
World Travel Mercenary Works

All things follow a rule. Even the Multiverse and Worlds. As it expand, the system governing all will also adjust. There are four organization looking over the Multiverse. Guardians, the ever-living protector of order. The light of the chaotic Worlds. Dark Hall, counterforce of order is the chaos that only exist for all works of dirt and gore./Shadow Isle, where death is peace and painless death is blessing. Mercenary Guild, the walkers of worlds for reaches and glory. Where do you think you belong? Current World: [Trial Task] Naruto First World War. --------- Cover is not mine https://www.deviantart.com/baklaher/art/Fenrir-707545701 ------- Please do review. Let me know what you think. Mc, is a flawed man and will never be perfect as no one is. He will commit occasional mistake but he will learn from it. Current Schedule: 3 Chaps/Week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

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20 Chs


Kevin: So it's here?

Kevin reading a report of a battalion being captured. He smiled after leaving it to the side.

Kevin: Is he still the Captain America needed in the future?

He looks at the stage where ladies in short skirts dances. When Steve came to tell his speech to encourage everyone boos he and Steve walk down while shaking his head as he saw his mates with the soldiers booing him like it was fun.

Steve saw a newspaper and see a report about a battalion unit being captured and remembered his best friend. Steve remove his costume and runs toward the camp's main tent.

Steve: Sir!

Colonel: Not now.

Steve: But they have Bucky sir.

Colonel: You are still needed out of here.

Steve: I'm here because some psychopathic madman wants to conquer the world! Not like this!

Colonel: Stand down Roger.

Steve got out of the tent but was greeted by Peggy who has a sweet smile on her face.

Kevin: *whistle!* Get a room promise you need it.

Kevin left the truck he was lying on as he didn't like the smell of the air. Steve sneers at him before walking toward Peggy and kissing her. Steve has more confidence than previous as he manages to survive unimaginable training.

Steve: Can you help me?

Peggy: Why? Didn't you already have a unit?

She said smiling at him and this makes him remember those wide grins in the crowd.

Steve: Yeah but we need a ride.

Peggy: I'll give you one but I'll ride you first~

At night, the howling commandos gathered. No one discovers them as they board a plane with Steve who is wearing a metallic shield and dark blue military uniform.

Kevin: Good luck kids... I'll watch from afar.

Kevin jumps off even before they got notified.

Howard: Haaaa... Why does he treat us like kids? He still looks young from Phillip's perspective.

Peggy: It's the experience that makes him do it, Howard.

Steve: Yeah, he may have a tough time.

Billy: More like hell.

Then the plane got noisy from Laughter and giggles. When a siren rungs every commando jumps out of the plane with Steve at first.

Kevin already sneak inside the base and enters the armory. He only has one goal on this trip. Get those battery cartridges extracted from Tesseract.

After robbing it all, the base is already in chaos as the wolves enter and decimated the soldiers or rather Hydra. Steve in lead combs every path and manages to free all the captured.

Bucky: WTF happened to you?

Steve: Drugs..... Hahaha, let's go.

Inside the cell, James or Wolverine stand vigilantly as he feels the aura of every commando higher than him. They have a proud and dominant look that makes every one of the captive stands behind them in order.

James: 2 of them can take me down.....

He whispered but he almost pulls out his claws when a powerful pressure washes over them. The commandos just shrugged it off and started to walk further with only pistols and knives.


??: Hahaha!!! Little ants are playing!! Let me have some taste!

A man with a huge frame stops their advance. This man stands over 9 feet tall with a bulk body only made of muscles.

Steve: Spread out!! Secure the facility first! I'll contain him!

They split out with only 5 remaining from the 100. Steve, Bucky, James, Billy, and Garry. The two commandos shot at him in the eye but the man just shielded his eyes and rammed them. Steve tried to push him to the side but he was slapped to the wall.


Ogre: Come here little critters!! Hahaha!!!

His body suddenly became bigger as he holds James and smashes him to the ground like a doll. The two commandos plunge their knives but they break in one stab.

Billy: His skin is way too thick!

Garry: Yeah, Like the wall on the girl's bathroom.

The two were then kicked to the side. The team has proven to be defenseless against Ogre.

Kevin: So you are hiding here.....

Ogre let go of James who is healing infinitely. He grins as he looks at Kevin. He reaches out for his sachets on his waist and pulls out a metallic gauntlet for his hands. Kevin remove all tension from his armor.

Kevin: Leave him to me.

Ogre: I have been waiting for you.

Kevin attacks appearing instantly in front of Ogre and slashed his claws at Ogre's face. He then blocks it with his gauntlet and tried to kick him off but Kevin blocked the kick with his knees. Somersaulting over Ogre, he tried to slash his nape but he again blocks.

The five already left the place.

Ogre then uprooted the wall and slam it to Kevin. He then pushes out and Ogre charges forward like a minotaur. Kevin smash on the wall with Ogre's head on his stomach.


Ogre: Hahaha!!! I'm gonna kill you!!

Kevin: Vivian..... Hehehe. I'll kill you slowly.

Kevin kneed him to the face and pushed his body out of the wall. His body now has layers of black coatings. Ogre became bigger reaching 12 feet tall and 210 kg.

Kevin attacks spinning horizontally like how Kiba in naruto trying to drill inside Ogre.



Ogre punch Kevin down but he successfully dodges making his fist digs on the ground. Kevin twist in the air and razor claws came from his feet cut on his arms.

Ogre: Ahhh!!! Grrr!!!

The bleeding wound became infected by a black spot that is slowly spreading.

I'll hasten the story till the recruitment.


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