
World Travel Mercenary Works

All things follow a rule. Even the Multiverse and Worlds. As it expand, the system governing all will also adjust. There are four organization looking over the Multiverse. Guardians, the ever-living protector of order. The light of the chaotic Worlds. Dark Hall, counterforce of order is the chaos that only exist for all works of dirt and gore./Shadow Isle, where death is peace and painless death is blessing. Mercenary Guild, the walkers of worlds for reaches and glory. Where do you think you belong? Current World: [Trial Task] Naruto First World War. --------- Cover is not mine https://www.deviantart.com/baklaher/art/Fenrir-707545701 ------- Please do review. Let me know what you think. Mc, is a flawed man and will never be perfect as no one is. He will commit occasional mistake but he will learn from it. Current Schedule: 3 Chaps/Week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

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Chapter 5

Kevin returned to the concentration camp with supplies and some guns if ever someone wanted to leave the place. He gave them all the bread and entrusted the gun to Robert. Deciding to rest for the day.

Robert: How is your rest son?

Kevin: Manageable….

'You are a selfish rat!!! You are a coward!! Are you using them as shields!! Hahaha!! Pathetic!'

Kevin shook his head with power.

Robert: Are you okay son?

Kevin: Not really… Seems like someone is messing with my head.

Robert: Haha… I know that son. We always have strange voices in your head. You can choose to believe it or use it as a source of power.

Robert tapped his shoulder before leaving Kevin alone on the plank. It was already afternoon a few hours before the sunsets. He got a few slices of bread for his meal and started to train again in the tunnel.

He added some strange animal movement in his restricted training but mainly focusing on increasing his overall strength by doing basic exercises under heavy stress non-stop.

???: Why are you doing this?

Tapping sound of footsteps came from the pithole direction and a feminine voice rang.

Kevin: Nothing ma'am… I sometimes give up but in a few days will pass I will choose another path again until I gave up once again. I'm just trying to see if someone also thinks like that.

Kevin then look at the female that came. She was very thin but traces of her past beauty and some bruises stand out.

???: Are you a good or a bad man?

Kevin stared at her before thinking deeply. He thinks he was doing good deeds to others. Not giving up on someone is good.

Kevin: I think, I'm doing myself a favor. Yeah…. A self-righteous favor for my fragile ego.

???: So you know… you aren't a good or either a bad man. Just a selfish bastard that thinks helping others will make him feel good or cater to his own broken mind.

The woman walks in front of Kevin she looks down at him. Even in her weakened body, she excludes steadfast will and wisdom. She reaches for his cheeks and quickly slaps it.

???: You aren't doing them a favor fool. Rather prolonging their agony. Every bread you give them will increase the pain inside their body and torture to their souls. You try to give them hope that is already gone. All of them are already suffering from organ failure and any time they will die. They already accepted it but when you came their fragile hopeful mind started to cling again. How dare you gave us hope when we already accepted our fate?!! How could you!!?

The woman started to slap Kevin non-stop bit Kevin endure it while having a blank stare.

'Hahahaha!! You fool!! Trying to be a hero when you're own self is in a dark pit!! Look what you have done!!'

'No…. I didn't. … I jus- I just wanted to save them…. I-'

'Hahahaha!! Saving them won't bring anything back!! You fool!! The dead will always be dead!!'

The slapping stops as the old man catches her hands while she still struggles to slap him. She has her face filled with grief and tears.

??: You didn't have the right to do this!! Leave!! Leave already!!

Robert: It's enough Vivian. He didn't know that. He just wants to help.

Robert then pulled her back to the entrance of the tunnel. He tried to be as quiet as possible. Kevin still staring at the dark tunnel.

Kevin: Then why am I here? What am I to do? Let them die when they still have a chance to live? Pa… what would you do?

He stands up and started to walk to the exit before he stops and looks back. Clearly having some hesitation.

Robert: Son, I'm sorry about her. She just lost her younger brother the day before you arrive. They tried to escape but they were unlucky to be seen. Haaaa…. Poor lady…

Kevin: No, she was right. I'm making it all hard for you.

Robert: Yes, you are right. Everyone wanted you to leave. Can I ask you a favor?

Kevin looked at him then nodding hard.

Robert: Ha….. Can you leave with Vivian? She still can live a normal life. We here tried to prolong her life for a chance or a miracle. I know you can take care of her…

Kevin: She hates me… how can she go with me?

Robert: No, she just blames herself for the loss of her brother. He was a bright kid. Vivian wanted for him to have a normal life, not this hellish camp but the kid decided her life is more worthwhile than his. Taking a bullet that was aimed for her. Haaaaa…. Such tragedy, we here all are the result of a tragedy. I hope you can somehow make one life have a better future.

Kevin nodded hard before hugging the old man who was already tearing. The man was shivering from sadness and weakness. He with Kevin walks again to the pit where Vivian was crying on the ground.

Robert: Vivian, you know that your brother will be deeply sad to see you like this. I want you to leave with Kevin now. This is what he wanted. He gave his life for you. It's not yours alone anymore. Live how he wanted you to be.

Vivian shook her head as she stares at a locket. She stands up and cleans her tears.

*Bannggg!! Banggg!! Bang!!

??: Die you pests!!

Gunshots came from above. Someone is starting to massacre the people above. Robert pushes Vivian to Kevin before going up. Vivian tried to follow but Kevin hold her firmly. He shakes his head when she stares at him in anger. Helplessly, the two started to walk to the exit.

Kevin kneed in front of Vivian. She understands what he wanted and boards his back. Holding her thighs, he sprinted out of the tunnel. With no restrain he run as fast as he can.

*Bang!! Bannggg!!

??: Where do you think you are going huh!!?

*Click…. Banngg!!

Kevin staggers when a loud firing round explodes beside his ears. Vivian was holding a revolver. It was one of the stolen arms he got from the warehouse.

??: Ahhh!! Help!!

She hits the one that fires at them. Kevin then zigzag between the trees finally reaching deeper making it hard for the following shots to even reach 5 feet away from him.

When no more shots were being fired at them. Kevin stops and looks behind. The camp is now replaced with fierce flame. Vivian got down and kneed on the cold soil. Tears flowing from her eyes.

Vivian: I promise, I will live the best as I can. Thank you all...

Kevin bows deep in the direction of the camp. Few minutes of silence before he urges Vivian to move again. She did try to move alone but her weak body holds her back. Making some compromise she accepted to be carried again.