
Wrong Name

An ostracized boy at the end of his rope accidentally summons an ostracized demon at the end of her rope...

eldargard · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Prologue 01

The castle stood alone in the fifth circle of hell. For a hundred miles in every direction, there wasn't any other structure. The first thought that crossed the mind of most demons that happened to see it, was just how grand the castle must have once been. Of the demons that were in this circle, not many were old enough to have been around when the castle had been in its full glory. Of the less than ten that were actually old enough to have been around back then, most smirked when they saw it, inwardly gloating at the state it had been brought to. Only one of the older demons that saw the castle would sigh sadly. But in a realm where any form of weakness might spell your end, he only allowed himself to look at it only once every one thousand years. The human souls in this circle of hell were too lost in their torture to hold any opinions on anything.

A lone figure stood on a peak ten thousand miles away. Despite the distance between where he stood and the castle, his eyes were fixed on it. His keen eyesight would have allowed him to see the hairline cracks forming on the building if that was what he was interested in. The decrepit state of the castle, however, wasn't what drew his gaze. Hell was full of ruins and wrecks from the past. So much so that a castle that was in good condition was the exception, not the rule. The reason this particular demon's unkind gaze was drawn to this castle, wasn't the building itself, but the one he knew to be inside it.

"Prince Asmodeus!" his name was called out with reverence by the demon lord in whose territory he was. His jaws clenched in annoyance. Prince Asmodeus had done his best to hide his aura from being detected. He, however, was one of the seven princes of hell. Even without his power, his very existence was enough to subdue more than half the demons in hell.

Despite his best efforts, it was almost impossible to keep himself hidden for too long in hell. Most especially because demons were always on the lookout for other demons more powerful than they were. If the power gap wasn't that big, the weaker demons would seek to overpower and supplant the stronger demon. If the power gap was too big to overcome, then they would acquiesce and try to kiss up to the stronger demon in an attempt to gain their favor. The latter was what would happen here.

The demon that was carefully approaching him was almost four times as tall as Prince Asmodeus. So that, despite standing at six feet seven inches of height, Prince Asmodeus only came up to the knees of the approaching demon. Still, Prince Asmodeus didn't even acknowledge his existence let alone his greeting. Even if the approaching demon lord was a hundred times as powerful as he presently was, he still wouldn't be a match for him. Both parties were perfectly aware of this. Hence the caution and respect in the tone of the inferior demon. Prince Asmodeus didn't know the name of the demon lord calling out to him. The last time he'd been here, thirty thousand years before, another demon lord had occupied this territory. He didn't know or care how many demon lords there had been after him just as he didn't care who this current demon was.

"This demon lord is proud to welcome Prince Asmodeus to his territory," the demon lord offered respectfully. Despite the courteous way in which the demon lord was addressing him, both parties knew that if he had the power, the demon lord wouldn't hesitate to kill him and take his place as one of the seven princes of hell. Everything in this realm was dependent purely on power. Nothing was freely given here in hell. At the same time, however, almost nothing was out of your reach so long as you had enough power to forcefully take it.

Power in itself, however, wouldn't have been enough to garner this kind of treatment from the lesser demon. They were demons, after all, respect and courtesy wasn't exactly the modus operandi of their race. Even more than self-preservation, the demon lord knew that to be acknowledged by one of the seven princes of hell would lead to a meteoric rise in his status among the demon lords. There were, after all, thousands of demon lords in hell, but only seven princes. For a demon lord to be acknowledged by one of the seven princes of hell was a rare event that happened maybe once every ten thousand years if at all. If prince Asmodeus were to acknowledge the demon lord and accept the hospitality he was offering, he would be inadvertently also taking the demon lord under his banner and marking him as one of his own. Even in hell, there were no free lunches.

"I am demon lord Gor..."

Prince Asmodeus took a step forward away from the demon lord that had been dropping to one knee to introduce himself. At least, that is how it would have looked to anyone who was observing the scene. With that one step, however, Prince Asmodeus crossed the ten thousand miles of distance between him and the castle. When his foot next touched the ground below him, he was inside the castle. Demons could keep other demons from entering their abode only if the other demon was of an equal or lower rank to their own. In all of hell, there were only seven castles he couldn't forcefully enter whenever he wished to. Six belonged to the other princes and the final one to the king of hell and the sole occupant of the seventh circle of hell. Prince Asmodeus hadn't ever even set foot in that circle of hell let alone see what Satan's Castle looked like.

His eyes landed on her. In the middle of what used to be the throne room of this castle, she was seated in a lotus position. Her breathing was long, deep, and steady. Almost as if she was counting each breath that she took. She was perfectly still, making no motions other than the rising and falling of her chest. And yet, she quietly projected strength of a kind that most demon lords that had armies under them could only dream of. Looking at her, it was almost like the castle around her depended on her for strength and support rather than the reverse.

Her fiery red skin was still as vibrant as it had been five hundred millennia before. In contrast, his dark purple skin had dulled a bit over the years. Her lips and hair were of a black color that seemed a shade darker than darkness itself. His hair was a dark shade of red and his lips a purple that was indistinguishable from the rest of his skin. The only clue that one would have had that the two were in any way related was if they stood side by side and opened their eyes. Her eyes were a bright shade of purple that looked exactly how his skin had once looked back before it grew duller. His eyes, on the other hand, had the same shade of red that her skin did.

With each second of silence that ticked by. Anger welled up within him. He was a prince of hell! His presence alone was enough to have most demon lords quaking before him. Even the most powerful among the demon lords trod carefully around him. Prince Asmodeus knew that she was aware of his presence, yet she barely acknowledged him. Just as he had done with the demon lord that had tried to introduce himself to him. Even after five hundred millennia, she still didn't recognize his rank as a prince of hell. She still didn't give him the respect and regard that his title deserved.

Prince Asmodeus stopped trying to hold in his power and let it all out. There was no demon lord in all of hell that would have remained standing after he did this. For most, it would be because they didn't have the necessary power that would allow them to remain standing in the face of his power. And for the few demons that could, they would nonetheless still drop down on one knee as a show of subservience. Whenever a demon put out a suppressive aura as he'd just done, it was a clear challenge to all those around. A warning that any challenge to that demon would be met with a fight to the death. When a demon as high-ranking as he was, did it, then all those around were expected to bow. Even just resisting the suppressive aura in itself would be considered a challenge to the high-ranking demon.

The pace of her breathing slowed down, which told him that she did feel his aura pressing down on her. But other than the change in the pace of her breathing, she made no move to show subservience to him. Instead, Prince Asmodeus watched as her lips stretched wide in a maniacal smile. It was a smile that he was intimately familiar with. He would never admit to it, even under the pain of torture, but that smile caused a tendril of fear to coil tightly around his heart. It was the smile of a predator that had its prey within its sights. No one that she had ever smiled at the way she was smiling at him right now, was still breathing. And they hadn't died of natural causes either.

Her eyes slowly opened to reveal the bright purple circles that were her irises. He'd always hated her eyes. She always had the look of someone who was privy to some juicy secret that those around her weren't aware of. "Brother," She called out in a sultry tone of voice.