
World of magic: Vampiric Reincarnation

The year is 2190. The genre of DIMMVRRPG for VR games has been ruling over the world's entertainment world for 20 years. However, one game monopolized most games in a matter of 2 years, it was Volos. The game is heavily based on Slavic Mythology. For 10 years the game was a playground for many players, among them there was Nikodem. His Guild - The Oak Tree has risen quickly to #10. However, after those 10 years. the game has decided to shut down its servers. After long minutes of crying. Nikodem decided to go outside, to forget about what happened, but instead of forgetting what happened, he got stabbed, by a man. After which, he got reincarnated, as a vampire? Let's see how Nikodem will rise in the new world. The cover is not mine, it's by Kogasa. Or so I believe. From what I know it represents Touhou, however, it's the best art that represents the main character. I hope you won't mind. Discord contact: Yu.#3554

OsukaGrande · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 15: Memories [1]

Part 1

"Hey, listen..."


Konrad was in front of Harlow, standing frozen.

It looked like he was thinking about what to say, however, it didn't take long.

"Be my partner!" [I don't know about English, however, in Polish it has two means first - is just friends/partner in business or something like that, the second is just straight-up confession, it often may sound like the second one, since no one uses the first meaning anyway.]

Harlow made a dumbfounded face, it was the first time someone confessed to him, and it was not a woman, but instead a man.

"Ugh." He uttered a weird sound, it was visible that he was creeped out by the idea of being a partner with another man.

Konrad, looked like he didn't hear the sound, and just looked all excited about what he said as if it was a huge event in his life.

'What the hell is he thinking?'

'Is he an idiot?'

Those were the thoughts of Harlow. Konrad that was strong and was acting like a noble, was no more instead there was a kid that confessed to a man...

Konrad finally saw Harlow's dumbfounded impression, and continued on to make the situation less awkward:

"Your magic was amazing! Where have you learned it?-----"

And so he continued to talk on, Harlow more or less already understood the situation from the first 6 words. His expression was no more dumbfounded, instead, he smiled.

It was the first time, that someone wanted to be his friend, without bad intentions or intentions to make contacts.


Konrad talked for so long, that he finally was tired of it. Harlow was quite surprised since he didn't hear 3/4 of his words, because of his fantasies.

'I suppose, there is no hurt in getting a friend.'

Harlow said sure, after that, they talked for a while, this was Harlow's longest conservation.

He didn't even have long conservation like that, during his military day, his explanations were that simple, that even normal soldiers could understand the logic behind the plan, and always praised him.

He was genuinely smiling.

Part 2

When Harlow got to his room, it was already late.

Moon was in the sky, and the sun was no more, it disappeared, revealing the beauty of the night.

"The sky is beautiful, as always..." Harlow said, which after that, he started for a few minutes into the sky.

His room guaranteed him a perfect view, especially his huge window, larger than him.

He wanted to enjoy the view more and more.

'I am a vampire, so I can enjoy it all I want, right?'

Even though he asked that question himself, he didn't want an answer from Albedo nor himself.

"Let's get out of this cage, the world right now will surely be magnificent." As he said that, he opened his window, and jumped forward.

For a while, he has just run over to the city's walls, which has stopped him from entering the wilderness.

He decided to look around for a while, looking for a place where he could more secretly leave the city, however, he found nothing, and he was too lazy to run around the walls to find the exit.

And so he decided to jump on the walls, it wasn't easy nor hard, it was mediocre. He was forced to climb a bit on the walls, and it was the harder part.

He was lucky, on the side he was on, no one was patrolling there yet.

The view, he was seeing now, was the most beautiful thing right now. It reminded him of BrazilianDeportation, his old 'friend'.

He saw the vision, of BrazilianDeportation seeing the same thing, but in Volos, and just talking to Harlow.

"Do you think, we can ever experience this view in real life?"

These were the words coming from his mouth.

Harlow right now was about to cry, a bit few moments, and Harlow, with the mentality of a 40y/o man, would've cried like a little girl.

"Yes... We can experience..." Even though Harlow has said that, if someone was beside him, he wouldn't hear it, nor even notice that Harlow is saying something.

The memory of BrazilianDeportation was enough, to almost make Harlow cry, however, it didn't end at this.

He reminded himself of his other comrades, following by Rimuru, Luccifer and others, it was a scene, that made him cry.

He sat down, even though, it would've been normally dangerous, because of the guards, he ignored that and sat down, crying.

It was like that for a while, the moon was already fully shown in the sky, it was a beautiful yet so sad night.

"Hey, have you heard about-----"

The silence he has experienced, the moments right now, were interrupted by someone, they were the guards of the walls.

Even though at first, they may look weak they are more powerful, than even top-graduates from the Magic Academy.

'Shit I need to get out of here!'

