
World of magic: Vampiric Reincarnation

The year is 2190. The genre of DIMMVRRPG for VR games has been ruling over the world's entertainment world for 20 years. However, one game monopolized most games in a matter of 2 years, it was Volos. The game is heavily based on Slavic Mythology. For 10 years the game was a playground for many players, among them there was Nikodem. His Guild - The Oak Tree has risen quickly to #10. However, after those 10 years. the game has decided to shut down its servers. After long minutes of crying. Nikodem decided to go outside, to forget about what happened, but instead of forgetting what happened, he got stabbed, by a man. After which, he got reincarnated, as a vampire? Let's see how Nikodem will rise in the new world. The cover is not mine, it's by Kogasa. Or so I believe. From what I know it represents Touhou, however, it's the best art that represents the main character. I hope you won't mind. Discord contact: Yu.#3554

OsukaGrande · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Chapter 16 Memories [2]

"Welcome, my Friend"


Harlow seeing his old 'friend' was about to cry. They may be not real friends, however, he was someone very close to him, and very dear to him.

Harlow's urge, however, was somehow repressed, as if something didn't want for it to happen.

'W-why can't I cry?!'

Harlow was more than confused about the current situation, he was trying to figure out why can't he cry, but was, yet again interrupted.

"Why are you just standing there?" His 'Friend' said.

"Ah... Nevermind."

As he said that, he had sat down in his place.

He tried to remember, what could happen on today's date, however, no matter how much he tried to remind himself, he just couldn't remember.

'Come to think of it, I don't remember many things from these times.'

"Well, now let's start the meeting."

Harlow, was there just listening to everything other said, for a while, he couldn't grasp the situation.

But it looked like his country was in danger, because of Russian Empire, which earlier supported Poland in their revolution.

He didn't remember anything like this, was all the things he experienced just a dream?

He didn't know the answer to that.

'All these things just don't have sense...'

No matter, how deep his thoughts about the situation were, he couldn't get an answer.

He closed his eyes, even though it was just a dream, he felt tired.

Suddenly, his feelings of touch disappeared, as if nothing existed around him.


When he opened his eyes, he was no more in the meeting room, instead, he was in a white place, one could call it 'nothingness'.

"Where am I?"

He didn't get the answer, instead, he was already in another space.

'This is weird'

No matter how he tried to wake himself up right now, nothing worked. [You can forcefully wake up yourself from the lucid dream]

Right now, he was in the game.

He remembered the moments he was in right now, how he could forget.

It was when the invasion against his guild happen.

"Dahzbog?? What are you doing?! They will come here soon!" A sudden, yet familiar voice shouted at him.

Harlow was feeling nostalgic being called like that, it was his name in Volos.

"Right, right."

As he said that, he have run over to his teammates, that were on the merge of a cliff.

The 3rd floor was made out of Hills, Mountains and Hills.

He was watching, enemies, of numbers around 400-600 entering the floor, and fighting against the monsters they put on the level.

'Were there this much of them? I think it was 500 when entering, but on this floor, there should be 100 of them...'

Harlow grew more and more confused, everything that he saw until now, was a dream, so familiar to his previous life, yet so unfamiliar.

'Well, that's none of my concern, Albedo will probably know the answer for that.'

He thought.

'I wouldn't care if this continues forever.'

"Let's fight these bitches!"

One man shouted, he was Yuujiki, the warrior of the Group.

He was the one, who was the greatest roleplayer of all time, none could act like that during the game, with no embarrassment, meanwhile, with friends being all shy and everything, the complete opposite of him.

"Yea!" Everyone shouted, including Harlow.

They all jumped off the cliff, and with their strength, they were already near the enemies.

Fighting every one of them alone was hard for Harlow, everyone here had at least 500 levels, at least that's what Harlow remember, and their numbers were higher than the ones he fought before.

However, Harlow had companions with him.


A fight already began.

It was the moment, that Harlow rushed over to the enemies, and started to fight.


Harlow's sword has shattered his enemy's sword easily and broke through his defence.

[7,321 Damage dealt.]


One hit, one kill.

Harlow was confused, 7,321 damage was a small amount, at least, not enough to kill the player that was above even 400 level.

'Are they weaker?'


In the movement of light, a sword appeared in front of Harlow, almost damaging him.

[4,531 Damage dealt]

Even though he wasn't slashed or anything, he was still damaged.


A familiar face showed in front of him.


Oskar, right now, is the best player in Arena, with his skills, he could deal damage, even if he did not hit the target.


