

the world is changing along with the monsters coming from an unknown place, they are annihilating mankind who can save the world?

Literalfa · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1


Chapter I

"Quick, pack up your clothes" My mother shouted from her room while packing my little sister's clothes and necessities into a large suitcase that had been prepared on her mattress, right beside my sleeping ill sis.

"Yes mom, I'm doing it right now" I replied

My name is Albian, I'm currently getting ready for a family trip, we are going on a vacation to the palabuhan ratu beach located in sukabumi city. I packed my things, besides clothes, I also brought a lot of snacks to eat on the way. When I was busy packing, I saw my little brother Amar still playing around with his phone on his bed while laughing loudly, I became annoyed and scolded him.

"Oi, pack up your things!" I said in a high tone

"Chill bruh" he replied in an irritated tone.

"You wanna felt my punch don't you ?" I was annoyed so i threw my shirt to his face. He threw the shirt back at me and went to get his bag with a very upset look on his face.

We often fight over a small thing, because we are boys and our ages are not much different. I continued to pack my things, because I was sleepy and want to sleep after done packing.


The sunlight entered the house through the window along with the sound of a rooster crowing that woke me up from my deep sleep, I sat on the bed then took off my blanket and ran towards the door, but I saw Amar still sound asleep

"Oi Wake up, it's morning already" I woke him while shaking his body to wake him up, but instead of getting up he got angry and threw his pillow at me, I was annoyed and threw the pillow right to his face.

He stood up half-conscious and tried to get out of the room, but he hit the wall and fell

"Hahahaha" I laughing at how funny he was, he glare at me sharply.

"Go eat you breakfast and take a shower so you won't be late" I drag him into the dining room and I saw my father and mother were preparing food at the dining table, and the smell was very good, I ran and left my brother.

I sat on the chair "Let's dig in" I said before i ate the food that was prepared, I ate my favorite fried chicken which was seasoned with a million love and fried with a very deep sense of affection that made me unable to stop chewing the food, it felt like I was on the beach wearing a swimsuit and jump into the sea water then carried by the waves Back to the coast.

I finished with my breakfast, I took my plate to the sink and washed it then I took a glass and fill it with water for me to drink.

I took the bag that I had prepared and rechecked the things I packed last night. I heard my mother yelling, so I checked.

"I've told you to pack up last night!" it seems my mother scolded Amar because he hasn't packed his bag, he was crying as he ran to get the bag and then put his clothes to his bag randomly.

"What did I say, lol" I teased him because he didn't listen to what I said last night. He glared at me with a very angry face.

"What are you looking at? hurry and pack them up" I said with a smirk on my face, He looked away and continued to pack while sobbing.

We went from home to the beach for a vacation using my father's black car, at that time I take a look at Amar, he still looked upset, but I didn't care, I was busy listening to a song on my phone using earphones, when the car stopped.

"Why?" I asked my father.

"We need to fill the fuel first" he answered as he turned the car around and entered a gas station near here, and after filling up the fuel tank we continued our way.


I slowly open my eyes, a very bright light seemed to pierce my eyes, I closed my eyes with my right hand. After a while I opened my eyes and it seem we had arrived at the beach, I got out of the car and rushed to find my parents, who turned out to be relaxing under a tree but I didn't see my brother there, I went to them.

"Where's Amar?" I asked as I approached my mother.

"He ran away crying" she answered casually

"Huh? What if Amar got lost?"

"We often come here every year, so he must know this area well, he'll come back later," said my mother.

well, even though my family comes here every year for vacation, I'm still worried about what might happen to my brother, and so I decide look for him.

"Mom, I'm going to look for Amar" I ran leaving my mother who was taking care of my lil sist and my father who was sleeping under a shady tree accompanied by a soft breeze.

I looked for Amar at the nearest shop but he was nowhere to be seen, so I asked the shopkeeper "Excuse me ma'am, have you seen my brother?" because we often come here, the resident here knows our family.

" Amar? He was here to buy a drink a moment ago and then left" she said

"Where did he go?"

"He ran to the beach while crying"

Ah, I remember, that was Amar's favorite spot usually he looks for beautiful shells and rocks there. "Well then, thank you ma'am" I ran towards the beach, but I didn't see my brother, there was no one but a few things lying on the rock there.

I feel a little strange, did they intentionally leave their things here? But why? If I look closely, the items are scattered around, like… thrown away?

Did something happen here? I also looked around and when I approached a large rock, I saw my brother's phone lying on the sand, beside the large rock then I took it. I felt uneasy, I'm afraid something happen to my bro I ran here and there to look for him. But I didn't find anything, my strength ran out and made me fell, I rested on the warm sea sand.

Suddenly the waves brought something surprising, that is the clothes Amar was wearing when he left the house, I was shocked.

I tried to calm myself down by thinking that my bro had changed clothes and the clothes were washed away by the waves, and my brother was playing in the water somewhere.

But when I turned the clothes upside down, it turned out to be torn and looked faint, but I'm sure it was blood, because it made the white shirt my bro was wearing turn reddish