
Wrath of the Hero

After a terrible accident that left his best friend in a coma, a young student went into depression, lasting a long time. Before summer vacation, one of his friends from school recommends a video game, Wrath of the Hero, a long-lasting video game with adventure and epic battles. But, in the end, the plot twist occurred, destroying his love for the video game, yet, being close to the end, he finished the video game, feeling empty inside. On the first day of school, when he sees his classmate, he wants with all his might to beat her up, but when crossing the street, he does not see the truck-kun, which was coming while an epic song was playing. But, the end of him would not happen, because he would discover that he had been reincarnated as a character who was only mentioned once. Trying to survive, and living with the main characters, he, who is now called Michael Belfiore, decides to continue living with one goal, to catch them all, each of the heroines he would conquer. Thus beginning his journey in the world of the video game, Wrath of the Hero.

The_Wind_Jaeger_07 · Fantasy
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The Wise Dragon of the East


Happy Holidays!!

<3< p>


Winter has come finally, right… damn.

Right now, I was living in the same world as the Game [Wrath of the Hero] something that still make me incredulous.

I die thanks to truck-kun, and truck-kun never disappoints anyone, and here I am, reborn in another world, but not just any world, but the world of the best fifteen arcs game and worst three last arcs game that I have ever played.

Although, if I honest, I did not play many games before [Wrath of the Hero].

"Let's go help papa!" – said Gael, my stepbrother a few weeks younger than me.

"Nah, you go, I will go with mom." – I said as I ignore the guy who tried to do a cute pouty face, but sadly for him, I was not into men, and only in this house, a cute pouty face could make me even try to fight against the heavens, and that was the face of my younger stepsister.

Right now, I was seven years old, and finally start to accept the current situation, although seven years had passed, it was only when I was five years old that I finally came to know where I came to be, that day, I met my beautiful aunt, and knew that I was in the stupid NTR game world of [Wrath of the Hero].

How unlucky can one be, I least I do not have to be under the emperor service, that place is truly the worst place possible to be reborn.

'For the peace!' – I thought, sadly, this world is also a conflict place, and right now I still must plan well how I am going to survive, and while I am doing this, I start thinking about the two protagonists, the Hero, and the Villain.

Zion must be in the Orphanage with Grace, and Edmund, well, Edmund must be a Salvatore Town.


In the Avalon Kingdom, there was the Esglia County, in that county was a town known as the Salvatore Town, whose lordship, Baron Salvatore ruled.

House Salvatore is one of the newer Noble houses to be created, with only a couple of generations of history.

The family was a weak one in the wholeness of the Avalon Kingdom, and it was only thanks to the good friendship relationship between Baron Salvatore and Earl Flowers of Esglia, that make the Salvatore House had a significant improvement.

But with the dead of the Earl, the new Countess, the widow, Lady Marie Flowers, she must put a lot of effort into not letting enemies of the family in obtaining the county.

Making that the little golden boy of the Salvatore, and the sweet flower of the Flowers to not met as many times as before the dead of the late Earl.

But everything changes in the spring of the year 1170, that year bring a huge change to the world.

"Edmund Salvatore, you are the Hero of the World." – said a travelling priest who came to the Salvatore Town.

With this event, the Salvatore House rise, to be ever more important that the Lord's House, although that also change once again once it was discovered that the little and sweet flower, Melissa Flowers, sole child of Marie Flowers and her late husband, was the Saintess of this generation.

In the year 1170, in the Esglia County, the Hero and the Saintess of this generation were discovered, and Church Lumiere moved quickly to take them to the Claris Kingdom.

The two youngsters' true identities were a nation-level secret, only few people knew about them, that was for the safety of both, who were currently very weak.

Right now, they would make to teach them before sending them to the Royal Academy of Magic Knight of LaBelle at the Avalon Kingdom, where they would begin their journey to greatness.


[Year 1166]

After months of planning, I finally knew what to do starting now.

I was running through a dense forest, hopefully waiting to get where I want to be.

It was night, and I must get as fast as possible, thankfully, and surprisingly, my current body could run amazingly fast, I was, amazingly powerful, for being only eight years old.

All this was thanks to two things that I could knew about it after seeing my current system, thankfully, the basic game system was real, and with that I could see my basic information:

Name: Michael. House: Belfiore. Age: eight. Gender: Male. Race: High Human. Bloodline: Divine. Status: Bourgeois. Role: MOB.

Class: N/A. Guardian Spirit: NONE. Title: NONE. Level: 4. Position: N/A.

HP: 6,225,100/6,225,100. MP: 2,112,550/2,112,550.

ATK: 63,002. DEF: 63,002.

AGI: 65,502.

Right now, at the age I have and the level I possessed, and without any Class, Guardian Spirit and Title, I was truly damn powerful, having six million Health Points, and two million Magic Points at the age of eight was unheard of in the game storyline if I remember correctly, right now, I could even fight against powerful mid-level people.

Although maybe I would lose, because I did not know how to fight, did not possess any skill, and I have the body of a child of my current age, yes, 100% defeat, so I did not stop running, not wanting to meet a monster.

The current bodies' character I was reborn into, was fate to died by age twelve, something incredulous, considering that I was a High Human with Divine Bloodline.

To put it into perspective, I was almost a God.

