
Breaking The Taboo

Zhiu Li looked at her father with her teary eyes. She took her little hands wiped away every tear that was on her face. She sniffled and said, "I want to train." Zhiu Ni could feel his heart soften as he looked at her daughter's tear-stained face.

"Why do you want to train?" The girl blinked her eyes, "I want to train like my little brother!" She said with conviction in her eyes. Zhiu Ni took a deep breath, "Just for this reason alone?" She nodded her head a few times and once again stared down at her father.

"You know why you can't, don't you?" Zhiu Ni asked. When he spoke the words tears formed in her eyes. She closed her eyes and stopped her tears. Zhiu Li after a moment opened her eyes again, "Dad, please!"

"Do you realise what you are asking of me?" He asked in a low voice. She once again said, "Please!" The man closed his eyes, "Alright but you have to keep this a secret. No one can find out. No one!" She smiled widely and jumped from her bed. She jumped and hugged her father, "Thank you, thank you!"

Zhiu Ni hugged his daughter and looked into the ceiling. He thought, "If anyone finds out and tells the king. I don't even want to think about it!" The man closed his eyes and hugged his daughter tightly.

She pulled back and asked, "Is this a secret from mom as well?" The man shook his head, "We don't keep secrets from family members." She nodded, "Mhm!"

"Let's go get dinner. From tomorrow you will train like your little brother." She took her father's hand and they hand in hand walked to the dining table. She happily jumped on her seat and said, "I am hungry!"

Ria Xi looked at her husband, "How did you calm her down?" Zhiu Ni sighed, "I will train her." Ria Xi's eyes widened and she yelled out in shock, "What did you say?!"

"Not so loud," He said. The woman staggered back few steps, "Are you sane? Do you know what will happen to her?"

She whispered, "The last time a woman tried to do something like this. Our king raped her in public and then snapped her neck. Do you want the same thing to happen to our little girl?"

When her words fell that only he could hear. The ground cracked and a thick energy radiated from the man. When his energy was released the two children that sat at the table lost their consciousness and the woman staggered back a few steps.

He realising what he has done caught the two kids that fell from their seats. The man sighed with relief, "Of course I don't. I will be careful and if the king finds out. I will do whatever it takes to protect our children." Ria Xi nodded, "Alright. I believe in you."

Zhiu Ni looked at her and thought, "The only problem with this plan is that our son is our king's slave. If the worst comes to pass. I will have to kill the king myself."

The man took the children and laid them on one bed. Now that the two children slept at the same time. Zhiu Ni placed them both on his daughter's bed. As there were only two beds his and his wife one bed and their daughter's bed.

When Li Rin woke up the next morning he touched his head and thought, "What happened?" His thoughts were disturbed by the sound of breathing. Li RIn looked to his side and saw the little girl. He blinked his eyes and poke her cheek. The girl's eyes wavered and her eyes opened. She rose up and yawned, "Good morning, little brother!"

"Good morning." Li Rin returned the greeting.

She looked at him with a smile, "Let's go get breakfast." Li RIn nodded his head and the two children walked towards the dining table.

When they reached the table they greeted the two parents and ate the meal that was placed before them. After eating Ria Xi walked up to her daughter and son and spoke, "No matter what happens no one must find out that Zhiu Li is learning how to fight. You two must not slip up. It would be for the best if two of you don't talk to any other adult that is not me or your father. Do you understand?"

Zhiu Li nodded her head in an excited manner, "Yes, mother!" Li RIn looked at this woman and he as well nodded his head, "Yes." She sighed, "Alright. Now go after your father both of you."

Three people walked out of the house and they walked to the usual place. When they entered the building with all the soldiers one of them looked at the general shocked. He asked, "Why did you bring your daughter here?" General looked at the soldier, "She was bored at home. So I brought her to watch my adopted son train." The man smiled, "Haha yes if you are not a man. It would be too boring. Since she is still young. She can't do the tasks she is supposed to do." The soldier turned back and returned to his training.

Zhiu Ni looked at the two, "Let's go!" The two children nodded their heads and they walked inside the room. Zhiu Ni closed the door and locked it. Then he looked at them and said, "We will begin!"

Li Rin nodded his head and without any instructions, he drew back his fist and punched out." The girl seeing his punch repeated his motion. Zhiu Ni shook his head and bent down to his daughter. He smiled and said, "That's not correct. Your hand here has to go like this and then this." The man showed her how to perform the punch and by the time she succeeded, Li Rin had finished thirty punches.

When Li Rin finished a hundred punches the girl finished twenty. She frowned and asked, "How long do I have to punch?"

"A thousand punches, thousand kicks, fifty laps" Zhiu Ni stated. She frowned and before she could voice out her complaints she was stopped by the sound of fists going through the air. She turned her head towards Li RIn and saw Li Rin punch out again and again. She looked at the boy and asked, "Aren't you bored?" He did not react to her question and just punched out. The girl frowned and she as well returned to her punching.

Zhiu Ni looked at the two children. Every time she complained she looked at Li Rin and every time she continued doing the motion. When Li RIn finished all thousand punches she only finished three hundred.

The youth stopped took a deep breath. When she saw him stop she too stopped and said, "YOu stop.." Before she could finish her words, Li Rin started again but he now kicked.

The girl imitated his motion and tried to kick. The man shook his head and raised his voice, "Don't start kicking before you finish a thousand punches."

"But Li RIn is kicking now." Zhiu Li complained.

"He already finished a thousand punches. He is not performing a thousand kicks." She frowned "Did he really?" Zhiu Ni spoke, "You wanted to train and you know it is a taboo. Let me tell you this if you don't finish at least thousand punches today you won't come tomorrow."

The girl showed a distressed expression and without saying another word she continued punching.