
World of magic: Vampiric Reincarnation

The year is 2190. The genre of DIMMVRRPG for VR games has been ruling over the world's entertainment world for 20 years. However, one game monopolized most games in a matter of 2 years, it was Volos. The game is heavily based on Slavic Mythology. For 10 years the game was a playground for many players, among them there was Nikodem. His Guild - The Oak Tree has risen quickly to #10. However, after those 10 years. the game has decided to shut down its servers. After long minutes of crying. Nikodem decided to go outside, to forget about what happened, but instead of forgetting what happened, he got stabbed, by a man. After which, he got reincarnated, as a vampire? Let's see how Nikodem will rise in the new world. The cover is not mine, it's by Kogasa. Or so I believe. From what I know it represents Touhou, however, it's the best art that represents the main character. I hope you won't mind. Discord contact: Yu.#3554

OsukaGrande · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 11: The Offensive

At next the very next day, Elisabeth, have finally talked to Harlow.

At the first lesson, she gained courage, and talked to him, about things girls normally would start to talk about when hitting on a guy.

She complemented him, She talked about nice things, She talked about yesterdays incident [Thought she was whispering about it] and talked very smoothly and sweetly.

However, that confidence took out of nowhere, just yesterday, after witnessing the scene she has seen, it was visible, that Harlow was someone of her kind. Someone, whom you could call yandere. Or so she understood it somehow like that.

Harlow was confused, he never talked to a girl, and had only stories from his friends, about girls scamming them and all. Honestly, at some point, he thought that women were scary.

He didn't know whatever, she was just nice to him or she loved him or wanted to use him in the future.

Even though Elisabeth started to talk and somehow flirt with him, she didn't have the courage yet to confess to him, which was the main reason, why Harlow was confused.

The girls in his nation were straightforward in both rejections and confessions. They didn't even bother to go ahead and give tips for guys and most of them were not shy. Kidnapping out of love, at one point was popular among girls, which made the government intervene.

Well, that was that.

Despite Elisabeth talking to Harlow, the day was quite peaceful, so-called 'bullies' left him. It was all as he anticipated and it was quite nice. In lessons, there weren't many things he could learn, for now, techniques for him weren't important, but knowing 1 or 2 from this world wouldn't hurt. So he decided to somewhat learn them.

Honestly, they were harder than those that you would learn on the earth since they were mostly on paper, and rarely Teacher would teach you them, so it was quite hard, for someone who didn't have a talent for them.

On the second day, there were new subjects added.

Geography and History.

From what Harlow learned.

The world he was in was named Miliutera and was approximately 20x larger than earth. Almost everything other was the same as earth except animals and plants.

The year was 1231 of The Testament Of Acdos calendar.

There were 6 continents.

First was Niflheim, it reminded him of Nordic Mythology, and their 'World Tree', Niflheim was their official name, however, most people called it Europa. It was quite almost the same as in the game he played, however, the saying of it was a little off from basic polish.

Niflheim, or commonly called, Europa, was the largest continent. And it looked like a larger Europe.

On Niflheim, there were:

Empire Of Germania, Kingdom Of Francs, United Isles, Turkic Principalities, Nordic Countries, Iberian Union, Italic Empire, Dacia and Russ Federation.

Those were all Major nations, there was also the United States, however, it declared itself isolated since 1104.

The other continents were:

Trorari, Vereon,Glaqeon, Iastreron, Aishica.

Even though Humanity knew all the Continets, most of them weren't colonized except for Vereon, which was literally Northern America, and only small ports were built.

Well, that was the world.

Well, that was all boring for Harlow. More or less, he could again have the same effect from Albedo. However, he didn't think of using it.

The day was peaceful, the classes ended. However, something interrupted this good time. It was an alarm.

Every student, in light of speed, began to run over, to the 'meeting room' called so by students, well officially that was just the emergency room, that they always used when Monsters were approaching the city, or Academy was attacked.

As soon, as Harlow and Elisabeth, the last ones arrived there, The Administrator began to speak.

"Dear Students. Today, for the first time, we will send you to the woods to defend our city. The situation is critical, lately many raids on our city from ogres and wolves were ongoing, and our guards are slowly dying out of attrition since they have almost no time for sleep. With this, we will send you there. 3 people per group in class S and A, and the rest is whole class together, remember we don't want you to die."

Critical Situation.

It was as he said, lately more ogres and their wolves were roaming around the city, and attacking it. The raids were constant and didn't let Gatekeepers sleep.

For Harlow, this was an opportunity to gain more levels and with that, be more powerful. He had before killed ogres and wolves, so he knew what he would be doing, however, other students were quite the opposite. For them it was hell. They never fought outside the city, and they had no experience.

Most of them weren't even strong enough to single handle one ogre or wolve. That's why Teachers had to help, if not for that, most of the students would be just sent there for death.

Harlow was in a group with, Elisabeth and Henneck. They were deemed as the best Trio.

