
World Trigger: The Azafurian

In a world where Trion warriors and Neighbors threaten the peace of Mikado City, a new and enigmatic character has emerged: Hoshizora Kurenai, a Neighbor known as The Brimstone Shogun, who has a Trion signature that resembles brimstone energy, setting him apart from normal Neighbors. With an otherworldly Trion body and a reputation that sends shivers down the spines of A-Rank agents, Kurenai is a force to be reckoned with. As the story begins, Border HQ is abuzz with rumors and speculations about this mysterious new fighter who has been taking on Neighbor incursions single-handedly, with unmatched finesse and power. Some view Kurenai as a vigilante, a rogue agent unaligned with any official squads. But little is known about the true motives and allegiance of this enigmatic figure. His origin remains a mystery, as they don’t know how or when he arrived on Earth or the circumstances surrounding his existence. Meanwhile, Osamu Mikumo, Yuma Kuga, Chika Amatori and Hyuse continue their everyday duties as members of Tamakoma Branch. They are intrigued by the stories of The Brimstone Shogun but are cautious, not knowing whether this new player is friend or foe. Some agents view Kurenai with suspicion, unsure whether they can trust another Neighbor. However, he has proven himself by taking down powerful Neighbor incursions with his unique abilities. One day, Kurenai's path crosses with Tamakoma Branch, setting the stage for a complex web of alliances and betrayals, as the true threat to Mikado City becomes more apparent. As the Neighbors unveil a sinister plan that threatens both the human world and the Neighbor universe. Tamakoma Branch and The Brimstone Shogun must decide whether to join forces to protect their home or remain as rivals in this dangerous new era.

Zeesuhs · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Tamakoma-2’s Thoughts on the Shogun

As Hiro skipped back to his parents, bubbling with excitement, Hoshizora watched them reunite with a small smile, feeling a sense of warmth in his chest. The family walked a short distance away, but then the parents turned back, their expressions shifting from curiosity to realization.

For a moment, a silent understanding passed between them and Hoshizora. The name "The Brimstone Shogun" hung in the air, laden with significance. It was more than just a moniker; it was a symbol of hope, strength, and determination in the face of adversity.

Their eyes met, and in that shared moment, Hoshizora sensed a mix of emotions - gratitude, respect, and perhaps a hint of awe. They had heard of the Brimstone Shogun, a figure shrouded in mystery yet revered for his acts of bravery and compassion. And now, standing before them, was the embodiment of that legend.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Hoshizora watched as the family continued on their way, the memory of their brief encounter lingering in the air like a gentle breeze. In that moment, he knew that his path was clear, his purpose defined. He was the Brimstone Shogun, a guardian of the people, a beacon of hope in a world fraught with uncertainty.

"Wait," the mother said, her eyes widening. "You're the one who saved us a few days ago from that Neighbor, aren't you?" The father nodded vigorously, his gratitude unmistakable. "Yes, it's you! You saved our lives." The parents approached him, thanking him profusely for his heroic actions and expressing their profound gratitude. They shared their story of their encounter with the Neighbor and how he had come to their rescue.

As the parents recounted their harrowing experience, Hoshizora listened attentively, his expression a mix of empathy and determination. They described how they had been on their way home from a late-night dinner when they suddenly found themselves face-to-face with a colossus Neighbor. 

"It was terrifying," the father explained, his voice trembling slightly with the memory. "We were frozen with fear, unable to move as the Neighbor's monstrous form loomed over us. There was no siren, so Border was not able to react to the Neighbor." The mother nodded in agreement, her eyes glistening with tears. "But then you appeared out of nowhere," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "You fought bravely, destroying the Neighbor and saving our lives."

Hoshizora listened in silence, his thoughts drifting back to that fateful encounter. He remembered the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he faced off against the monstrous Neighbor, his determination to protect the innocent fueling his every move. "It was nothing," he replied modestly, though a sense of pride flickered in his eyes. "I couldn't stand by and watch innocent people suffer while Border did nothing because of the Neighbor not triggering the alarm."

As the parents exchanged grateful glances, Hoshizora's mind raced with questions. The thought of stealth technology on a Neighbor was a perplexing detail that he couldn't shake off. It raised the possibility of another nation testing their trigger capabilities here on Meeden.

"I wonder..." he murmured, his brow furrowing in thought. "What country would implore stealth technology on a Bamster? It's not a common modification for Neighbors, plus it's a towering unit. How would people not see it?"

The parents looked at him curiously, sensing the shift in his demeanor. "Is something wrong?" the father asked, concern etched in his features. Hoshizora shook his head, dismissing the thought for the time being. "It's nothing," he said with a forced smile. "Just thinking out loud."

But deep down, he knew that this revelation could lead to more questions than answers. The mystery surrounding the Neighbor's origins and the motives of those who equipped it with such advanced technology weighed heavily on his mind.

