
World Trigger: The Azafurian

In a world where Trion warriors and Neighbors threaten the peace of Mikado City, a new and enigmatic character has emerged: Hoshizora Kurenai, a Neighbor known as The Brimstone Shogun, who has a Trion signature that resembles brimstone energy, setting him apart from normal Neighbors. With an otherworldly Trion body and a reputation that sends shivers down the spines of A-Rank agents, Kurenai is a force to be reckoned with. As the story begins, Border HQ is abuzz with rumors and speculations about this mysterious new fighter who has been taking on Neighbor incursions single-handedly, with unmatched finesse and power. Some view Kurenai as a vigilante, a rogue agent unaligned with any official squads. But little is known about the true motives and allegiance of this enigmatic figure. His origin remains a mystery, as they don’t know how or when he arrived on Earth or the circumstances surrounding his existence. Meanwhile, Osamu Mikumo, Yuma Kuga, Chika Amatori and Hyuse continue their everyday duties as members of Tamakoma Branch. They are intrigued by the stories of The Brimstone Shogun but are cautious, not knowing whether this new player is friend or foe. Some agents view Kurenai with suspicion, unsure whether they can trust another Neighbor. However, he has proven himself by taking down powerful Neighbor incursions with his unique abilities. One day, Kurenai's path crosses with Tamakoma Branch, setting the stage for a complex web of alliances and betrayals, as the true threat to Mikado City becomes more apparent. As the Neighbors unveil a sinister plan that threatens both the human world and the Neighbor universe. Tamakoma Branch and The Brimstone Shogun must decide whether to join forces to protect their home or remain as rivals in this dangerous new era.

Zeesuhs · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Foiled Façade

Osamu leaned in, his tone serious. "What do you mean, Yuma?" Yuma nodded. "His response doesn't match his body language. He's hiding something." Hoshizora knew he was on the verge of being exposed. He had to tread carefully, but the encounter was spiraling into a more revealing territory than he had anticipated.

His eyes flickered with a hint of surprise and a touch of admiration for Yuma's perceptiveness. "Impressive," he acknowledged, his voice carrying a hint of respect for the agent's sharp instincts. "You caught that, huh? Very well."

Osamu and Yuma exchanged a look, their curiosity growing. He continued, "The truth is, I do know something about The Brimstone Shogun, but the less I say, the safer it is for everyone." He leaned in slightly, as if sharing a secret. "You don't want to get involved with him. He's a mysterious character, and his methods are... unorthodox."

Osamu pressed further, "Do you know him personally?" Hoshizora hesitated for a moment; his eyes locked with Osamu's. "Let's just say I've crossed paths with him before, and I've seen what he's capable of. It's not something to take lightly."

Yuma's Side Effect still picked up on an underlying layer of deception but kept quiet. His revelation about his past encounters had shed some light on this mystery. Osamu couldn't shake the feeling that he was hiding more than he was revealing. With a polite nod to both Hoshizora and Yuma, he excused himself. "I need to make a quick call to my mom. Need to know what we are eating for dinner," he said, his tone measured.

Yuma watched Osamu depart, concern in his eyes. As Osamu moved out of earshot, Yuma turned his attention back to Hoshizora. "I apologize for my friend's abruptness," he said. "He's just a bit too curious for his own good sometimes."

Hoshizora nodded in understanding, his expression remaining enigmatic. "It's quite alright. In your line of work, curiosity can either be a valuable asset or a fatal mistake." As Osamu reached a more private location, he swiftly contacted Border HQ and conveyed the situation. He relayed Hoshizora's responses and the lingering sense of deception Yuma had detected. Border agents were alerted to the encounter and began to mobilize to their location.

Back at the park, Yuma and Hoshizora continued their conversation, both aware that their encounter was far from over. Yuma's expression shifted from politeness to a more serious and probing demeanor. "You know," Yuma began, "I can tell when someone is a Neighbor."

Hoshizora's façade faltered for a moment, replaced by a mixture of guardedness and intrigue. He leaned in slightly, his eyes locked on Yuma. "Is that so?" he responded; his tone laced with curiosity. "And how can you tell by a glance?"

Yuma did not hesitate, he knew that this moment could be a turning point in their encounter. "I am one myself," he said. His gaze remained locked on Yuma, his mind racing. He had been careful to conceal his true nature, but it seemed that Yuma, being a neighbor himself, had pierced through his facade.

Yuma's revelation left him momentarily stunned. He hadn't expected to meet another Neighbor. "You're a Neighbor?" He said with a hint of surprise, his guard still up. Yuma nodded. "That's right. It's one of the ways I could tell you were lying. The main reason I knew you were lying was because of my side effect. It is able to distinguish lies from truth. It activates automatically when I'm looking at someone who is voluntarily lying"

 He continued to process the information Yuma had just revealed, his thoughts racing as he considered the implications of his encounter with another Neighbor. The atmosphere was charged with tension and intrigue, and he couldn't help but wonder how this newfound revelation would shape their interaction.

