
World Travel Mercenary Works

All things follow a rule. Even the Multiverse and Worlds. As it expand, the system governing all will also adjust. There are four organization looking over the Multiverse. Guardians, the ever-living protector of order. The light of the chaotic Worlds. Dark Hall, counterforce of order is the chaos that only exist for all works of dirt and gore./Shadow Isle, where death is peace and painless death is blessing. Mercenary Guild, the walkers of worlds for reaches and glory. Where do you think you belong? Current World: [Trial Task] Naruto First World War. --------- Cover is not mine https://www.deviantart.com/baklaher/art/Fenrir-707545701 ------- Please do review. Let me know what you think. Mc, is a flawed man and will never be perfect as no one is. He will commit occasional mistake but he will learn from it. Current Schedule: 3 Chaps/Week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

LoveJoy · Others
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20 Chs


The night was bright as Kevin tried to remain awake beside Vivian. Feeling his discomfort she wakes up.

Vivian: Hey, still can't sleep? This is already your 4th sleepless day. You'll get sick if you continue this.

Kevin: I can't… the voices in my head keep me up. I don't know what will happen if they start to haunt me again. If I'm alone I can risk it but not with you.

Vivian: Remember what I said. Let me share it. If you die, I die…

Kevin: Haaaa…. It's everyone. All those I saw die will start to appear in my dreams. At first, my grandfather. We decided to go on fishing but I forgot about it and left him alone fishing. In the afternoon, only his dead body greets me with police and ambulance. He drowned, he used to tell me. Family first and self-service are last. Grandmother died from cardiac arrest after she saw his face. They started to haunt me every night telling me their phrases non-stop like some broken record.

Vivian: I used to felt it too when my brother die that's why I hit you the first time we met. Sorry about that.

Kevin: It's alright… it wakes me up somehow.

Vivian: How long did you suffer from it?

Kevin: Until a 1-year pass after my parents died from a gas explosion. Haaaa… I could have been there and avoided it… but no… I got myself lost in regret finding things to keep me away then they were gone like some bubble bursting. The nightmare became harder to endure. Haaaa… now it's back again with thousands of them more in my head. Like some Halloween Party.

Vivian: I don't get the last part but it sounds creepy to me why don't you try to sleep and I keep watching for you. My father used to sing us a lullaby when we can't sleep.

Kevin: Thank you…

Kevin without hesitation closed his eyes tiredly but whispers that aren't there started to bother him again.

'Follow us…'

'Come with us at….'

'You deserve to be with us…'

Kevin started to feel cold but a spot of warmth fill his hands. He just keeps on focusing on that warm feeling.

"Hmmm~ Hmmm~ Hmmmm~"


"My love~ my love~ my fearless love~"

'You killed us!!'


"Heroes goes~ Slay their foes~"

'You are nothing but a monkey!!'

'You're not my boy.'

"They sing~ they dance~ on his victorious hands!~"

'Just die…'

'No one needed you…'

"Family of foes will be filled with woes!~ Blood will shred for vengeance~"

'It hurts….'

'Help!! Kevin!!'

"The land will bathe on blood again... until no one is left breathing... ahummm.. hhmm.."

'You're just a clown!!'


"Aha~ Aha!! Sleep tight and good night~ hold your blade for the future fight!"

Kevin started to relax once the whispers fade only focusing on the voice and the warm but his frowning brows made the singing maiden chuckles. 

The morning came with Kevin feeling refresh. Vivian looking at his relieve face felt happy.

Vivian: Feeling better?

Kevin: Yep, it would be best if someone just told me a different lullaby, not some tragic story of a land and seriously a hero? Do you want me to be some knight in glistering white armor and horse?

Vivian: Just trying! Why not?!

Kevin snorted at her reply before eating his fill. The two stare at the vast land expanse in front of them. Galloping horses and buffalos run rampant.

Kevin: So this is it?

Vivian: Yeah, a beautiful home for us.

Kevin: Want to get knock-up early?

Vivian: Why not!? Just pray that the kid will have all my beauty genes.

Kevin: and mine?

Vivian: Just let him borrow your strength and some huge ego.

Kevin: Sounds good to me.

Vivian snorted then runs to the lake. Kevin follows in a slow walk admiring the sunny place. He felt some bones remove from his neck relieving him.

Touching his sachet, Kevin did his final thought before using the weapon kit. Staring at the weapon creation panel, Kevin without stop keeps dragging materials. Then the listed effect he wanted with conditions that must be fulfilled to use such a weapon.

<Corruption Guards>

-Claw forms

-Increase the overall performance of corruption in the air.

-Corruption Devouring

It was a gauntlet and knight boots. The gauntlet run from his elbows to his fingers and knight boots from knees to the toes. It retains flexibility amidst its durability and protection is given.

His weapon is uniquely for his belief. This weapon will only work if his enemy is a sinful bastard. The more corrupt and sins it was exposed to the more it will be powerful. Every kill he made will devour the corrupt aura strengthing it. Its base form will retain the devoured power up but it will be restricted to no blood shredded.

Kevin sighed deeply before putting it back to his sachet. He may need it in time but now he only focuses on getting stronger and creating a family. Never in his mind did it came to him that he will be extracted from this place.

Kevin wearing his full-body training armor. He sets the tension by 20kg. Every move will need an extra added force on it. With an axe, Kevin starts to clear trees within 100 meters from the lake. Vivian focuses on her cooking.

In the afternoon, Kevin already created a barricade around a 50 meters radius.

Vivian: Hey, could you teach me how to use the gun?

Kevin: No, I, myself don't use it. How will I teach you but I can teach you how to load and fire then you are on your own. I will look for bullets for your training so take it slow.

Reaching into his sachet, Kevin pulls out thousands of rounds he got from the base camp. He divides it into groups per day consumption.

Kevin: In using guns. The wrist is a vital part while the aim is the key.

Hugging Vivian from behind while helping her have a better grip on it.

Vivian: can this be counted as harassment?

Kevin: it isn't if I already own you. Remember your own words.

Vivian: Still not… all I can see is plain land with sticks.

Kevin shook his head behind continuing to teach her to shoot. Cocking the hammer back, he let her feel the heaviness before assisting her in the firing.


Vivian: Oh shit!!

She let go of the gun. Kevin having a grip on it didn't let it fall to the ground. Vivian massage her wrist.

Kevin: You need to exercise more before you use these again… Help me on these fences and spikes first. Then we will dig a canal around our land.

Vivian nodded still frowning and massaging her wrist. The spikes were completed in no time and the fences are half-finished. Vivian is still wondering if Kevin is a human.