The parents exchanged grateful glances, their appreciation for Hoshizora's selflessness evident. "We'll never forget what you did for us," the mother said, her voice choked with emotion. "You're a true hero." Hoshizora nodded, his gaze drifting to the horizon as he reflected on the responsibilities that came with his newfound reputation. Despite the dangers that lurked in the shadows, he knew that he had a duty to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.

The night descended upon Mikado City like a soft blanket, its streets bathed in the gentle glow of streetlights. The cool breeze whispered through the quiet alleys, carrying with it the faint scent of cherry blossoms in bloom. Above, the stars twinkled in the velvety darkness, casting their ethereal light upon the sleeping city below.

In the distance, the hum of traffic faded into the background, replaced by the soothing symphony of crickets chirping and leaves rustling in the wind. Shadows danced along the walls of towering skyscrapers, while stray beams of moonlight filtered through the branches of ancient trees, casting intricate patterns on the pavement below.

Despite the turmoil of the day, there was a serene beauty to the night, a sense of peace that settled over the city like a sigh of relief. Hoshizora stood atop a building, its silhouette bordering the southern part of the Forbidden Zone and the city "It's a quiet night," he remarked to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. His keen senses extended outward, scanning the surrounding area for any signs of danger. "No hostile signatures nearby," he murmured, his brow furrowing in concentration. "Nor in the Forbidden Zone." For a brief moment, all was calm, as if the world itself had paused to catch its breath before the dawn.

As dawn approached, a new day brought with it fresh possibilities and challenges. The sun's first rays bathed the city in a gentle, hopeful light. It was a day of new beginnings and uncharted paths, waiting to be explored.

Osamu and Yuma delved into the bustling heart of Mikado City, their eyes scanning the crowded streets for any sign of Hoshizora. The city's skyscrapers loomed overhead, casting shadows over the throngs of people going about their daily lives.

Osamu glanced at the bustling streets, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Do you think he'll show up today?" he asked, his voice barely audible over the din of the city.

Yuma shrugged, his eyes scanning the crowd. "Hard to say. He's been pretty elusive lately," he replied, his tone thoughtful. "But you never know with him."

They continued to navigate the busy streets, their steps falling into a steady rhythm. Osamu's gaze flickered towards the towering skyscrapers that surrounded them. "I just hope he's okay," he murmured, a hint of concern coloring his words.

Yuma nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring Osamu's worry. "Yeah, me too. But you know Hoshizora, always managing to slip through our fingers," he said with a small chuckle.

They shared a brief smile before resuming their search, their determination unwavering. They approached vendors in a bustling marketplace, showing his picture and asking if anyone had seen him. The responses were mixedâ€"some recognized him, while others had no clue. The city's residents seemed both intrigued and cautious, mirroring the mysterious reputation of Hoshizora.

As Osamu and Yuma traversed the bustling marketplace, their eyes darted between the diverse array of stalls and vendors. They approached each person with Hoshizora's picture in hand, their inquiries punctuating the lively hum of the marketplace. "Excuse me, have you seen this person around recently?" Osamu's voice cut through the chatter, drawing the attention of a nearby vendor. He extended the picture, hoping for a glimmer of recognition.

The vendor's brow furrowed in concentration as he examined the image. "Hmm, let me see... Oh yeah, I think I saw him yesterday near the park. He was helping an old lady with her groceries." Yuma's eyes lit up with recognition. "Huh, that sounds nothing like him. HQ really tries to put a bad rap on him." he mused before they continued their search.

Their quest for information led them to various corners of the marketplace, where they encountered a diverse cast of characters, each with their own perspective on the mysterious figure known as Hoshizora. "Hi there, sorry to bother you. Have you seen this guy wandering about?" Osamu's polite inquiry caught the attention of a passerby who paused in his hurried stride.

"Hmm, can't say I have," the passerby replied, scratching his head. "But I've heard stories about him, you know. They say he's some kind of vigilante, taking on Neighbors and stuff. Leaving brimstone burns in his wake, protecting the people YOU guys fail to protect."

Yuma nodded thoughtfully. "Hmm, I see. Well, thank you for sharing. I'll bring this complaint up to HQ" he said. After Yuma's response, the passerby's expression soured, a flicker of frustration crossing his features. "Well, you do that," he muttered, before briskly walking away, leaving Osamu and Yuma to continue their search amidst the bustling crowd.

Yuma glanced at Osamu, a furrow forming between his brows. "Did you catch that hostility?" he asked, his voice low enough to avoid drawing attention.

Osamu nodded, his lips pressed into a thin line. "Yeah, it seems like some people are blaming us for not doing enough," he replied, his tone tinged with frustration. "But it doesn't add up. We've been handling Neighbor incursions all week. There's no way our systems could've been tampered with." Yuma frowned, pondering the implications. "Then why the hostility? What's driving it?"

Osamu shrugged, his gaze scanning the crowd. "Who knows? Maybe they're just scared and looking for someone to blame." Yuma nodded in agreement, though the unease lingered in his mind. There was something more to this, he was sure of it. But for now, they had a mission to focus on.

Approaching a nearby shopkeeper, Osamu leaned in slightly, his tone respectful yet determined. "Excuse me, miss. Have you seen this man anywhere?" he asked, presenting the picture to the shopkeeper who glanced at it curiously.