Hoshizora's mind buzzed with questions, each one vying for attention. He leaned back slightly, his expression thoughtful. "I see," he murmured, his voice barely audible over the ambient sounds of the park. "It's a remarkable ability."

Yuma nodded, his gaze unwavering. "It has its uses," he admitted, a hint of resignation in his tone. "But it also comes with its own set of challenges." The admission intrigued Hoshizora further. "Challenges?" he echoed, his curiosity piqued. "What kind of challenges do you face as a Neighbor?"

Yuma's expression darkened momentarily, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features. "Being a Neighbor isn't easy," he confessed, his voice tinged with bitterness. "We're caught between two worlds, never truly belonging to either. And with Border's constant surveillance, it's become even harder to navigate."

Hoshizora absorbed Yuma's words, sensing the weight of his confession. "I can imagine," he said softly, his tone sympathetic. "Living a double life must take its toll." Yuma nodded, a shadow passing over his features. "It does," he admitted, his gaze distant. "But it's a burden we bear for our own reasons." Their conversation hung in the air, heavy with unspoken truths and shared understanding. Despite their differences, they found a common ground in the complexities of their existence as Neighbors.

As the minutes passed, the tension between them ebbed, replaced by a tentative camaraderie forged in the crucible of their shared experiences. Hoshizora found himself opening up to Yuma in ways he hadn't anticipated, revealing glimpses of his own struggles and fears. Osamu returned to the park bench, his phone call to Border HQ concluded. He rejoined the conversation, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity as he sensed the shift in the dynamic.

"Is everything okay?" Osamu inquired, his gaze shifting between Hoshizora and Yuma. Hoshizora, still absorbing the shock of Yuma's revelation, looked to Osamu and responded with a guarded yet composed demeanor. "Everything's fine. We were just having an interesting conversation." Yuma, too, remained vigilant, the weight of his Neighbor identity and his Side Effect's revelation looming large. "He was just telling me about The Brimstone Shogun." Osamu's eyes narrowed as he tried to discern the subtleties of the situation. "What's your connection to him?"

As the conversation continued, the atmosphere remained tense and filled with unspoken questions. Hoshizora's connections and Yuma's unique abilities had become central elements in their interaction. Osamu, Yuma, and Hoshizora were caught in a web of curiosity, guardedness, and intrigue.

Yuma leaned forward, his eyes flickering with curiosity. "So, Hoshizora, how did you come to know about The Brimstone Shogun?" His question hung in the air, a tangible thread connecting their disparate worlds. Hoshizora hesitated for a moment, weighing his words carefully. "It's... complicated," he began, his voice soft yet measured. "I've encountered him in the field before. His methods are unconventional, but effective." He glanced at Yuma, wondering how much he should reveal.

Yuma nodded, absorbing the information. "Interesting," he murmured, his expression thoughtful. "And what about you, Osamu? What's your take on The Brimstone Shogun?" Osamu's gaze shifted between Hoshizora and Yuma, his expression guarded. "I've heard the rumors," he admitted, his tone cautious. "But I can't say I know much about him. He's an enigma."

Yuma nodded in agreement, his eyes flickering with concern. "Indeed, his actions have caused quite a stir among Border agents," he added, his voice echoing Osamu's wariness. "We're still trying to piece together the puzzle." Hoshizora observed their exchange, his mind racing with possibilities. "The Brimstone Shogun's activities have certainly caught the attention of many," he remarked, his tone neutral yet intrigued. "But whether he's a force for good or a harbinger of chaos remains to be seen."

Before anyone could respond, Hoshizora's senses tingled with a sudden alertness. His Thermokinetic Amplification side effect kicked in, detecting multiple heat signatures approaching their location. He tensed, his instincts sharpening as he scanned the surroundings. Osamu noticed the change in Hoshizora's demeanor and followed his gaze. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Hoshizora's eyes narrowed as he focused on the distant figures moving toward them. "We have company," he replied, his voice low yet urgent. "Multiple heat signatures, approaching fast." Osamu's earpiece buzzed to life, signaling the arrival of the reinforcements. He glanced at Yuma, speaking through the communicator. "Yuma, our reinforcements are here. But I can't help but wonder how he knew that they were coming, keep your guard up."

Yuma's expression tightened as he processed the information. "Neighbors?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of confusion. Hoshizora nodded, his senses on high alert. "It's possible," he confirmed, his mind racing with possibilities.

The heat signatures revealed themselves as a group of Border agents arrived at their location. The agents approached with a mix of caution and readiness, their uniforms and equipment unmistakable. His eyes darted between the Border agents and the two agents he had been conversing with. The encounter had just become significantly more complex, and he needed to decide how to proceed in this rapidly changing situation. He glanced around, his gaze sweeping over the scene. 

