
Worldly Overlord

There are three worlds in the universe, The mortal world, the Underground world, and the Demon world. Devon, born and raised in the mortal world. In a world where power determined the world's dynamics, Devon who was born from a top-class family failed to live up to the expectations of his family and this brought about his exile from the family. Shortly after he was banished from the family, Devon was contracted by the most deadliest race in the world, The Devil race. And so, Devon's journey began...... Join Devon as he uncovers the secret of the worlds, the truth about his mother's death, and how he becomes the omniarch of the world with his harem of beauties. ---------- So this is an original book, and I'm giving it my all and I hope you give it a chance. The first twenty chapters (more or less) were not quite good tbh it might seem boring and confusing, but that is only because they were the first I ever wrote Try reading 40 chapters before deciding to drop it or not. You'll understand how much potential the book has. It really gets better eventually Thanks....... Our journey to creating one of the most overpowered character begins. PS:- I don't own the image on my cover. If the original owner sees this message, you can contact me.

Bhar_Yo · Fantasy
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396 Chs

A deal with the Devil

A month had passed since that incident, but to Devon, it felt like a year. The voice in his head kept talking to him, and each time that happened he felt pain.

The voice kept repeating the same thing

'Give me more' and for a month Devon felt torture. After a month of experiencing that kind of extruciating pain, he had gotten a little used to it.

Devon had a good sense of smell, he smelled something odd around the area where he was, and with great difficulty he went over there to check what it was.

An old man was on the ground, the man was bleeding all over his body. Seeing a dead body was not new to Devon. As if, he was compelled he walked over to the man then placed his right hand on the man's chest, he could feel the man's heartbeat.

He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of the energy flowing through his body.

"Uhm yummy, that delicious" Suddenly a voice sounded in the surrounding.

Devon opened his eyes, freaked out, he quickly removed his hand from the body, but when he stared at the body, he realized the body was gone.

"Who is there? Old man, I know you're alive, so don't play this kind of prank with me" Devon scanned the surrounding looking for the old man but even after searching for some minute, he wasn't able to find a single trace do the man.

"Hehehehe dumbass." Th same voice which sounded earlier rang out again.

Devon's eyes widened. Why was a voice suddenly echoing within his head? He looked left and right, but there was no one around him.

"Hehehehe this is fun."

Devon began to wonder if he had gone insane. After a whole month of torture. "Okay, Okay, Who are you, and what do you want from me?" Since the old man was still in the surrounding, Devon believed he wanted something from him, so he went straight to the point.

As if the voice was expecting Devon to ask it that question, in less than a seconds after it serious voice rang out, "Do you want to make a deal with the devil?"

"No" Without thinking about it in the slightest, Devon rejected the deal which was offered to him.

"Wait what?... Don't you want to get revenge for what your dad did to your mom" The shock was evident as the voice clearly never expected Devon to reject his offer so quick.

Though in the underground world, there was no such thing as good or bad, but the same couldn't be said to the mortal world. As everybody of there was thought that devil was a evil being.

And those who sided with those entity will be condemned by the heavens.

Devon tightened his fist, he knew this was a bad thing to do but what other choice did he have he couldn't absorb Celestial energy, so how could he have his revenge.

"Yes, what do you want in return?" A few minute passed and Devon made his decision. He was willing to sign a contract with the devil because the advantage far surpass the disadvantage.

The reason why he asked what the voice wanted in return was because from a young age, he was taught that there was no free lunch. Clifford always told him when someone offers you something, you have to reject it because you might have to pay double of what the person gave you.

Also at all cost, he must avoid owing someone a favor.

"Hehehehe smart fellow, it is a win-win situation, I offer you power in exchange you do my bidding." The voice couldn't find the excitement from having Devon agreeing to his words.

A perplexed appeared on Devon's face, and after a brief moment, he asked the voice in his head a question "That all?" Devon inquired.

"Yeah, you might want to be unconscious because this might hurt a little, a bit." So as to stop Devon from changing his mind, the voice immediately began the contract signing process with his soul.

Devon's vision was starting to fade. The pain he was feeling was unbearable even more than the one he felt some days ago, it was to the extent that right after three minute he was unable to maintain consciousness.


