Her power to ensnare was such that, not even heaven dared to send low-level angels to fight her. The few that had been sent before heaven knew of her true abilities, were now fallen.

"What brings you to my humble abode after thirty millennia? " She posed sweetly as if she didn't already know the answer.

"I came to see if you have seen the error of your ways of if you're still a stubborn fool," Prince Asmodeus spat out coldly.

"Oh," Came the intoned response from her as the look of interest faded from her eyes. Without bothering to answer him, she turned around and started walking back to the spot she'd been seated at. "Then I'll see you in another thirty millennia," She said, sounding completely unbothered by the stated amount of time that she would have to spend in solitude. "Maybe even longer if I'm lucky," She added under her breath for good measure, knowing perfectly well that he could still hear her with his sharp senses.

"I've wiped your name from existence in the human world. Every temple, coven, or cult that even tangentially knew of you I have destroyed, There is no book, no scroll, no record left of the fact that you ever existed. No one will ever summon you. Until I decree otherwise, you will never leave this decrepit castle you call home," He laid out.

In hell, one's rank depended on how many demons one could subdue and bring under them. This, however, wasn't the true source of a demon's power. The source of any demon's power is how many souls they can corrupt and draw into worshipping them. While there were billions of demons in hell, less than a thousand are known by name in the human world. For the unknown demons, the power they were born with, is all the power they'll ever hold in their long lives. For the few who are known, the more their name not only spreads but draws in worshippers, the more their power grows.

As easy as it sounds, the reason why not all demons are pouring out of hell to make their names as well known as they possibly could, was because they can't. Unless they are summoned by a specific human, demons are strictly forbidden from entering the realm of the mortals. For those demons that are already known in the mortal realm, it is a status that they jealously protect and zealously seek to grow. There was a time when her name was even more widespread than his was. When she had five worshippers to every one that he had. That, however, changed when he became a prince of hell.

As he'd just said, the first thing Prince Asmodeus did when he became a prince of hell, was to erase her name from the mortal world. As such, in the five hundred millennia since he became a prince of hell, she had been seated in this castle in meditation. In all that time, she hadn't been summoned even once. In that same timespan, also, Prince Asmodeus has made twenty or so appeals to her that she become one of his demons. To agree to serve under him as his most senior member of the house of lust, second only to him. It was a position that other demons would fight and kill for. And yet, for half a million years, she had repeatedly rejected his offer.

It was something that confused Prince Asmodeus. Initially, he'd thought that after a few thousand years without being summoned into the mortal realm, she would give in and become one of his. Perhaps after it became clear that no one would ever summon her she would acquiesce to his proposition. Yet, for reasons that eluded Prince Asmodeus, not even once in all the time that had passed, has she even seemed tempted by his offer. It was like giving a ton of gold to an animal. To the giver, it held a lot of value but to the one meant to receive it, it was worthless. Despite his repeated attempts, part of him knew that she would never agree to his offer. He, however, would never know peace until she was one of his underlings.

"Do you really plan to rot in here for the rest of eternity?" Prince Asmodeus questioned, unable to hide his anger at her continued rejection.

"Do you really plan to keep on begging for the rest of eternity?" She shot back in a disinterested tone as she sat back down in a lotus position.

Prince Asmodeus' form disappeared from where he'd been standing, moving so fast that most demon lords wouldn't be able to track his movements. The distance between them vanished in less than a tenth of a second and his foot went flying for her head. There was a loud resounding bang when his foot slammed into a barrier she had erected with her powers. His eyes went wide. He'd put enough power in the kick that even against another prince of hell, it should have caused serious damage. It should have been enough to decapitate her! And yet, even without moving, or even opening her eyes, she had blocked it!

And as if to drive the point home that she wasn't the least bit bothered by the attack, her eyes remained closed and she remained seated, not even bothering to try and retaliate. One would have been forgiven for thinking she wasn't even aware of his attack. Until she spoke, that is. "You may be able to beat me in a fight, little brother," She stated in a voice colder than ice. "But make no mistake, it will be a fight you will need ten thousand years to recover from," she informed him.

This was the reason why Prince Asmodeus hadn't killed her at the first chance that he got. For reasons that he had never yet unraveled, his sister had always been more powerful than she should have been. From the time she had been an imp, she had always been able to fight and hold her own against demons that were a tier above her own, sometimes even two. It was the reason why despite being hated by all seven princes of hell, none had ever dared to attack her. Even if they won the fight in the end, the damage they would take from the fight would leave them weak for more than a millennium. Being weak for a week in hell was dangerous, being weak for a millennium would be asking to be replaced as one of the princes of hell.

None of the seven princes would come together to fight her either. The reason being that this would be taken as an admission by the two princes that they were too weak to take her out on their own. That is why she had remained safe in this castle for all these years. None of the demon lords were stupid enough to try and attack her and none of the princes were willing to let go of their pride and work together to eliminate her.

Prince Asmodeus allowed his leg to drop back down to the floor. "I am the only way you will ever leave this wretched place you call home Lythia!" He growled. "You will eventually come to see that. And when you do, you will come crawling to me to take you in as one of my own. So consider your next words carefully, because this offer will never be made again," He declared. "Join me," he said.

Her eyes opened as she directed a curious look his way. "How do I know you will keep to what you say?" She spoke up.

A smile crossed Prince Asmodeus's face as he extended his hand towards her. "If you join me, I promise, you…"

"No," She cut him short with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Just now, you said you'll never bother me with this nonsense ever again," She declared. "How do I know that in another few millennia, you won't be back here begging again?" she asked in a cold tone.

His jaws clenched, his outstretched hand clenching into a fist that shook with rage at her open mockery. "You will pay for that and all the disrespect you've shown me over the millennia Lythia. That is a promise," He growled in a cold and dark tone of voice before he turned around and walked off.

It only took him three steps to cross the thousands of miles between her castle and the bridge that connected the fifth circle of hell to the sixth circle of hell. Prince Asmodeus was about to cross it when his eyes went wide. He had always left part of his power in the castle to monitor all that went on in the castle and right then he'd felt it. The summoning circle had been opened.

Barely a second after his senses had picked up on it, Prince Asmodeus was back in Lythia's castle. But for the first time in half a million years, the castle was empty. For thousands of miles around the lone castle in the fifth circle of hell, the earth shook from the shout of rage that left Prince Asmodeus…