
His family

" No you mustn't!" Felix begged Mel, " you can't go save him it's dangerous! Also you can't take your kids to such a dangerous place!" Felix went as far as to kneel on the ground.

" It's ok" Mel tried to reassure her, even though her offense skills weren't the best, she was very confident with her rescue and escape skills from her previous life.

" That's is not the only thing I am worried about!" Felix sighed, " They don't know that you and them exist" she pointed to the kids, " if they did, they will also come after you!" Felix held herself in fear, shaking terribly she stopped thinking.

Seeing the way Felix was acting, Mel realized she had been thinking too light of the situation.

" I'm sorry, but you please explain to me what is going on?" Mel placed a hand onto Felix's trembling shoulder. A wave of warm relaxing traveled from Mel's palm to throughout Felix's whole body calming her down.

After awhile Felix finally explained her family situation, " My brother didn't explain anything to you?"

" No…" with a saddened look Mel said, " Not a single thing…" Mel understood why Wuxin did the things he did, but even still she was still saddened by his action to protect her by keeping her in the dark.

With some reluctance Felix explained, " We are actually a military family…"

" Wait I thought your brother was an assassin?" Mel asked confused.

" Our mother was an assassin while our dad was a General, not just a general but also a duke, my mother fell in love our dad and ran away from the assassin association. We were taught assassin skills and military skills at the same time. My mother broke the assassin rule and now we are being hunted because we are related to her. We actually ran away from our father too, so that they won't know about him."

Clearly stressed Mel asked, "what assassin rule?"

" She's not supposed to marry someone thats not an assassin, and also our mother is not just any assassin she's the heir to the assassin association."

Wow...Mel didn't think her husband had such a background. " Since she's the heir I don't think her crimes are enough for her to be killed."

Felix spoke " Our grandfather is in a coma and they think my mother did that, but she would never! She would never do that! I believe in my mother! They capture my mother while she was weak trying to make her confessed for the crimes she didn't commit while using her as bait so they can kill us off at the same time." Felix clenched her fist so tightly her nails dug into her palm.

" You were right I thought too little of the situation let's go back home." Mel said

Baby 1 and Baby 2 looked at her in disbelief, not understanding why their mother would give up so easily.