
Worthless Heart

Disclaimer: Pls don't read this story. I'm literally just writing this story to vent out my frustration against shitty authors who've given me enough brain damage with stories as stupid as the one I'm about to write. Literally my first story that I might take seriously, go read something disgustingly horrible to make my story better in comparison. Note: I don't have an editor. I don't really edit. Prepare your braincells.

EternalBlackDevil · Urban
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10 Chs

Book 1 - Act I - CH1 - Worthless

Brisbane City, Unknown Alley

Sunday, 6th of February



The sound of a loud gunshot rung out. The sound was loud due to the proximity of where it had been shot however could not be heard from far as it was a shot fired from a pistol.

My heart froze as I heard the sound. It was as vivid is it could ever be. I could feel the pain throughout my whole body. However, I wasn't the person who had been shot.

My vision began to blur as my heart and stomach became queasy. I felt as if my legs were going to give up on me at any time.

The moon which loomed ever so brightly in the night sky was barely enough to illuminate this horrifying scene. It was like that of a nightmare in my eyes. The pitter-patter-like sound of the drizzling rain could be heard all around me and could be felt on my skin, the cool rainwater making contact with my hot skin as my blood ran cold.

In that instant. It had felt like my whole world had gone in slow motion. The rain and the wind felt so slow as if I could even avoid it all.

On the ground lay the body of my adoptive father as blood seeped out of the wounds where his heart and the other his brain should be. As the blood from those wounds dripped and flowed out of his wounds and onto cement ground of the alley as it soaked into the rainwater.

I turned my gaze onto the man who had done this. He was wearing a mask like the of a bank robber's and was holding a gun and wearing all black clothing. This man had shot my adoptive father twice. Once in the chest where his heart should be and another on his head.

Murder. This man is now the murderer of my adoptive father.

"Haha..." He chuckled. "This is no one else's but your fault Joseph. You have no one else to blame for your death but your own wealth and reputation." The man said while staring at my adoptive father.

At that moment I felt something shatter within myself as an immeasurable amount of pain, agony, and hatred to the extreme attacked my heart.

I felt my eyes turning red as tears began to moisten my eyes as a burst of hatred and courage overcame me as I roared. "I'll Kill you!"

In my eyes it still felt as if the world had gone in slow motion as I sprinted at the man without a single regard for my own life. I wished to end his life. He did not deserve to live. He did not deserve to rob others of their life. Today a shadow had began to tighten itself around my heart with threats of tearing it to pieces if I do not end this man's life today. The longer he lived the longer I would feel this way, an insurmountable amount of hatred had overflooded my heart.

With every being of my body I wanted to take this man's worthless life. However as far as I planned to, such a desire could not keep up with the changes around me. Though my world felt slow, I had failed to recognise the sounds of police sirens which had long sounded and had been approaching us rapidly.

"Hmph! Kid, your quite lucky that your life isn't as worth as the person's life I just took just now, if not I would have had no qualms in killing you as well. However, you're lucky that today you aren't my target, so as much as I enjoy killing people, I do not need your life kid." I wasn't thinking straight. I couldn't hear what he had said to me however, in that next instant I felt a sharp and immeasurable pain coming from my left knee.


Another shot rang out as the man shot another bullet at my knee.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed so loud it felt like I had emptied my lungs in agony. This was the worst physical pain I had ever felt in my life. The pain was so bad I had almost fainted during the first second. The pain was excruciating. I felt my whole body sweat as my breathing became extremely heavy.

As If it was all a dream, I felt my world start to move forward and faster as if it was no longer in slow motion as I passed out and began to lose consciousness with only the faint but loud voices of incoming police officers.

"Police! Police! Everyone scatter and scout around and search for the suspect!"

"Sergeant! There's a kid and a middle aged man spotted on the ground...!"

"...What ... th... statu..?..." The voices became fainter and fainter as in my heart, I felt extremly powerless.

I have nothing. I am nothing.

I am but worthless.


"Sergeant Chase!" A probationary constable approached the sergeant.

"What is it Williams?" The sergeant addressed the probationary constable, he wasn't polite however, but no one minded it due to Williams being one of the 5 juniors who had joined this year.

"Well... we've already decided to call a an ambulance as the kid is still breathing. However..." Williams hesitated for a bit but continued after seeing the glare in Sergeant Chase's eyes. "The man has unfortunately passed away from two gun shots to his vitals while the kid has been shot and disabled in the knee."

Hearing so from Williams, Sergeant Chase snorted. "And that's all your disturbing me here for? Williams, you do realise that while 10 of us stay here waiting for an ambulance, the other 30 members under me are currently searching for and pursuing the suspect? Whilst I still need to write a report?" Sergeant Chase asked while raising his eyebrow, his tone unpleasant.

"Ah, yes sergeant! I apologize! However that's not what I wished to inform you of!" Williams, a little shy but confident said.

"Oh? Than what is it Williams?" Sergeant Chase asked.

"The middle aged man seems to be from the Norman family."