As Hoshizora observed the approaching Border agents, his gaze settled on Osamu, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "That phone call you made," he began, his voice low yet firm, "it wasn't just a regular check-in, was it?"

Osamu met his gaze evenly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "No, it wasn't," he admitted, his tone serious. "It was a distress call to Border HQ. I had to radio in about your suspicious actions."

Yuma, standing beside Osamu, chimed in to support his partner's statement. "That's right," he affirmed, his expression determined. "We're here to assess the situation and ensure the safety of the city. We have suspicions that you may be the Brimstone Shogun."

As the group of Border agents approached, their leader stepped forward, a stern-faced agent with a confident demeanor, addressed Hoshizora directly. "I'm Agent Tanaka," he introduced himself, his tone authoritative. "We had received reports of a potential Neighbor presence in this area from agent Mikumo. Can you please identify yourself and explain your activities in this park?"

He decided to maintain his guarded demeanor but provide enough information to avoid unnecessary conflict. "I'm Hoshizora Kurenai," he replied, his voice steady. "I was simply enjoying a quiet evening here. I'm not aware of any Neighbor activity in the vicinity."

The Border leader scrutinized him, clearly unconvinced. "We have reasons to believe that you might have information related to recent Neighbor incursions. Are you aware of The Brimstone Shogun?"

His expression remained composed, but his mind raced as he considered how to navigate this delicate situation. He replied, "I've heard the rumors, but I can't confirm any details. I'm just a visitor to Mikado City."

The leader exchanged a glance with his fellow agents, their doubts and concerns evident. "We'll need to conduct a thorough investigation," the leader stated. "To ensure the safety of the city, we need you to come with us back to HQ," the leader ordered, his voice firm and unwavering.

His eyes met the leader's gaze, and a hint of resistance flickered across his expression. He couldn't help but question the consequences of complying or refusing.

"What happens if I choose not to go back to HQ?" He inquired, his voice steady, hinting at his determination to understand the implications of their request. The leader of the Border agents maintained his stern expression, and in response to his question, he raised a hand slightly, signaling to his fellow agents. In unison, the agents either flashed their weapons or brandished them, making it clear that they were prepared to use force if necessary.

His gaze shifted from one weapon to another, his facade momentarily giving way to a deeper sense of concern. The show of force was unmistakable, and he realized that his options were limited. The leader's voice carried a subtle warning as he spoke again. "We strongly advise you to come with us, Mr. Hoshizora. It's in your best interest, and it will help us determine the truth of your statement and the recent events."

Hoshizora's mind raced as he assessed the situation, weighing his options carefully. He knew that refusing to comply could escalate the tension and potentially lead to a confrontation, yet submitting to the Border agents' demands might compromise his own objectives. With a calm yet determined tone, he responded to the leader's warning.

"I understand your concerns, Agent Tanaka," Hoshizora began, his voice steady despite the underlying tension. "But I assure you, I have no ill intentions towards Mikado City or its residents. However, I cannot accompany you to your headquarters at this time." The leader's expression hardened, sensing Hoshizora's reluctance to comply fully. "Mr. Hoshizora, I must insist," he replied firmly, his tone leaving little room for negotiation.

Hoshizora met the leader's gaze with unwavering resolve. "I appreciate your concern for the city's safety," he acknowledged, "but I cannot allow myself to be detained without cause. If you have evidence implicating me, then present it. Otherwise, I must continue with my own investigation." The standoff between Hoshizora and the Border agents intensified, each side unwilling to yield ground. The tension hung thick in the air, as both parties braced for the next move in this high-stakes confrontation.

"Enough of this," he declared, his tone firm and resolute. "I don't have time to waste here." With a swift motion, he reached for his trigger, his hand grasping the familiar handle. In an instant, the Kogetsu materialized in a blaze of energy, casting an eerie red glow across the park. The Border agents, startled by the sudden display of power, instinctively took a step back, their weapons still trained on him.

Osamu's eyes widened in realization as he processed Hoshizora's revelation. "My hunch was correct," he murmured, his voice barely audible amidst the tension. "You're the Brimstone Shogun."

Hoshizora met Osamu's gaze with a mixture of resignation and determination. "Yes," he admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. "But there's more to it than what you might think."

As the Border agents tensed, expecting a confrontation, Hoshizora took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to do. With a decisive motion, he lowered his weapon, allowing it to dissipate into thin air. The sudden change in demeanor caught everyone off guard, and for a moment, there was silence in the park.

"I am not your enemy," Hoshizora announced, his voice calm but firm. "But I am not what you think I am." He met the gaze of each Border agent, his expression earnest yet determined. "I am a Neighbor, but I am not here to cause harm. I came seeking answers, just like you."