He didn't want to leave this place yet, but the circumstances didn't allow him to stay here any longer.

"Hmm? Have you seen that too?"

"What do you mean? There was nothing here?"

"But! ... Well whatever."

It seems that guards didn't gatch him, at least that's what Harlow thought from their conservation.

It didn't take long for Harlow to get to his room, it was still the middle of the night, even though vampires, didn't need sleep, he, a former human, had comfort out of it, and it was just his habit.

And even though, he may not be tired physically, his mental health said otherwise and was tired.

Knowing, that he, can't fall asleep like a normal human, he forced himself to fall asleep via Albedo, which was also working as an alarm clock, two in one.

"I wonder, what I will dream about," He said those words, as he has slowly started to fall asleep.

Part 3.

Harlow opened his eyes and saw the old futuristic room he had before.


Harlow opened his eyes wide and automatically stood up.

'Was is this?! Why am I here?'

Harlow analyzed his situation, it seemed that he was back on earth, or at least it looked like so.

'This looks like my old room...'

He has walked around the room he found himself in, and he confirmed few things.

First: This is not a lucid dream, at least it didn't seem so. He still had the feel of touch and could see himself in a mirror without anything going wrong, unlike a normal lucid dream.

Second: He was really on earth, however, it looked like his past, when he was still in his 20s.

For Harlow, it was confusing, it was as like his years spent in the game were just a dream, and so his 'another life' was.

"Marshal!!!! It's already day!!!"

A girl's voice suddenly screamed at Harlow, it was a bit confusing, since he didn't remember these days clearly.

'Was, those all good and bad days, just a dream?'

That was his question, however, the albedo was no more with him.


Suddenly, the door opened, and a woman could be seen.

She couldn't be called 'feminine', she was built better than most guys, and had many scars on her face.

She was the right-hand of Harlow, he finally remembered.

However, what she saw, was not something she expected.

Instead of Harlow, just laying down in his bed, she saw him standing in the middle of the room and front of a mirror, looking at her with confused eyes... and naked added to that.


Her normal voice could be described as a bit boyish, no, even a man's voice, but right now, a girls voice could be heard.

As she shouted, she closed the door, with strength that almost destroyed its hinges.

'Oh... I had a habit sleeping without clothes... right.'

As he thought that, he quickly dressed, in his military outfit.

Luckily, near the outfit, there was his smartphone, where he looked on a date.

It was 2174.

He was 24 in that year, and he, right now, reminded himself what was going on on earth during that date.


In the year 2130, many countries went liberal and abandoned such things as traditions, religions, and many things, that conservatism and nationalists liked, meanwhile abolishing many countries that disagreed with such ideas.

The ideas were very radical, even though they were liberal, many people called them 'liberal dictatorship', it was the start of a new era.

Many territories were unstable on their own, even when not being liberal, because of religions, ideologies and more, and the invasions of liberals caused more uproar in this country.

One of the countries, that were abolished in the act of liberal world, was Poland, where most people believed in God, and were nationalists.

It was a bad idea, for liberalists to invade Poland.

Polish people, no matter if, Fascists, Conservatism, Nationalists or others, united under one, for the third time in history.

It was the year 2070, and the revolutions happen. It was later known as 'The Nationalist Uprising'.

Among the world, many revolutions succeeded, and one of them was the Polish revolution, wherein charge, Harlow's 'friend' was standing.

He couldn't be fully called a friend, he was more of a business partner or revolution partner, but that isn't important, at least for now.

During that time, Harlow gained fame, however, was forgotten while being in his 30s.

He was right now 24, and it was the year after the revolution succeeded, and right now he was a marshal and had even more power than a prime minister.

Harlow was busy analyzing everything that happened right now, but he was interrupted by a girl, he scared off a few moments ago.

"Marshal... Even though you're sleepy, it is time for your meeting..."

She said shyly, now acting like a real girl.

Harlow reminded himself.

It was 29.09.2174, the date he was called for a meeting, regarding the future of Poland.

"Yes, yes."

As he has said that, he had run from the room he was in, to the meeting room, which wasn't far away nor near.

"H-he's so hot..." The girl said.

Harlow heard that, even though the girl said it very shyly and quietly.

'Me hot? Are you kidding me?'

Even though, Harlow was saying that it was because of his low-esteem.

Normally, a guy like him would've been a narcist, singing about how his body is perfect.

Harlow ignored that, and just ran over to the meeting room.

It didn't take long, about 15 minutes from his room while sprinting.

While he was near the room and was about to enter, he said those words:

"I still can't believe this is actually happening, when will I wake up?"

He still believed that it was a dream, and wanted to go back to his 'another world', who sane would want to go back to his old world?

Maybe a person that had a family, had a wife and was happy, however, not he.


As he opened the door he heard those words:

"Welcome, my friend."