
World Trigger: The Azafurian

In a world where Trion warriors and Neighbors threaten the peace of Mikado City, a new and enigmatic character has emerged: Hoshizora Kurenai, a Neighbor known as The Brimstone Shogun, who has a Trion signature that resembles brimstone energy, setting him apart from normal Neighbors. With an otherworldly Trion body and a reputation that sends shivers down the spines of A-Rank agents, Kurenai is a force to be reckoned with. As the story begins, Border HQ is abuzz with rumors and speculations about this mysterious new fighter who has been taking on Neighbor incursions single-handedly, with unmatched finesse and power. Some view Kurenai as a vigilante, a rogue agent unaligned with any official squads. But little is known about the true motives and allegiance of this enigmatic figure. His origin remains a mystery, as they don’t know how or when he arrived on Earth or the circumstances surrounding his existence. Meanwhile, Osamu Mikumo, Yuma Kuga, Chika Amatori and Hyuse continue their everyday duties as members of Tamakoma Branch. They are intrigued by the stories of The Brimstone Shogun but are cautious, not knowing whether this new player is friend or foe. Some agents view Kurenai with suspicion, unsure whether they can trust another Neighbor. However, he has proven himself by taking down powerful Neighbor incursions with his unique abilities. One day, Kurenai's path crosses with Tamakoma Branch, setting the stage for a complex web of alliances and betrayals, as the true threat to Mikado City becomes more apparent. As the Neighbors unveil a sinister plan that threatens both the human world and the Neighbor universe. Tamakoma Branch and The Brimstone Shogun must decide whether to join forces to protect their home or remain as rivals in this dangerous new era.

Zeesuhs · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Change of Heart

Chief Kido's usual hardline stance wavered. He realized that this was a unique situation, and the rules might need to be bent. "This time," he said with a hint of hesitation, "we might have to consider a different approach. Cooperation could be in our best interest." In the wake of his changing perspective, Chief Kido took action. "Shinoda, patch me to the agents."

Chief Kido's voice crackled over the communication channel between all the agents at the scene. "Agents," he began, his tone decisive, "I understand that my initial approach to the Brimstone Shogun may have been…misguided," Chief Kido continued, his voice measured. "But in light of recent events, it's imperative that we reassess our strategy." He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before delivering his next directive. "I want you all to return to where the gate formed. We must capture the Shogun."

As Chief Kido's voice crackled over the communication channel, Osamu couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with uncertainty. "Chief Kido," Osamu spoke, his tone respectful yet curious, "what exactly do you mean by capturing the Shogun?" His mind raced with questions, wondering how they would approach such a formidable person.

Before Chief Kido could respond, Usami's voice chimed in over the radio. "Chief, I have an update," she announced. "Hoshizora managed to defeat the humanoid neighbor singlehandedly."

The news sent a ripple of surprise through the agents gathered at the scene. Jun Arashiyama's brow furrowed in disbelief as he exchanged a glance with his teammates. "Singlehandedly?" he echoed, his tone filled with incredulity. "That's... impressive." Kitora's expression mirrored Jun's skepticism. "I find that hard to believe," she remarked, her voice tinged with doubt. Tokieda, always the voice of reason, interjected with a thoughtful observation. "Perhaps there's more to Hoshizora than meets the eye," he suggested, his tone contemplative. "We shouldn't underestimate him."

As the agents processed Usami's report, Osamu moved to speak, his mind buzzing with questions. However, before he could utter a word, Chief Kido's voice cut through the tension.

"I'm aware," Chief Kido responded to Usami. "I witnessed the battle between Hoshizora and the humanoid neighbor firsthand." Osamu nodded in acknowledgment, deferring to Chief Kido's expertise. Despite his curiosity, he understood the need to trust in their leader's judgment. As Chief Kido continued to address the situation, Osamu listened intently, ready to follow his directives without hesitation. 

"We can't ignore the fact that Hoshizora has demonstrated a willingness to protect Mikado City multiple times," Chief Kido continued, his voice firm. "But that doesn't change the fact that he poses a potential threat to our organization and the city itself. The capture of the Shogun remains our top priority," he declared, his voice unwavering. 

As Chief Kido's directives settled among the agents, they began to move with purpose, preparing to head back to the location where the gate first opened. Osamu glanced at his teammates, a sense of determination driving them forward.

"It looks like we have our orders," Osamu remarked, his voice steady as they began to make their way back. "Let's focus on the task at hand and stay vigilant."

Yuma and Hyuse nodded in agreement, both their expressions serious. "Right," they replied. Kitora, Jun, and Tokieda exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a mix of determination and apprehension.

Kitora adjusted her gear, her gaze focused ahead. "This won't be an easy task," she remarked, her voice steady. Jun nodded in agreement, his jaw set with determination. "We need to stay sharp," he added, his tone firm. "The Shogun's actions have caught Border off guard too many times." Tokieda remained thoughtful, considering their next moves carefully. "Agreed," he concurred, his voice calm. "We must be prepared for anything. Our teamwork will be crucial in this endeavor."

