

Nero Giovanni, a martial art fanatic dies a classic death by yours truly track Kun and is set to an otherworld first world hunters x hunter world .................................. So if you read any of my unfinished/poor works before you could tell English is not my first language no matter how much I edit these books I am sure some of you will find some miss-spelling and grammatical errors to that, I say sorry I am improving with every try so bere wit it for the time I only write for fun so update my not be consistent also sorry about this thank u in advances for any comment thank you for reding my work ---------------------------------- Dieing in a car accident Nero Giovanni wakes up in a strang room with someone claiming to be the soul administer Nero is then reincarnated in a new world with all his memory's wthe new abilities who will his new adventure go read and find out.

bilu619 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 33. Going back home

The next day after the final phase of the hunter exam, all of the applicants who passed (except for the unconscious Gon). We were sitting in a lecture hall of two rows. Mr. Beans and Netero were giving us a lecture on the essentials of a hunter and what does it mean to be one. we were all handed pan flits of the "Hunters Bylaws". In it lays the ten most important rules of Laws of the hunter association.

Hunter Bylaws

1. Hunters must always be on the hunt for something.

2. Hunters must have a minimum understanding of martial arts. This includes learning

3. Once a Hunter is licensed, that license cannot be revoked for whatever reason. However, a license will not be reissued for whatever reason.

4. Hunters shall not target other Hunters unless they have committed heinous crimes.

5. One star is given to a Hunter who produces remarkable achievements in a particular field.

6. Two stars are given to a Hunter who fulfills five articles, holds an official position, and has mentored a junior Hunter who is awarded a star.

7. Three stars are given to a Hunter who fulfills the six articles and produces remarkable accomplishments in multiple fields.

8. The Chief Executive of the Hunter Association must earn the confidence of a majority of his colleagues. When the position of chairman is vacated, the vote to elect the next chairman must be conducted at once and deputy power is given to the Vice-Chairman in the meantime.

9. The authority to decide on a method to select new members is given to the chairman. However, to significantly change existing methods requires the confidence of a majority of colleagues.

10. Any matter not mentioned here will be decided in a cabinet consisting of the chairman, vice-chairman, and staff advisors. The Chairman has the authority to select the Vice-Chairman and staff.

They also issued us our hunter license card. The Hunter license looks similar to a credit card but slightly thicker and with an inbuilt computer chip. The front shows the licensee's Hunter rank, while the back has a magnetic strip with a unique serial number that identifies each individual to their license. The card's magnetic strip also allows it to be swiped through machines to verify its authenticity and to access special services. According to statistics, one in five Hunters lose their license within a year of receiving it.

Netero "Being licensed as an official Hunter bestows you with multiple numbers of desirable benefits. The first and foremost benefit is the recognition a license holder can enjoy, being one of the few in the world who owns a license. Hunters are commonly seen at the head of whatever field they pursue, and experienced Hunters are virtually guaranteed lucrative offers of employment from people or organizations seeking the most capable agents possible"

Netero "also, you get access to 95% of all public facilities that can be used at no cost. Furthermore, all such services are provided at the first class. Unrivaled freedom to travel around the world. Access is granted to about 90% of countries which normally restrict the entry of outsiders, and access to 75% of areas that the general public is restricted or even prohibited from entering."

Mr. Beans "you also have the option of selling your Hunter License as a valuable collector's item. Though only the original recipient of a license has access to the privileges of a Hunter, it can be still sold for enough money to support the seller's family for at least seven generations, guaranteeing more than one lifetime of material comfort. Plus many other benefits laid out in the pan flit"

{Author Not: it is ridiculous how much benefit they get when you think about it in the context of o since the world hunter x hunter is somewhat resembling ours "ish". Check out the wiki for more information}

And just when we were just about done with the lecture someone kicked open the door, it was Gon and he was angry. He walked right passed me and down the small flight of stairs to where Illumi was sitting. With a fears look in his eyes he glared down at the sitting Illumi and said.

Gon "Apologize to Killua!!"

Illumi "apologize??? I don't remember doing anything which would warrant that to him,"

Gon "you don't even know what you did wrong?"

Illumi "No?? I do not"

Gon clenched his fist in anger and said "you don't deserve to be Killua's brother"

Illumi "?? I did not know I had to be deserving or qualify to be his brother"

Gon could not take the nonchalant way Illumi was talking to him, as if this was not a big deal in his eyes. Gon grabbed Illumi by his right arm and flung him up and out of his seat. Illumi quickly adjusted his poster midair landing gracefully biased Gon, he looked at him with somewhat quires tint in his eyes.