I remember the only line in the game where Michael's existence was mentioned by:

[yeah… there was another member in our family, despite being adopted I did love him truly… sadly he died in his twelfth birthday… I miss him so much." – She said while the Hero Edmund hugs him and pats her, trying to calm her down, while inside him feeling jealous by seeing her love some else so much…]

Yep, there I was, the adopt member of the Belfiore Family who in a couple of years is destined to die.

"Oh no, I will not die! I will not die once again, and more yet, with still being a loser, a virgin, and a mere youngster who has not enjoy life to the fullest!" – I said while keeping of running.

Yeah, screw it, I will live!

Yet, I was curious why would I die, right now I possess a great power thanks to my race and bloodline, despite being just a MOB who was destined to Die, with my race and bloodline I should be destine to greatness, being part of the main cast, even a side character, but no, Michael Belfiore will die once he turns twelve years old.


In the game there were a few incredible powerful characters with the Divine Bloodline, truly powerful that even at the endgame were unbeatable and by that, I mean that it was impossible to try to fight them, the game didn't let you, because it was futile, a 100% lose fight that it was equal to the famous GAME OVER.

And, talking about my race, in the game, there was presented only one character with the High Human race, he was Arles.

Arles the Revolutionary, a powerful man from the South of Lumiere, who not only created and won the revolution in his nation, but then create one of the most powerful nations of the whole continent.

Sadly, in the story he became a powerful and important ally of the Demon Lord Keressia, who was the Last Boss of the Plotline before everything was ruin because of the damn revelation, the worst plot twist ever.

Arles was maybe stronger than even the combined power of Zion and Edmund, but he was finally defeated in an epic scene were the Director Benedict, together with other three powerful characters, give their lives to finish him.

Then, the Hero's Party and the Villain's Party collaborated to defeat the Demon Lord Keressia.

The Battle of the Hero and the Villain VS the Demon Lord, the second most epic and difficult battle, only behind the last dance, the Great Battle of the Wrath Hero of Madness – Edmund VS the Valiant Villain of Sorrow – Zion.

And when everyone is celebrating the defeated of Keressia, the Secret Antagonist reveals to the Hero the true…

Forgetting for the moment that sick plot twist, I focus again on me.

I was a High Human like Arles, – the enemy's most powerful who need four of the greatest confidants of the Hero's Party who were also the four allies more powerful to defeated – and unlike him, who only possess a common bloodline, I was lucky to have a Divine Bloodline, – that cause me to have doubt about the identity of my true parents – the most powerful bloodline of the whole game.

Then, why?

How come in the game Michael dies?

What happened?!

While thinking those questions, I finally arrived at the place I want to be.

Curiously, in these years in the world's game, someone who was even above Arles, Benedict, and many more characters that appeared in the game, was sleeping here, in the middle of the forest close to the Arliand Town, where luckily, I currently live with my adoptive family.

A huge dragon with red scales.

Dragons – the Strongest Race mentioned in the Game? No, that title was to the Gods, but below the Gods, were the Dragons, powerful being make by magic and nature, protectors of the world, and together with the Gods, the strongest beings of the Lumiere World.

I knew about three Dragons mentioned in the game.

One, was death.

The second, was sleeping on the moon.

And the third one, was in front of me.

"Oh, Great Dragon, please become my master!" – I shouted out to the powerful being, who was awake as soon as I came here.

The dragon opens his eyes, colorful silverish eyes.

The dragon roars, making the animals and monsters in kilometers shit with fear, but I stood valiantly, although, to be honest, I want to run and escape, but I need to be strong, my life was in the line.

"Please, become my master!" – I said once again.

Then, the dragon seeing me not running, finally sighs, and his head comes closer to where I am.

'Truly large and bigger!' – I thought, as the dragon finally talks.

"You have balls, little human, I admit that, but still, if you think I will do what you ask for, you're more stupid that I first thought of."

"I haven't lived the last eight first years of my life in this fucking world for you to say no!"

"Ha, look at you, you're a feisty one, that's for sure, still, what makes you think that I will not kill you?"

Once he said that, my legs start to tremble, still, my eyes did not look away from the scary-looking dragons face.

"Because, unlike me, you're a good guy, and I know where the Dragon King is currently at." – I said as fast as I could.

The face the huge fucking dragon make then was hilarious, I never thought that I would see a majestic and fantastic beast like a huge red dragon make a funny face.

This was at least a little worthy.

"So, please, become my master… Alphiore, the wise Dragon of the East."

Alphiore, who was surprised to know that I mere child like me knew who he was, stood up, and his wings spang from hundreds of meters, and darkness came.

"Stupid child! How dare you try to lie to me!"

"I am not lying, I truly know where Alassius, the Dragon King is currently hiding away from prying eyes."

"If you lie…"

"I will face death and pain." – I said with conviction. – "But you have to trained me, once I am capable of defending myself against the strongest people of this kingdom, I will tell you where Alassius is hiding."

Alphiore starts thinking, he knew that even if he tries to hurt me to make me said the place, I will not do it, after all, I was crazy enough to come and stand in front of him.

Finally, he talks.

"Then so be it, I will make you stronger, let's hope you don't die."

"I will not." 

And so, my relationship with my first master begins.

And my journey to survive my twelfth birthday begins with a thunderous roar from my master.

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