
Idiot father

Finally getting a chance to settle down, Mel looked at the person holding her child. A female around 6 ft tall, since she didn't reek of evil and blood Mel let the person hold on to Baby1 for a little while longer and it seems her child really likes the person.

My name is "Felix" says, she had the same tan skin and white hair as Wuxin, in fact if she was a guy Mel would like her better than Wuxin.

" Mel" she says as held Baby 1 back into her hand

" Mel as in my brothers Wife?" Felix asked

"Oh nice to meet you sister-in law" I bowed down, I almost let my sister in-law die without doing anything, it is all thanks to my daughter.

" You- what are you doing out here?" Felix asked

" I'm on my way to rescue your brother," Mel said in a monotone. " Wuxin went to rescue you, where is he?"

" It was a trap!" Felix said exhausted, " I wasn't even at home when they went against my mother, she's sick and they dare treat her so badly, even after they failed to kill my brother they are using my mother to trap him.My brother used himself as a bait to let me get away and to deliver this message to you." Felix handed a letter to Mel.

Inside was Wuxin's handwriting-

Dear Wife,

It seems that it will take awhile to come back home, How are you holding up? I'm sorry I couldn't be with you in this important moment in time, has my child been born yet? If it's a daughter I would like to name her Meng Chi, isn't it a cute name? Chichi was my late grandmother's name and I thought Meng would be cute for our daughter. If its a boy...I don't really care you can name him whatever you want. Is my sister doing okay? Can you let her stay with you in the house, I noticed that there was a barrier surrounding the house making it a safe place. It is really dangerous outside so don't come outside ok? Knowing you I know you won't stay still, but please for my sake don't wonder out into the forest and don't try to come after me. Even though our time was short nonetheless they were the most magical moment in my life. I am so glad I got injured that day and that made me be able to meet you. Also being able to have a child is more than I could ever hope for, thank you for being one of the greatest joys in life. To be truthful I don't know if I'll be able to come back, I greatly miss you and the smell of your hair and the warmth on your skin. This might be the last time I'll be able to tell you that I love you. I love you as a person, I love you as a best friend, I love you as a woman, I love you as my wife, I would love you even more as a mother to my children. I love you so much!

Mel my love~ I love you truly

Tears after tears slide down Mel's cheek, her children tried their best to cheer her up by acting cute. Looking at her children's goofy behavior Mel chuckle, picking up both her kids she says,

"Let's go rescue your idiot father."