
Worlds Merge(Dropped)

[Will have the following worlds: Marvel, DC, X-Men, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Twilight, The Transformers, The Vampire Diaries, and SCP Universe] [A/N: Note that I was heavily inspired by ScribbleHub's Dream Engine: Beta Tester... D.C. Comics by Galen, I recommend you check out his masterpiece] What happens when Jason is forced to reincarnate into a world where the danger lies at every corner? Whether it be Gods, Cosmic Beings, Mutants and Super-powered individuals, Masters of the Mystic Arts, Masters of Chi and Cultivation, world destroyers and builders, what can one man hope to achieve? Luckily, he has a system to help him through his journey!

Unholy_Angel · Movies
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9 Chs


As I walked and walked along the river I continued to test and experiment with Cosmic Energy and eventually earned a skill from it.

[Cosmic Energy Constructs(G) - The very cosmic energy around you can be manipulated to form basic and rudimentary weapons that can be used at will! As you progress and learn your constructs will become more complex and durable allowing you to potentially even create worlds like the Celestials! You can only find out with time]

[For the creation of a skill, you have earned 5 KP]

I only managed to unlock the skill after attempting to make a couple of constructs before finally forming a working bow.

That's right, to create Cosmic Energy Constructs I had to have a strong will and image of what I wanted to create, and with my Minor manipulation of Cosmic Energy, it only became harder.

I was able to make a simple spear and ball at first because they were simple and straight to the point making them much easier to form out of Cosmic Energy, but something like a bow and how it was supposed to work was a bit harder.

As for my enchanted spear, I just stored it away in my inventory a bit ago since I felt no threat from the local wildlife of this region.

Once I stopped focusing on the bow, it disintegrated back into Cosmic Energy.

[You have gained a new quest!]


Difficulty: Unknown

Rewards: ???]


Opening my eyes in surprise, I watched as what appeared to be a giant snake, lunge out from the water with its mouth agape, and came right at me.

Hastily, I pulled out my enchanted spear and rose it to meet the mouth of the large serpent coming my way.

Barely avoiding my spear, a long gash appeared on the snake's side as it eyed me up and prepared for another strike against me.

With my spear at the ready, I carefully watched the snake as I conjured a simple shield with cosmic energy and luckily creating the shield saved my life as in the middle of conjuring the shield, the snake opened its mouth and spat out a highly corrosive and venomous liquid that struck my fully formed round shield.

As the snake then lunged at me once again, I charged forth with my shield and spear raised and slammed my shield directly into its face and thrust my spear into its face, but it didn't go as deep as I wanted it to...

Just how thick is this snake's flesh and durable are its scales?

Quickly pulling the tip of the spear out from its side, I jumped back as it once again spat out its venom.

Once again blocking with my shield, I gripped my shield tightly to my body as it once again lunged at me and this time it sent me flying and my whole body collided with a tree.

Suddenly losing my breath and feeling pain in my chest, I guessed that I must have broken a couple of bones from the collision and the snake's strike.

Feeling annoyed, I once again used my Cosmic Energy Manipulation to construct a little over a dozen small but very sharp arrows around the snake and launched them all at the snake with one fell swoop.

I smiled as I watched the arrows all pierce deep into the snake's body before fading away back into energy, leaving behind the many bloody wounds that started gushing out blood.

I doubted that I would be able to kill the Snake with just my spear and shield, so I decided to try and bleed it dry.

The snake hissed in pain as it went into a frenzy and once again charged at me and slammed once again into my body with all of its strength, sending me flying once more.

Luckily this time there was no tree in the way, but I still went rolling across the ground in pain as my shield made from cosmic energy automatically disintegrated due to my lack of focus and attention.

Coughing up blood this time, I began feeling exhausted from the taxing use of Cosmic Energy.

[Pain Resistance(G) has been obtained!]

[Pain Resistance(G) - You have undergone much pain, and with time you will feel much more pain, this skill testifies your will in resisting pain done to you whether physically, mentally, or spiritually and helps you resist part of the pain]

[For the creation of a skill, you have earned 5 KP]

Feeling a 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 reduction in pain, I frowned in annoyance as I once again put my full attention on the snake.

It was losing great amounts of blood by the second due to its somewhat deep wounds and by the second it was growing weaker.

Once again it charged at me, but I noticed that it was much slower in speed, allowing me to actually dodge as its body slammed through a couple of trees.

Before it could turn around, I grabbed my spear with both hands, and with all of my strength, I thrust the spear into its side once again, making it a little deeper than the last time I tried.

As the snake began shaking, I pushed my spear deeper and deeper before having to pull away to dodge the snake's lunge to bite me.

Aiming my spear at a certain angle, a long but small gash went down the snake's side.

With my spear ready to attack once more, I watched as the snake became even slower, to the point where it would be the same speed as a normal person running.

As I continued to dodge and attack the snake it got slower and slower until the point where it could no longer move.

Decided to give mercy to the snake, I thrust my spear through the snake's eye and into the brain where the snake was almost instantly killed.

Knowing that snakes can still move even after death, I backed up quite a distance as a screen appeared before me.


Difficulty: Unknown

Rewards: Glamour Charm(G)]