With their resolve strengthened and their objectives clear, the agents pressed on, their collective determination driving them forward as they braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead. As they moved through the city streets, the tension in the air was visible. Each step brought them closer to their target, and the agents knew that they would soon face the formidable adversary known as the Brimstone Shogun. 

As the agents set out on their rescue mission, Usami couldn't help but share in their curiosity and concern. Her voice came over the communicator, addressing their team. "Remember, you're walking into uncharted territory," Usami reminded them, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. "We have very little information about the Brimstone Shogun. We still don't fully understand his intentions or capabilities."

As the team surveyed the aftermath of the battle, they couldn't help but be astounded by the extent of the damage. Shattered debris littered the area, and the air was thick with the remnants of Trion, serving as a view of the power Hoshizora had unleashed during the confrontation.

Kitora moved closer to where Hoshizora lay, her gaze scanning his unconscious form. Osamu and Jun exchanged worried glances, cautioning her to be careful. "Watch yourself, Kitora," Osamu advised, his tone filled with concern. "We don't know what state he's in." Jun nodded in agreement, echoing Osamu's sentiments. "Yeah, be cautious," he added. "He may have taken down that Neighbor, but we can't underestimate him." 

Despite their warnings, Kitora brushed off their concerns slightly, but still proceeded with caution. As she approached Hoshizora, she couldn't help but notice his appearance, which struck her as unexpectedly...human. "He's actually not that bad looking," she muttered to herself, her curiosity piqued. With a tentative touch, Kitora checked Hoshizora's pulse, her actions transmitting vital information to Usami. 

As Usami analyzed the data, her voice came over the communicator, conveying a sense of urgency. "Kitora, I'm detecting dangerously low Trion levels in Hoshizora, and it's not recovering properly. He's in grave danger." Kitora's eyes widened with concern as she processed Usami's report.

Kitora swiftly radioed HQ for emergency medical assistance. "HQ, this is Kitora," she said urgently, her voice laced with concern. "We have a situation here. Hoshizora's Trion levels are dangerously low, and he needs immediate medical attention. Requesting emergency medical to our location."

With the call for help made, Kitora turned back to her teammates, her expression grim. "His condition is critical, his Trion levels are dangerously low. We need to stabilize his Trion," she stated, her voice commanding. "Yuma, Hyuse, I need your assistance. We have to try to boost his Trion levels until help arrives."

Yuma and Hyuse nodded in understanding, moving to assist Kitora with the critical task. "Right," Yuma affirmed, determination evident in his voice. As they worked together to stabilize Hoshizora's Trion, the urgency of the situation weighed heavily on them. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as they fought to keep Hoshizora alive.

As Kitora's request for medical aid reached Border HQ, a confirmation came swiftly. The voice of a staff operator echoed through the communicator, "Medical assistance is on its way, Hold tight and make sure he stays stable until the medics arrive."

As the urgency of the situation pressed on, both Hyuse and Yuma began to feel the strain of their dwindling Trion reserves. Jun and Tokieda quickly took their place, seamlessly transitioning into the task of stabilizing Hoshizora's Trion. With their expertise, they could sense the critical state of Hoshizora's Trion levels, adding to the tension of the moment.

"Wow... His Trion levels are low," Jun remarked, his voice solemn. "Then we need to pour more since we haven't been fighting," he suggested, determination firm in his tone. Tokieda nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "Agreed. We must do everything in our power to keep him stable." 

Osamu approached the team with a determined expression. "I'll look for the black trigger," he declared, his voice resolute. However, before he could fully relay his plan, Chief Kido's voice crackled over the communication channel, "Osamu, there's no need," Chief Kido's voice stated firmly. "The Brimstone Shogun's final attack destroyed the humanoid neighbor's physical body, meaning there is most likely no black trigger anymore." 

With a sigh, Osamu's shoulders slumped slightly at the confirmation, acknowledging the futility of his search. However, a glimmer of determination sparked in his eyes as he spoke up. "There's still a chance we might find a piece," he suggested optimistically. "I'll go and take a look anyway." Despite knowing the slim odds, he couldn't shake off the possibility of discovering something that could provide valuable insights.

As Osamu prepared to continue his search, Jun and Tokieda voiced their support for his objective. "Good luck, Osamu," Jun encouraged, his tone conveying a sense of solidarity. "We'll keep working on stabilizing Hoshizora." Tokieda nodded in agreement, his expression determined. "Agreed. We're counting on you to find something useful," he added.

Kitora glanced over at Osamu, her expression unreadable. "Suit yourself," she remarked, her tone neutral yet tinged with a hint of skepticism. Yuma offered Osamu a small smile. "Good luck out there partner," he said, his voice sincere. "We'll keep Hoshizora stable while you search." Hyuse remained silent, his focus solely on assisting Kitora and Yuma with their task at hand.

As Osamu scanned the area for any remnants of the black trigger the humanoid neighbor had used during the battle. His eyes darted across the debris-strewn landscape, searching for any clue that could shed light on the mysterious weapon. "Where could it be?" he muttered to himself, frustration creeping into his voice. He sifted through the rubble, turning over debris in search of any trace of the black trigger. 