Two swords clanged against each other, and another one slashed through his body.

[40,251 damage was dealt.]


It was half of his HP, in just one hit.

"How can this!"

As Harlow said that, he have activated his Aura, which made enemies around him slower and ran over to his comrades.

He explained the situation briefly, and as fast as possible, and everyone understood it was the thing that was to be done.

They had to gang up on Oskar, there was no other option to fight him.

[You have drunk High-Level Healing potion]

[25,431 of your HP has been healed]

[You have been healed by a Player]

[26,321 of your HP has been Healed.]

[Your HP was recovered]


[You have equipped the fourth set]

"I have to use this one, huh"

Harlow's fourth set was a set that he used against players.

It was ideal, His armour was light, yet it had a high defence stat. His sword was dealing a huge amount of damage, however, had one debuff.

You could not use Aura and other skills while you equipped with the sword.

"Let's go play a game, then!"

Harlow shouted, he felt like a dumbass saying it, but, his comrades were used to his stupid words.

All of them was about to run over to the front, and fight Oskar.

However, they didn't have to, he was already there, alone, with no one else.

'Is he here to be killed?' Harlow thought. 'It has to be a trap, there's no way a sane person would fight 41 people alone'

Even though, that was true, in this situation it was the opposite.

Oskar was even smiling while looking at them.

Yuujiki, Harlow and Rimuru were running to Oskar, at full speed.

Meanwhile, BrazilianDeportation and Luccifer were supporting them with Archery and Magic. There was also Eins, who had supported them with Buffs and Healing.

'This is perfect, the tank is coming over, and the rest will be support for us'

Even though there were 41 of them, most of the people in the guild were supporting class, like blacksmith, black mage, healer or archer.

Only Yuujiki, Harlow, Rimuru and Anon were able to fight one on one.

Out of them all, Anon had the highest Defence, so he would take on the damage, Harlow was focused on mobility and DPS, so he would focus on dealing damage with Yuujiki who also had the highest DPS, however, unlike Harlow wasn't faster than him.

Rimuru in comparison was a CQB mage, so he would debuff enemies, and fight them from a bit of a distance.

"Hyaa!" Harlow made a battle sounds.

Harlow's sword slashed through Oskar.

[14,932 damage has been dealt]

'This small?'

His sword had 60,000 CP, normally it dealt 30,000 damage even if the amour was one of the highest levels.

Rimuru was the next to attack, suddenly under Oskar few metal rods have pierced through his body.

If one of them had full immersion gameplay, then the pain that every one of them would experience would be much worse even that of a kick in balls.

"Huh! The damage dealt with him is so low!" Rimuru shouted.

It seems, that it wasn't just for Harlow.

"You have to be lying," Yuujiki shouted

After those words, Yuujiki, pierced through Oskar's head, as if it was nothing, yet only 7,321 damage was dealt.

"What is this monster doing here?!"

Harlow, right now understood why Oskar was standing there alone.

He could defeat probably most of them, with small hardships, like with Harlow or Anon.

'This is not what I remember at all!'

Oskar was smiling, looking at Harlow.

In a moment, Oskar got close to Harlow and slashed through him two times.

[40,251 Damage has been taken.]

[38,312 Damage has been taken.]

[Your HP dropped to 0%]

[You're dead]


It was nothing he remembered, it was all not true, the number of people and Oskar shouldn't be on the ride during that day.

He was taken to a white place, yet again.

"I was expecting more from you," A female voice said.

It was familiar, it was the voice of his mom.

"H-how can you be alive?" He asked, and was about to fall into tears.

"What? Oh... Do you mean this body? It's just an astral body of mine." The voice changed.

"S-sister?" Right now, he was full of tears, seeing his two beloved people being in front of him, even though being dead, was painful enough.

"Alright, alright, I will change this body."

The unknown character suddenly turned into a very beautiful woman.

At least that's what Harlow thought, most people would not even want to be friends with a woman like that.

She was a tomboy.

Harlow's tears slowly began to fade away, and his mood was slowly back.

"W-who are you?"

The women looked at Harlow with a bit of a confused face.

"You... You don't know who am I? Even though I live with you every day?!"

'Bruh? I never lived with a beautiful girl like her.'

"I can read your thoughts"


"Anyway, I am the one you call Albedo."


Harlow shouted.

"I thought you didn't have a body!"

He added.

"Well, at least for now I don't have one."


Harlow had no idea what was going on, all the things up until now had no sense for him, and this happen as well.