
Worlds Merge(Dropped)

[Will have the following worlds: Marvel, DC, X-Men, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Twilight, The Transformers, The Vampire Diaries, and SCP Universe] [A/N: Note that I was heavily inspired by ScribbleHub's Dream Engine: Beta Tester... D.C. Comics by Galen, I recommend you check out his masterpiece] What happens when Jason is forced to reincarnate into a world where the danger lies at every corner? Whether it be Gods, Cosmic Beings, Mutants and Super-powered individuals, Masters of the Mystic Arts, Masters of Chi and Cultivation, world destroyers and builders, what can one man hope to achieve? Luckily, he has a system to help him through his journey!

Unholy_Angel · Movies
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9 Chs


[A/N: Note that this is an AU, meaning many timelines will start at different times, some have already taken place, and have yet to take place]

Deep within a void of absolute darkness where nothing but emptiness lies, was something that did not belong, floating within the void was a white flame the size of a basketball.

That flame was a soul, specifically my soul.

Now you may ask, who am I?

To answer that question, my name is Vale, and since I was an orphan, I never really had a last name for myself.

But if I were to have a last name, I would have my name be that of my orphanage, The New Dawn Orphanage, so I guess you can just call me Vale Dawn.

Now then, how did I get here you may ask?

Simply? I died.


Can't seem to remember that particular detail so I have no idea how I died, let alone when.

The last thing I do remember however is leaving my cheap apartment to go to work, after that point? Completely blank.

I have no idea if I died at that point or sometime later on, either way, I am dead.

Now why would I think I am dead, you may also ask?

Simple, this.

[You have perished! Congratulations!]

[Calculating your Karma Points!]

And for the past couple of minutes, the floating screen before me has not changed.

Which also brought up the question, How can I even see?

Answer? Once again I have no idea.

[Karma has been evaluated!]

[You have earned 88,650 KP for use in the System Shop!]

[Please select your origin]

[Human - 0 KP]

[Magical - 500 KP]

[Supernatural - 500 KP]

[Alien - 1,000 KP]

[Demi-God - 10,000 KP]

Seeing the strange options before me I couldn't help but question what was going on.


What is this? Some kind of character creation?

I guess Demi-God since it seems to be the most interesting of my choices.

[Please Select your Divine Parent]

[Greek Pantheon]

[Egyption Pantheon]

[Buddhist Pantheon]

As I looked at the long list of Pantheons before me, that excluded the Norse Pantheon for some reason, I eventually ended up going with the Greek Pantheon.

[Please Select your Divine Parent]

[Random - 0 KP]

[Zeus - 25,000 KP]

[Poseidon - 25,000 KP]

[Hades - 25,000 KP]

[Ares - 15,000]

Once again a long list of names appeared before me and eventually, I decided to choose Hades to be my Parent.

Turns out I still had 53,650 KP remaining.

I was honestly expecting the price for choosing my godly parent to cost more, but I had quite a bit of points still left so I won't complain.

[Please feel free to use your remaining KP to purchase items, skills, and more from the System Shop]

[Once you are ready, please inform the system]

Suddenly before my eyes was a list so long that I don't believe I would be able to finish it within even a decade...

The 'Shop' was a list of items that went over a wide array of things.

There were books, weapons, armors, advanced technology, skills, divine domains, and 𝘴𝘰 much more...

The prices ranged from just a single KP to trillions of trillions of points with just some of the things available in the shop...

I don't know how long I spent looking through that shop, but I came up with a list of things I purchased from the shop.

[A/N: Skill levels are the same as Dream Engine's, (G) Name of the Ability, (F) Minor, (E) Basic, (D) Intermediate, (C) Advanced, (B) Expert, (A) Master, and adding onto that, (S) Godly, there may be higher ranks later on]

[Minor Spatial Storage(1,000 KP) - A spatial inventory of the size of a chest that allows for the storage of inanimate objects. The size of the space increases with every rank]

[Minor First Aid(500 KP) - A simple but useful skill that not only helps the user when applying first aid but also on identifying various types of injuries and afflictions and the best course of action against them]

[Minor Healing Factor(5,000 KP) - Greatly enhances the user's base regeneration speed. With each rank in the skill, the skill will become stronger and will be able to heal more damaging wounds with minor wounds costing less to heal]

[Minor Danger Sense(5,000 KP) - Greatly enhances the user's perception of danger. With each rank in the skill, the user will be able to detect a greater amount of threats and more silent threats]

[Minor Cosmic Energy Manipulation(10,000 KP)] - Unlocks the use of cosmic energy within the user, Cosmic Energy is used mostly by Eternals and Celestials when they fight, create, and destroy]

[Unlock Magical Domain of Technomancy(10,000 KP)]

[Unlock Magical Domain of Nature(10,000 KP)]

[Domain of Nature and Technomancy have combined to create a sub magical domain, Synthesis]

[Minor Thu'um Mastery(10,000 KP)]

[An in-depth review and study of the Draconic Language in Tamriel(2,000 KP) - A book that was found in the realm of Apocrypha that goes over the Words of the Dragons and their meaning]

[Enchanted Clothing(125 KP) - Enchanted clothing that will automatically repair itself and clean itself from all filth]

[Enchanted Spear(25 KP) - A simple looking spear that has been given two simple enchantments that make it more durable and sharper]

Double-checking my options, I ultimately decided to proceed.

I had no idea what would happen next so I purchased a few things that I thought would be useful.



Then with a flash of light, I awoke someplace else.