"Oh, him?" the shopkeeper replied, her eyes brightening with recognition. "Yeah, he stopped by a couple of times to buy supplies. Seemed like a decent fellow, always polite."

Yuma offered a grateful smile. "Good to know. Thanks for your help!" he said, before they continued their search, weaving through the lively marketplace in pursuit of any clue that might lead them to Hoshizora's whereabouts.

They navigated through winding alleys and busy intersections, following every lead and rumor they could find. Some led to dead ends, while others hinted at possible sightings. The search was a labyrinth of hopes and disappointments, but Osamu and Yuma were determined to find their elusive ally.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, the city revealed its secrets and its challenges. Osamu and Yuma pressed on, their quest to locate him taking them deeper into the urban maze. Osamu approached a man in business attire, showing a picture of Hoshizora to him. "Have you seen this man? We're looking for him."

The man studied the image and then shook his head. "Sorry, I haven't. But you might want to try asking around the old factory district. I've heard some rumors about him being spotted there."

Yuma was talking to another passerby. "Excuse me, have you seen this person recently?" he asked, showing the same image. The passerby squinted at the picture and then pointed down a nearby alley. "I think I saw him heading that way a few hours ago. He looked like he was in a hurry."

Osamu and Yuma's lead led them to a quieter part of the city, where they unexpectedly encountered the family that Hoshizora had saved. The parents and Hiro recognized the Border agents from that fateful day, but their expressions were guarded.

"Thank you for helping us back then," the mother said, her tone appreciative. "But I'm afraid we can't say much about the man who saved us. He was there one second, the next he was gone. Brimstone lying where he once stood."

Yuma couldn't help but feel a growing curiosity, and his Side Effect automatically activated. His keen senses began to detect subtle cues in the family's body language, revealing that they were concealing something important. "You know…you make up the stupidest lies."

Osamu, too, sensed the tension in the air. He leaned in and asked gently, "Please, any information you can provide would be of great help. We're trying to find him, but we don't know much about where he might be now. Plus, all agents except for us have orders from HQ to take him in either alive or dead."

The family's expressions shifted from guarded to startled, their eyes widening in surprise. The mother exchanged a quick glance with her spouse and then spoke cautiously, "We had no idea... we didn't know it was like that. But you must understand, he saved our lives. He's a hero to us." Hiro nodded fervently, echoing their sentiments. "Yeah, he's the Brimstone Shogun. We owe him everything. He even helped get me out of the Forbidden Zone and find my parents!"

Osamu and Yuma exchanged a glance, realizing that they had stumbled upon a side of his story they hadn't known before. The family's unwavering support for the enigmatic Neighbor added another layer of complexity to the search for him. Osamu couldn't help but contemplate the family's unwavering support for him. "How many times has he saved families like yours?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

The mother sighed, her eyes filled with gratitude. "We've heard multiple stories about the rescues, but it's hard to say. He's always there when Neighbors threaten us before Border gets there. We don't know much about him, but we know he's our savior."

Yuma chimed in, his expression pensive. "It's almost as if he's been silently protecting this city, getting to the scene before us. It's like he knows where the next gate will appear." Osamu nodded thoughtfully, considering Yuma's observation. "You might be onto something," he agreed, his tone contemplative. "But it's also possible that he's just incredibly resourceful and has a knack for being in the right place at the right time. Either way, it's clear that he's made quite an impact on the city, whether Border acknowledges it or not."

As the family's words resonated with them, Osamu and Yuma found themselves grappling with the stark contrast between the image of the Brimstone Shogun painted by the residents and the portrayal put forth by Border. 

Yuma's thoughts raced as he considered the implications. "It's unsettling, isn't it?" he murmured, his brows furrowed in contemplation. "How the people see him as a hero, while Border views him as a threat to be neutralized."

Osamu nodded in agreement, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. "It makes you wonder... What if he's not the enemy we've been led to believe?" he mused aloud, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "What if he's been fighting for the same cause as us all along?"

The discrepancy between public perception and official stance weighed heavily on them both as they grappled with the implications. Could it be that Border's portrayal of the Brimstone Shogun was skewed? Were they missing a crucial piece of the puzzle?

As they mulled over these questions, a shrill alarm pierced the air, shattering the moment of introspection. The family's expressions shifted from gratitude to fear as they realized what the alarm meant â€" a new gate was about to appear.

In the chaos that ensued, a voice blared over the public address system, its urgent tone cutting through the clamor of the city. "Attention all citizens, Attention all citizens," it announced, "This is an emergency. Gate activity has been detected in the city. All citizens, move to safety! I repeat, this is an emergency! This is an emergency! Gate activity within the city!"

Osamu and Yuma exchanged a glance, their expressions hardening with resolve. Duty called, and they were duty-bound to answer. As the family huddled together, seeking shelter from the impending threat, Osamu and Yuma prepared to face whatever dangers lay ahead, their mission to find Hoshizora temporarily put on hold.