
Worldly Overlord

There are three worlds in the universe, The mortal world, the Underground world, and the Demon world. Devon, born and raised in the mortal world. In a world where power determined the world's dynamics, Devon who was born from a top-class family failed to live up to the expectations of his family and this brought about his exile from the family. Shortly after he was banished from the family, Devon was contracted by the most deadliest race in the world, The Devil race. And so, Devon's journey began...... Join Devon as he uncovers the secret of the worlds, the truth about his mother's death, and how he becomes the omniarch of the world with his harem of beauties. ---------- So this is an original book, and I'm giving it my all and I hope you give it a chance. The first twenty chapters (more or less) were not quite good tbh it might seem boring and confusing, but that is only because they were the first I ever wrote Try reading 40 chapters before deciding to drop it or not. You'll understand how much potential the book has. It really gets better eventually Thanks....... Our journey to creating one of the most overpowered character begins. PS:- I don't own the image on my cover. If the original owner sees this message, you can contact me.

Bhar_Yo · Fantasy
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396 Chs

The Lad

"This sucks, why do we have to do all the work, while he enjoys himself with a pretty lady like Mae."

"Master order cannot be violated, so let's just get this done and forget about it."

Two young men lamented while carrying the body of a young lady towards a cave at night. She looked no older than eighteen at least with blonde hair stopping at the nape of her neck and a stunning, finely chiseled face that would stand out within any crowd. The lady was incredibly beautiful.

The two men carried her gently, it was like they were afraid of hurting her even a little. It showed how important she was to them. The two men entered the cave, and it left their mouths wide open.

The cave was romantically arranged, there was even a bed inside the cave and a red rose forming a love shape in the center of the bed.

Everywhere was dazzling, but the two men knew it was better they get their job done get the hell out of this place. They quickly dropped the lady on the bed and rushed out of the cave.

"Finally, Mae, you're mine." As soon as the duo left, a voice sounded from inside the cave.

Devon had been searching for the woman mentioned by the voice for weeks, and when he was exhausted from the search he took a break in one of the trees nearby.

Ever since the time he got chased by some wild animal, he learned how to climb a tree. It was like today was his lucky day when he saw two men carrying a lady, it was clear that the lady was unconscious.

He saw them enter a cave then after some minutes they were out back but this time without the lady. Immediately when they came outside, the two men ran at the speed of a cheetah, but before they could go far the two of them collapsed on the ground.

"I see, whoever is in that cave doesn't want to leave any evidence behind." Devon couldn't help but frown at this.

He got down from the tree, he was resting on, thinking about what action he should take next. He remembered what his mom always told him, 'no matter what situation you find yourself in, calm yourself down before you make any decision'

Though Devon wasn't sure that it was the woman he was looking for, he still decided to go check what was going on inside the cave.

Devon went to the entrance of the cave while tiptoeing and peeped inside. He saw the young lady on the bed, and standing before her was a boy who looked to be sixteen.

The boy was standing at the front of the lady, looking at her like a starved beast who couldn't wait to have its lunch.

He looked confused about what to do next, after a while, he picked up a book and was reading from it. He walked toward the lady with the book in his hand and was about to tear the hem of her dress.

"Okay, I can't take it anymore that not how to treat a lady." Devon walked inside the cave when he couldn't bear seeing how the lad handled the woman on the bed.

Turning around and seeing a figure coming inside the cave, the cold voice of the lad rang out, "Do you want to die? And how did you get here?"

At first, the lad was frightened, but when he couldn't sense any celestial energy around Devon, he relaxed. He knew this person was a mortal without any strength.

"Of course not, why don't we negotiate as men to men." Despite being weak, Devon walked the cave leisurely.

The boy looked at Devon with a confused expression on his face, "Negotiate? What do you mean by negotiating?" The boy urged Devon to go straight to the point as beating around the bush definitely wasn't helping the situation.

Devon yawned a little, "Isn't it obvious that this is your first time a woman." Devon's mocking voice sounded out.

"You..... You…" The lad stammered as he heard Devon's words. His eyes widened in shock.

The lad looked at Devon with his mouth wide open. He had never told anyone about this before, as he always felt ashamed of it. So, how did this boy in front of him know about it?

Seeing the mocking expression on Devon's face, the lad immediately denied Devon's words, "That's a lie, who said I haven't."

"Then why were you about to tear her dress just now?" Devon shrugged his shoulder at the lad.

This time around, the lad raised his head high as he answered Devon's question, "My friends said that women like it rough and painful, so I drugged her then told my men to bring her here."

Devon looked at the boy in front of him, and he was rendered speechless. He always thought he was dumb, but this lad in front of him opened his eyes.

"Dumbass, the first thing you do is take off your cloth then you sleep beside her then boom she is already your woman."Devon shook his head, he couldn't believe someone could be this dumb.

The lad burst out laugh "Oh, I was just joking around... Hahahahaha! I wanted to see if you knew how to do it. I was going to do that before you interrupted me." The lad said. Suddenly he's face went cold as he realized something.

"Who is this lady?" However, before he could lash out at Devon, Devon's curious voice sounded out.

Devon looked at the lady on the bed and gulped. This lady was a beautiful, flawless figure and a mesmerizing face, since he arrived in the underground world this was the first woman who captivated him. There was something odd about this lady's face. A charm that compelled the viewers to gaze and enthralled the soul regardless of gender.

Though raping was a very terrible thing to do to a lady, before this woman's beauty, it seemed to be worth it. Devon shook his head at the lad, no wonder he was willing to go to great length to kidnap her, this woman in bed is ravishing.

"I'm going to kill you anyway, so there is no harm in telling you." After concluding that he was going to end Devon's life after this, the lad didn't seem to mind telling him one or two things.

Mae Silas, one of the most beautiful women in the underground world, be it in terms of background or influence, she was top-notch. In her presence, all beauties paled, and all who would agree that only a few people could match her in the Underground World.

"How did you manage to drug her in the first place?" Devon inquired, after hearing a little about this woman, he was certain that someone this beauty would have a big reputation.

The lad looked at Devon as if he was looking at an idiot, his eyes seemed to mocking Devon. "Uhm, I know someone who knows someone." After a few minutes, the lad spoke.

Devon looked at the lad suspiciously, someone who could drug one of the most beautiful women in the Underground world, especially one who came from a powerful family. What kind of identity did he have.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention she's also my fiancee." The smile on the lad's face widened as he spoke about the woman being his fiancee.

Who wouldn't be full of pride when they have a woman like this? 

"Wait, what...If she's your fiancée, then why did you drug her?" Devon found it hard to believe what he heard just heard. 


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