Gon "friends don't have to either, only Killua gets to choose," he said clenching his grip on Illumi harder.

Illumi Just kept staring at him, without saying a word.

Gon "you know what don't eve waste my time apologizing just tell me where Killua is now!!"

Illumi "ow, and what good will that do you??"

Gon "isn't it obvious I will bring him, back"

Illumi "how harsh you make it sound like I kidnaped my little brother, but he walked out of here on his own volition"

Gon "he may have left her but this was far from a free-will decision, it clear you guys were manipulating him and as far as I am concerned that is Kidnaping"

The room fell silent as everyone looked at Gon and Illumi's confrontation, but then chairman Netero said

Netero "we were just discussing that Gon Kurapica and Leorio were have complained the disqualification of Mr. Killua"

Kurapica stood up from his seat and said "You sow it yourself Mr. Chairman, Killua was not himself, I believe the can only be one reason for his actions, he was hypnotized to do so"

Leorip also stood up from his seat and said "the attack aped during may match with the desist Bodoro if anyone disqualification me"

Kurapica then said "whatever the case maybe it was obvious that Killua was not in control of his actions at that time so he should not have been disqualified"

Netero looked at both of them and said "that is nothing mote then speculations, there is no concrete proof that could sport your argument from what we saw, though I will agree that the incident occurred when Mr. Bodoro and Mr. Leorio's match was about to start. At that point both applicants were considerably matched to each other, though Boromir have boosted the bigger experience Leorio more than made up for it with his raw physical strength, giving that their fight was fair one I see no valid reason for him to inter fear"

Pokkle interjected in saying "speaking of weird things happening, why don't we talk about you and Nero passed the exam? You both have a private conversation with him before he admitted defeat, I found that very weird," he said looking at me a Kurapica.

I just looked at him and smiled and then said "sides the guy who's here by the pity of a chilled" My words strung a nerve, as it was evident in his contorted face, only if looks could kill. But I will give him kudos for something, he knows better not to antagonize me, that momentary fear he felt stile at that moment still lingered in his heart. He only clicked his tang and turned away.

Hanzo "come on cant we get this over with already some of us have places to be," he said standing up.

Leorio got irritated at the way Hanzo dismissal of the situation and was about to yell at him Gon yield saying that arguing over the situation was not going to yield any outcome.

Gon "arguing whiter someone should have passed or not doesn't matter. If you don't feel deserving of it then work hard until you do" he looked at Illumi and continued

Gon "if Killua wants to take the hunter exam again, I am sure he will pass, but if I ever find out that you guys have been forcing him to kill, I will never forgive you"

Illumi "never forgive me?? And what will you do?"

Gon "it is simple after I go rescue Killua I will never let you see him again" just then Illumi stretched out his free hand towards Gon making him jump back.

Netero "Gahumm!! No please bring your attention to me, Gon has said it best it is up to each of you to decide if you are worthy or not of your license. Now you are perfectly welcome to compline about the outcome but our minds are set on the matter."

Mr. Beans "as I was saying before the hunter license card, is very valuable. As new hunter your very first job is to keep the position of your license, it is estimated 1 in every 5 hunters manage to lose their license somehow, from here on out it is on you to make your dreams come true"

Netero "well then as the chairmen of the hunter association I now pronounce all eight of you are certified, Hunters!!"

And with that, the orientation ended. and we were free to go our separate ways. I bead fear well to Chairman Netaro and Mr. Beans and walked out of the hall. I continued walking until I reached a small park within the place we're staying. I looked up to the sky, it was blue and bright, light fluffy clouds were floating with the fresh wind breeze, you could hear the sounds the chipping of the birds as they flow by.

Nero {let us go back home one final time Alfa}

Alfa {yes sir}



hI, GUYS, it is your Lovely Author here with another chapter, I hope the wait was not long (it was).

I wanted to do the York new city arc but my original outline is allover the place. if by the time I am done writing this part I ace a clear and cut plan for it I will do it but if I don't, then I will pass on it.

York's new city is a great arc that has lots of nuances, and I can not write it from a reactive point like I have been writing till now. but hopefully, if I am don, I will let you know.

All in all, thank you for sticking with my story.

Thank you for all the reviews, and if you are a new here, drop one for me, and no pressure just give me your honest thoughts, even if you don't like it. any form of opinion is valid here.

thank you for reading and I hope you guys and loved once all the best.
