

the world is changing along with the monsters coming from an unknown place, they are annihilating mankind who can save the world?

Literalfa · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

I saw something from the sea approaching towards me along with the wave, I rushed to the coast to avoid that thing, when the waves returned to the sea, it left something ridiculous, I saw a creature that looked like a human but was blue from head to toe-- wait, isn't that... a fish tail? I rubbed my eyes to make sure what I saw was real but after I removed my hand from my eyes, the creature I saw is gone, maybe I was too tired looking for my brother and it made me hallucinate.

just forgot about that, I run to where my parent was, I looked for my family to tell them about what I found and tell them that Amar is missing for real. I stopped from running, I arrived but I didn't see my parents there where. there were only things scattered on the carpet, what really happened? Did I miss something?

I ran back to the shop that I previously visited to ask, hopefully the shop keeper is still there and doesn't disappear like the others did.

"ex…cuse… me" I said as I ran out of breath after running here and there.

Suddenly the shopkeeper aunt came out with a blank expression on her face while looking downward and it really creeping me out and gave me a goose bump, She stared to nothing until suddenly she said "iis thee-ree aany thiing yoouu need?"

she said haltingly and suddenly the shop keeper raised her face to me and looked at me blankly with her face starting to turn blue little by little, until it covered her entire face.

I ran from the shop immediately and with all my strength, I ran as fast as I could until my body felt like floating in the air but I didn't care about it, the important thing was that I could get away from that terrible aunt.

I come to my sense and stopped running, when I looked around, I was in a quite deep part of the sea, the water had reached my chest, I was surprised and tried to go back.

But unfortunately, the sand that my feet stepped on was carried away by the water so that I drowned and when I looked towards the sea, I saw the waves were getting bigger and bigger, it was really big, if I measure it with my school building, the waves were much bigger, was it a tsunami?

Seeing the waves, I gave up because there was no way I could escape the giant waves, I closed my eyes and waited for my death to arrive, and the waves hit me, But I felt someone pulling at my hand, I tried to open my eyes and saw the figure of a blue creature that before I saw, a creature with a fish tail and blue from head to tail, when I tried to look at it carefully, his face looked familiar, he tried to put something in my mouth and when I opened my mouth the thing he put was swallowed together with sea ​​water and made the strange object swallowed directly into my stomach, I felt my body become stiff and stopped moving before I lost my consciousness

Time passed so fast without me realizing it, I don't know how long I spent When I was trapped here, I am currently at the bottom of the sea after being swallowed by a giant wave a few years ago, I don't know how long I was here, without being able to move, I can't even open my eyes.


Day after day become week, week to week until a month, month changed quickly until a years, year after Years have passed until one day something that made me unable to move disappeared and my body was able to move little by little starting from my toes to my knees and finally after a week my eyes could open again, but all I saw was darkness without even a slightest light, suddenly water entered my nose, I shocked and tried to swam to the surface of the water, and began to see light emanating from above.

I feel excited to see light after a long time, I got out of the water and looked around, I was shocked by what happened to this place, no… the whole world, there is only water everywhere, is the whole land submerged by water? What happened to my family? My mom? my father? My brothers and sister? Where is everyone? What on earth is happened when I got trapped under the sea? I swam aimlessly looking for them, with the last of my strength.

I slapped by the reality that happened, I hope this is all just a dream and I will wake up in the morning to eat breakfast and gather with my family in my little house filled with love, I want to meet my family, whoever it is I want to listen to my mother nagging, I want to hear my brother curses at me for one last time.

My strength ran out and I sank and stopped on something like sand… wait? Sand? hah? Doesn't that mean there's a chance that humans will survive? I walked along the land until I found an island that was not too big, I entered it and looked for someone who might still be alive.

I saw footprints that were still clearly visible, that make me had a bit more hope that the humanity still exist and followed them to the center of the island and found something strange, like a giant spherical vault cover, is it a giant steel door?

I tried to open it by lifting it but I wasn't strong enough to even make the lid shake. Is it because I haven't eaten in years? But it seems that if I eat and restore my strength, I still will not be able to lift it, then I feel dizzy and my vision becomes dark, I fell down and lose my consciousness.