

Nero Giovanni, a martial art fanatic dies a classic death by yours truly track Kun and is set to an otherworld first world hunters x hunter world .................................. So if you read any of my unfinished/poor works before you could tell English is not my first language no matter how much I edit these books I am sure some of you will find some miss-spelling and grammatical errors to that, I say sorry I am improving with every try so bere wit it for the time I only write for fun so update my not be consistent also sorry about this thank u in advances for any comment thank you for reding my work ---------------------------------- Dieing in a car accident Nero Giovanni wakes up in a strang room with someone claiming to be the soul administer Nero is then reincarnated in a new world with all his memory's wthe new abilities who will his new adventure go read and find out.

bilu619 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 34 Reunion

3rd POV

Location: outskirts of Meteor city.

After the examination ended Nero flew most of the way back here using his {Crimson wings}. On his way to meteor city, he found small settlement a nomad tribe being attacked by grope of marauders. He ended up helping after landing from the sky like a superhero [super hero landing!!].

After royally handing the bad guys their asses, he decided to spend the night with the tribe since they insisted on showing him gratitude. It was a night of fun, singing, and drinking. On the don of the next day when the sun was up, he wanted to go unnoticed, but he found one of the chief daughters waiting for him outside his tent. The chief was expecting him to do this so he told his daughter to give him this handwoven cloth clock as thanks for saving them. Accepting here goodwill, and sying to here to give her father his sincere gratitude he beads her farewell and left the encampment.

While he was waking the barren lifeless land, filled with trash piles and the horrible smell, that was the outskirts of meteor city something attracted his attention. He walked over to it and sow that it was a hand steaking out of the small pile of trash, it was the hand of a child problem tow or three years old guessing from its size his hand.

He walked over to the child and pulled him out, he was still breathing but barely. But what surprised him the most was what he was wearing on his ankle. There was a metal bracelet on it just like his when the hazmat man found him, written on "experiment 380" (a hunting number for any H x H fans).

Nero {this is interesting. Did this little guy came from the same place as the previse me of this world?}

Alfa {looking at his clothe and that bracelet, it is highly likely sir}

Nero {do you think I should take a look into this, I mean knowing where this body of mine came from, is kind of intriguing}

Alfa {it is up to the audience sir}

Nero {the, what now???}

Alfa {nothing sir}

Nero {(-_-)}

Alfa {I suggest you bring the boy to the monastery so he can be treated}

Nero {sigh I am not looking to forward meeting that woman you know, I wanted to hang around for a while and before meeting up with Genkai tomorrow}

Alfa {leaving him here is also an option sir, though I doubt he will last long in his condition}

Nero {as appealing as that sounds, being that I already dough him out leaving him here for his fate would leave a bad test in my mouth,}

Nero sighed and placed the boy on his shoulder and headed to the city. The similarity of the situation was not lost on him since he was also broth to the city like this by the Mr. Hazmat suite man. And yes he knows his real name is Mie but Nero still was persistent on using that weird name for him. When he was in front of the entrance of the city Nero said "dam this place is just as depressing as ever"

A muffled voice then said "depressing is a thing of normality here or did being outside for long make you forget"

Nero turned to where the voice came from and sow a familiar figure coming his way.

Nero {speak of the drivel}

Nero "yow, HZI man how has it been, I thought you would have crocked by now"

Mie "ha-ha, Bing outside seems to have only worsened your bad humor"

It was Mie the man himself, the very first person he met when he came to this world, he looked almost exactly the same. With his big frame and, and tall 2m figure.

Mei looked at the boy Nero was holding ad asked "and what is with him?"

Nero "same story different person"

Mei instantly understood the under meaning between Nero's words, and sighed and then said "we have been getting those of his kind lot more frequently this past year,"

Nero "you don't say?? Should I look into it?"

Mei "are you strong enough to do so?"

Nero "ha, funny,"

Mei "you are not the only one who can be funny"

Nero "what is the elders thought on this, I mean I know we are up for our slogan and all but this has to be little bite specious"

Mei "you know them, they are as complacent as ever, the won't act unless it is a threat to the city, then again the dead once we found far exceeded the live ones so, it may just be the usual damping"

Nero "I doubt it, well any case we should let Sister Enri take a look at him"

Mie became silent all of a sudden, just when Nero mentioned the name of Sister Enri his casual demeanor changed to an aloof one.

This was very noticeable to Nero which prompted him to ask "what is wrong old man"

Mie "Enri is dead, she died just a year after you left the city"

Nero "….. Was it internal or external?"

Mie " the city was attacked by the mafia of the tendons, there was a dispute between them and the elders, thought we lost many that day but in the end, we were victorious, mainly to the ability of one of the elders and the band of roughens who now call themselves "The spiders". If it was not for them more of us would have died to take them down"

Nero "don't you mean as sacrifices rather than battle casualties"

Mie "semantics, the goal justifies any menace"

Nero looked at Mie for a while and then said "listen Mie the answer to my next question may determine whiter I myself become a threat to this city of yours"

Nero's demeanor changed instantaneously to as menacing aura emitted from his body, his yellow eyes become slit like a snake, Mie felt a very cold shiver run all over his body and he was frozen in place unable to move, it was as if he was suddenly frozen in ice.

Nero "my disciple Genkai, what happened to her? Oh, and don't lie to me I could tell if you do so, it is at least the one thing I picked up from Sister Enri. Your answer will determine the continued existence of this city of yours Mie".


Oh, what a cliff hanger.

Will Genkai be alive or was she another sacrifice for the city

Find out next time, on ______________

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Dojyaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {I am reading part seven so don't fault me}