
Worlds Demonic Battlefront

Before, it was a peaceful earth. There were no powers. No one was special. There were no conflicts. Maybe besides a few wars here and there. Then it was opened. Demons came into our world. We fought back. We weren’t enough. Until the first person to awaken their manifest came forward. Its been over a hundred years since this war began. That is where we meet our main character, Konpeki Seiryu, who’s parents sacrificed themselves for him. With his “unknown” manifest, will he be able to drive the demons back? Or will inner conflict disrupt his journey?

Saul_Omen · Action
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14 Chs

Volume 1, Chapter 11 - "The Raid" Part 4, End

Konpeki Seiryu's POV)

Vlad dashed at me and– stopped mid dash? He could've just killed me just now. I was thrown towards the wall when he was.

"Hmmm. So she's finally passed. Rest well. You've fulfilled your destiny young one." He said this while staring up at the ceiling.

"What are you talking about?" I was curious. If who he was referring to was Yoru, I was not going to have it. It would also mean she failed to bring her back.

"Don't worry. It's none of your concern, for now. You should be more worried about me" he said, continuing his dash towards me and pinning me to the wall.


"You should know, boy. There was never a plan. All of this that happened was staged. My people were forced to do these horrible things to your kind."

Because his hand was gripping my throat, it was hard to talk.

"And why should I believe you? You were the reason my parents died. And my scar aches knowing you were the cause."

"My apologies, but I have a story to tell you. It is up to you if you want to listen to me or not. I'll first start by letting you go."

As Vlad unhanded me I dashed away. It doesn't look like he wants to fight me but I shouldn't let my guard down.

"Go on, I'm listening."

"I thank you. Now then."

(Baron V. Vlad Narrating to Seiryu)

We come from a world where Humans and Nosferatu coexist. We called it Daeva. Both our races had been at war for hundreds of years. The Nosferatu were going to win, until their leader was asked to meet the human leader.

The Nosferatu were skeptical as the humans were greedy, malicious, and heartless. Their leader was a righteous warrior who fought with honor. That leader was me.

The human leader was also one who fought with honor, of course we had fought several times on the battlefield. We were both equally matched, so our fights ended in draws. This was enough for me to meet the leader.

Her name was Joan of Saint. Her hair was as dark as night and she wore gold armor that had been enchanted by God himself. Or so I was told. Her people sought her protection and the church. Us Nosferatu were considered "Sins", and had to be purged.

When we first fought, I fell in love with the Saint. My most trusted ally, who is also my closest friend, warned me of my feelings for the woman. I didn't listen of course, because during the years we did encounter each other, we both felt nothing but admiration for each other.

Then it was time for the meeting. She proposed a treaty. She wanted her people to coexist with the nosferatu. I of course thought about accepting this treaty, not because I loved her, but because I had lost so much. She was in the same boat as me.

She betrayed the church because of their irrational choices and the lives that they sacrificed for some hope. It was then she turned to me. The treaty to coexist with each other.

I accepted. We both were ready for the backlash and the resentment our people would shower us with. It took a long time for both of our races to come to terms and work with each other. During that time, we had a daughter.

Fujiwara Von Yoru. Joan named her after her mother. I like the name too. She had the same hair color as her mother.

Then "that" day.

Yoru was just 16 years old when it happened. The sky turned dark, and a huge hole opened up in the sky. It glowed a blue emanating light. Monsters of abominations started flowing out of the hole. I called it a gate.

These monsters called themselves demons. The same term you humans here, use. Our forces were deployed to eradicate these demons until one of them, Vassago, one of the 72 Demon King Monarchs, destroyed them with ease.

Joan was no exception.

I had no time to grieve for the woman I loved, as I needed to get our daughter to safety. We tried to run away but were stopped in our tracks. Yoru's friend was held hostage by Vassago. He offered to spare us, in return we and our races submit to the demons, and their so-called "glorious" leader.

I knew how much Yoru cared for the boy, so I accepted, pledging allegiance to the demons. But, little did I know that he would kill the boy anyway. Yoru mourned his death. I blamed myself. And to add on top of that, there were as little as 200 of our people who had survived.

Our world had fallen.

And now, in order to live, we bowed down to our subjugators.

(Back to the present)

"So you followed the orders of the leader of the demons?"

"Yes. It may be that I allowed your mother to die. I did it for the future of this world."


"Cough! Cough!"

"Hey are you alright!"

Baron V. Vlad started spewing blood out of his mouth. His face started to turn red and his veins showed themselves.

"Ah, I knew this would happen. There's no other way I could tell you this boy, but, I must let you know. You are being watched. Every move you make, every decision you make, is something that many others have done."

I took note of it while he started to fade away.

"My curse has taken effect. You, Konpeki Seiryu, will stop the evil that had already arrived in this world." He said this while I stood there silently, watching him fade to ashes.

And that was it. Baron V.Vlad had died. Not by me, but by a curse embedded in him. I had taken him to be someone who did bad, but after listening to his story, it made me think about a lot of things that happened to me.

(Somewhere in between worlds)

In a castle, was a throne room. In the throne room, was a throne. On the throne, was a clad in dark armor, made of the strongest materials in the known universe. They were sitting, one foot on the other leg. Their hand holding up their head by the chin.

They were approached by a demon and it knelt down.

"My lord. I bring news of Baron V. Vlad."

The clad in armor sitting on the throne nods.

"He has succeeded in his mission. However, he told "Him" of our existence. The humans only knew that we were just mindless demons, but because of his mishap, "He" knows.

The clad in armor raised their hand.

"Enough. I had already foresaw this coming. Let "Him" know. "His" world will fall."

"As you wish."

"Ah, I almost forgot. What of the girl?"

"The girl died as well. She was slain by another girl with blue hair."

"Hmm. Interesting." The clad in armor says this while looking through an orb that shows the girl.