With each overturned piece of wreckage yielding nothing, his hope began to wane. "I can't afford to come up empty-handed," he thought, his determination battling against the growing sense of despair. Despite his best efforts, the elusive remnants of the black trigger remained out of reach. 

Just as Osamu was about to lose hope, Usami's voice crackled over the communicator, breaking through the tense atmosphere. "Osamu, I've detected a remnant of the black trigger," she announced, her voice tinged with urgency. "It's located near your current position. I'll transmit the coordinates to your device." 

Relief washed over Osamu as he received Usami's message. "Coordinates received. Got it," he replied quickly, his voice filled with determination. "I'm on my way to retrieve it." With a renewed sense of purpose, Osamu hurried towards the coordinates provided by Usami, eager to secure the valuable piece of technology. 

Within moments after Osamu got the coordinates, Border medics arrived on the scene. As the Border medics attended to Hoshizora, they turned to Arashiyama squad, Yuma, and Hyuse, inquiring about the measures taken to stabilize him. 

Jun stepped forward, explaining their actions. "We monitored his Trion levels closely and tried to boost them when necessary," he began, his tone earnest. "We also maintained his physical condition as best as we could, ensuring he remained as stable as possible until help arrived." Yuma nodded in agreement, adding, "We rotated shifts to conserve our Trion reserves and maximize our efficiency in supporting Hoshizora." 

Hyuse chimed in, "We coordinated our efforts to ensure no gaps in coverage and prioritizing his well-being above all else." Meanwhile, Osamu returned with a piece of the black trigger remnant, his expression a mix of relief and determination. "I found a fragment," he announced, holding it out for inspection.  "Usami detected it near our location." He handed the fragment over to the medics, who examined it carefully.

The medics acknowledged Osamu's contribution with gratitude, recognizing the potential significance of the discovery. "Thank you, Osamu," one of them said, nodding appreciatively. "This could provide valuable insights into the enemy's capabilities." 

With Hoshizora stabilized to the best of their abilities, the medics carefully moved him into a transport vehicle, ensuring his continued care during the transition to the medical center. "Let's get him secured," one of the medics instructed, his tone firm yet gentle. "We need to maintain his stability throughout the journey."

As they loaded Hoshizora into the vehicle, the team remained vigilant, monitoring his condition closely to address any fluctuations in his Trion levels or overall health. "Keep an eye on his vitals," another medic directed, his voice calm yet authoritative. "We can't afford any surprises during transport." The atmosphere inside the vehicle remained focused, with the medics working diligently to provide Hoshizora with the best possible care en route to the medical center. 

Shinoda turned around to Chief Kido, a slight smile on his face, "Chief, The Shogun has been successfully captured. He is en route to the medical center," Shinoda's voice echoed through the room, punctuated by the hum of machinery. Chief Kido's response was swift, his tone reflecting both relief and appreciation. "Acknowledged, Shinoda. That's excellent news. Please keep me updated on his condition," he replied.

With the confirmation of the Shogun's capture, Chief Kido seized the opportunity to address the entire team, his voice commanding attention over the communication system." Attention agents and medical personnel, this is Chief Kido," his voice boomed. "I want to extend my sincere congratulations and gratitude to each and every one of you for your outstanding efforts in stabilizing and capturing the Shogun. Your teamwork and dedication have not gone unnoticed. Well done." 

Tamaki, one of the medical personnel in the vehicle put her hand on her communicator, "Thank you, Chief. It was a team effort," she acknowledged.

Alan, the driver, echoed the sentiment, his voice tinged with gratitude. "We're just glad we could assist," he remarked. "The Shogun is in good hands." Chief Kido's response was one of pride and determination. "I'm proud of each of you. Let's remain vigilant and continue to prioritize the Shogun's recovery. This mission is far from over," he declared, his voice resolute as he refocused his attention on the task at hand.

As the transmission ended, the room fell into a hushed silence. Chief Kido turned to Shinoda, his expression serious, "Shinoda, I want the Shogun under strict surveillance. Round-the-clock monitoring by our top agents." Shinoda nodded in agreement, "Understood, Chief. I'll ensure the best agents are assigned to the task." 

"And make sure his trigger is confiscated," Chief Kido continued, his voice firm. "We need to examine it thoroughly to understand what modifications he's made and if we can find its original owner." Shinoda's brow furrowed in understanding, "I'll have our tech team on it right away. We'll leave no stone unturned." 

Chief Kido's gaze hardened as he outlined the next steps, "Furthermore, notify the directors. They'll need to personally intervene and persuade the Shogun to join Border, no matter the cost." Chief Kido's directive hung in the air, heavy with implication. Shinoda, however, interjected with a note of pragmatism, "Chief, with all due respect, I believe it's unnecessary for all directors to approach the Shogun. Director Rindo and I can handle the persuasion effectively."

Chief Kido considered Shinoda's suggestion, nodding in agreement. "Very well, Shinoda. You and Director Rindo will lead the persuasion efforts. Ensure you use all available resources to convince him to join our cause." Shinoda acknowledged the order with a determined nod. "Understood, Chief. We'll do whatever it takes to bring him on board."