
Six Months Of Training

Zhiu Li once again punched started punching out. She punched and Li Rin kicked. When the boy finished four hundred kicks the girl finished nine hundred punches. The girl didn't stop even when her arms were sore and she wanted to stop. But each time she remembered that Li Rin finished the punches she would push herself. When Li RIn finished with his kicks the girl finished with her punches.

The girl turned to Li Rin and took a deep breath. When she took the breath Li Rin started running. Zhiu Li frowned and looked at her father, "Teach me how to kick!" The man nodded his head and showed his daughter the kick Li Rin used. The girl nodded her head and she started kicking. The girl kicked and the boy ran. When she finished two hundred kicks, Li Rin finished ten laps. When he finished his laps she was halfway through her kicks.

Li Rin took a deep breath and walked to Zhiu Ni. The man glanced at Li RIn, "Good job!" Li RIn nodded his head. The boy turned his head from the man to the girl and saw her kicking. She kicked and kicked completely ignoring Li RIn. When she kicked she was fully immersed unlike when she punched. After her nine hundred kicks, the girl frowned and stopped.

She turned to her father, "The kicking seems off, why?" Zhiu Ni tilted his head and smiled. "That is the simplified version do you want to see how real kicks look like?" Zhiu Li nodded her head. The old general repeated the kick with all the movements. The girl nodded her head and tried to imitate him. Li Rin's eyes opened in shock. The girl managed to completely imitate her father. She smiled, "This is easier than those kicks brother Li Rin was doing."

Li Rin frowned and jumped up trying to imitate the kick. Li Rin once again couldn't do it and fell down to the ground. Under the gaze of the two, he tried again and again. Each time he tried he fell down on the butt first. Li Rin lowered his head, "Why can't I do it?"

Zhiu Li giggled, "Don't worry I am sure you will be able to do it once you are older." Li Rin looked at the girl,"You are only a year older than me!" The girl smiled widely, "Then try doing it when you are my age. You will surely succeed." Li Rin nodded his head, "Alright!"

"Finish your kicks and your laps." Zhiu Li nodded and she used the 'proper' kicks. After finishing them she started to run. The girl felt that after ten laps she couldn't continue on. But when she recalled the Li Rin could do it. She braced herself and pushed through the laps.

Zhiu Ni looked at the two children and spoke,"You two did well! The two looked at each other and nodded their heads. Zhiu Ni smiled, "Let's go back."

The man bent down to his daughter and wiped the sweat of her body so it wouldn't be visible. He looked at her and said, "Catch back your breath. Remember no one must find out that you were training." Zhiu Li nodded, "Yes, father!"

Zhiu Li sat down on the ground and closed her eyes relaxing herself. After five breaths of time had passed her breathing normalised and she looked like always.

"Let's go," Zhiu Ni said and the three departed from the room. The men gave them few glanced and they all saluted the general as they left.

On the road to their house, Zhiu Li's stomach growled and the two men looked at the girl. She looked at them and said, "I am hungry!" Zhiu Ni smiled, "Don't worry. We are almost at home." She nodded, "Mhm!" Li Rin smiled and didn't say anything.

The group soon reached the house and they were met with the woman. She looked at worry at the three and asked, "Was everything okay?" Zhiu Ni nodded, "Don't worry. The only working thing is that our daughter is hungry." Ria Xi sighed with relief, "I see."

She walked to the kitchen and placed the dinner on the table. Zhiu Li was the first one to arrive at the table. She jumped into her seat and started eating the food. When Ria Xi saw her daughter eating like this she could only laugh, "How did she do?" She asked her husband.

Zhiu Ni smiled, "She did well. She did not give up and she even managed to do the proper kicks." The woman sighed, I see." She looked at her daughter with worry. Li Rin looked at the pair and lowered his head as he ate his own food.

When he finished his meal Li Rin walked back to the room and got into the bed. He fell asleep really easy that night. For the next day, his day repeated itself. Like the last day he was not taught how to cultivate. Li Rin punched kicked and ran the laps. With each day both children did their training faster and faster.

The life went smoothly for half a year. Until it was finally the day for Li Rin to learn how to cultivate. At this time Li Rin could finish the training in a few hours time. He was physically strong for the child his age. Without cultivation, he was so strong that he could fight against cultivators.

Li Rin was now standing in the training room with his sister and he faced Zhiu Ni. The man looked at the two and spoke, "I will teach you how to cultivate now. Li Rin when you become a cultivator you will most likely be called in by the king. When you are called by him don't do anything rash. Don't oppose him directly. As you are now you are too weak. Can you promise me this?"

Li RIn looked at the old general and nodded his head, "I understand"

Zhiu Li looked at her father, "I can learn as well?" The man nodded, "You have come this far. Do you still want to?" The girl nodded her head, "I want to!"