Back on earth, The Investigation of Luna Reid was still going, families and organizations had tried their best, but they couldn't find out what happened. The Reid house was that good at keeping information.

The Reid family only told the world what they wanted them to know about it.

And while it might seem as though only the mortal world was searching left and right for information on Luna, the underground world and the demon world were also doing the same.

It was just that the other two silently.....

Chaos City, the safest place in the mortal world. it was also the most beautiful and the most expensive city in the mortal world. As one average house in chaos city was sufficient to create small organization in any of three world. People who lived in chaos city were the best of the best.

While the city was indeed incredibly beautiful most people tend to stay far away from that place as the chaos City was also known as the home of the world government.

In an underground bunker, a man was having a conversation with a woman. She seemed to be in her late 30s, but she was damn hot. It seemed like the man was giving her a report about something, but each time the man spoke she tightened her fist, it was very obvious that she was angry.

"Don't allow this to get to the president, you know what he's capable of doing." The woman warning voice as she stared at the man standing in front of her.

The man nodded his head at the woman's words, "Yes, ma..... M-" He was about to inform the woman about another information when he suddenly saw the change in her eyes.

"You may leave!" The man turned around, he could only wait till she was in a good mood before he told her another pieceews about the world government.

Waiting for the man to leave, the woman looked at her right corner and frowned. She waved her hand and a shockwave blasted through the wall.

In less than a minute which the wall was blasted, a white-haired lady appeared in the room. "You've not changed at all after so many years, Vivian. Aren't you tired of working for that man, you know he won't ever look at you with affection after what happened."

Seeing the person who had just appeared, a bone chilling smile appeared on her face, "Kid stop acting as if you know me, if not for your father you would have been dead by now." Vivian said.

In response to Vivian's words, the white haired woman smirked, '"That the favorite part about being daddy's favorite, someone as lonely as you're will never understand it." She said.

Vivian got up from her seat, stretched her hand out and a sword flew straight to her hand not waiting for a single moment, she attacked. However, It was like the white-haired woman had predicted it as she flew back.

"That not how to treat your niece, but I must say you're getting...." Immediately as she escaped from Vivian's attack, the other woman mocking voice rang out. However in less than a minute after, her body suddenly removed

"Pfffttt!" the white-haired woman vomited blood from her mouth before she could finish her word.

"Elyse, even your father dare not underestimate me in a battle. Tell Clifford, once that person finds out what really happened to Luna, he's dead meat." Vivian waved her hand, sending Elyse to wherever she came from.

Reid mansion...

"Hahahaha that little girl is still angry at me, I guess I deserve it. What do you think about her, Elyse?" A man cladded in black attire, stared at Elyse who was in front of him.

Elise was no longer in the pale shape she was once and she seemed to have recovered from her previous state, "She's a mean bitch!" Elyse clenched her hand into a fist as she thought about what Vivian did to her. 

Clifford's face became serious, he grabbed Elyse by the neck and lifted her, strangling her in the process. "You're too weak, if you don't grow strong quickly, I'm going to kill you with my hand just like I killed your mother."


Meanwhile back in the underground world, a young boy could seen lieing on the ground. From the way the boy's body shivered after every ten seconds, it couldn't help but make one wonder what he had been through.

Slowly, Devon's eyelids were opening, and his vision was becoming clearer. His body felt very weak, mustering the strength he had, Devon got up from the ground and checked all his body if he had been injured anywhere. He touched his head, making sure he was alright.

" Mr Devil Voice what did you do to me?" Out of the blue, Devon came up with a name which fitted the voice in his head.

Even after yelling for some minutes, there was still no response from the voice in his head, "Mr Devil Voice, are you there?" Devon's voice rang out once again.

Devon was starting to panic when he got no reply again. 

"I'm arranging some task for you to complete, I used the last bit of my energy to form a connection with your body , so I'm exhausted complete the task fast boy I'll be waiting."

"Mr. Devil Voice, where are you going to?"

Task: Ensure Mae doesn't get raped and join her alliance without making her think you have an ulterior motive.

Devon could not hold his laughter, when he made a deal with the devil he was expecting something dangerous. But with this he couldn't help but wonder if made a deal with the devil or an angel.