Harlow specialized in long-range and agility meanwhile Elisabeth in pure brutal strength and Henneck in CQC.

That's how they mostly made Trios and everything, they wanted to students also fight with others, to in the future learn how to fight in the army, as they will probably become soldiers.

'Honestly, what have they done for the 1231 years, they have magic, Swords, and a lot of other things, yet monsters are still alive.'

Harlow couldn't understand, how did they not kill all monsters, for 1231 years, even though they had magic. A lot of people were stronger than him, so why? He couldn't find a good answer himself.

'Maybe there is someone stronger than humans?'

Only logical answer. There is someone who is stronger than humans and is on side of Monsters. However, if that is so, then how did Humanity survive and developed to this extent? It is obvious to destroy an enemy before the enemy destroys you.

What if the stronger one is playing with Humanity? But does someone like this really exist? This was just speculation.

The more Harlow thought, the more he got out of the path he should think.

His thought got the wrong road, and his thoughts have gone to thoughts of people he has killed.

Did they have a second chance like him? Did everyone reincarnate like him? Or do they just disappear forever?

He has finally regained one side of his humanity.

He finally had a conscience about the people he has killed.

In mere seconds, his mood was worse and worse, he too was once human, that was afraid of death. He remembered all those near-death situations.

However, those thoughts were interrupted, as if someone or something didn't allow him to think about dead people with pity. As if something wanted to Harlow loses all his humanity, and becomes a monster.

He felt the same when he killed someone, however, he did not have consciousness about it. He felt nothing, at this moment, as if he didn't exist.


His thoughts were interrupted, now the students have passed the gate, and they were finally outside the city.

Harlow wasn't surprised on seeing the outside, however, most students were. Most people didn't exit the city, and if they did so, they were mostly merchants, soldiers, or adventurers.z

They were looking at everything that existed currently as if they have seen the world for the first time.

The Administrator told students to split up into groups.

Group A, Class S, was forced to go into the west, the most dangerous part of the forest.

Group B, Class A was supposed to support class B, which was going into the east.

Group C, Class C, D, E were supposed to stay in protecting the gates.

The administrator meanwhile, was supposed to go with Group A, and intervene when something went wrong. And 3 teachers went with Group B.

For a while. Harlow and his group didn't meet any monster, on their path, as if there were no monsters.

'At this point, I am not gonna get any experience bruv'

Those words spilled the beans.

And quite aggressively.

10 ogres and 20 wolves appeared.

This was quite a large number. Wolves were the most problem, due to their agility, and now Harlow couldn't use gluttony, since it was skill instead of Magic, which showing of it, would be the same as wanting to be targeted by many nations.

'So magic and Sword huh.'

Harlow didn't have armor, meanwhile, others had. It was something, that in their opinion would lead him to doom, no matter how fast he is.

They were wrong, the armor would have only made him slower, and he wouldn't be able to defend against wolves.

At the first three wolves, Harlow launched magic, and literary make yogurt out of their head.|

However, the next one got past the defense that Harlow could make.

It was the moment of shine for Elisabeth and Henneck.

The first wave wasn't hard, the wolves were low-level ones.

4 wolves got past the defense.

Elisabeth used pure brutal strength.

The poor wolves had no heads after a single slash of her sword, however, it wasn't with style.

Quite barbaric for a woman.

Meanwhile, henneck needed more time, he used magic combined into his sword. Which took some time, but he somehow survived.

The other wolves looked at ogres and then at each other and nodded as if they were communicating by some kind of telepathy.

'Damnit, they probably will have some kind of plan.'

It was true.

They weren't the same wolves, that only were thinking about brutal strength, but right now, the wolves had some kind of plan, this meant that they weren't the same as Harlow meet before.

Right now, the last standing 13 wolves, split into 3 groups

In the first 2 groups, there were 8 wolves in total, and the third 5.

The two groups tried to flank them, meanwhile, the other 5 were like they were brainless, and nothing happens a second ago, tried just to rush at the enemy.

Harlow killed 3 of them with magic, meanwhile, Elisabeth killed the 2 last ones

Now the biggest problem, whom to attack.

Ogres, weren't a threat normally, however, they got a bit closer than they should, at this point they were a large threat.

However, wolves tried to flank them.

You don't need to be an expert in military tactics and the army, to know, that this situation was a big disadvantage for Harlow.

At this point, they should call for support from their group. At least one man, that would hold back Ogres or one pack of wolves would be good enough.

However, other groups should meet at least meet some monsters, since they had.

The problem with ogres was that that normal sword wouldn't even damage their skin. And magic, until level 3 wouldn't do anything

Harlow just recently has only mastered second-level magic, and today, wanted to start the third level, however, the alarm didn't allow him to do so.

'Damnit, this sword can pierce ogre's skin, however, last time I was lucky, that their agility stat was low, what if they have high ones? Then attacking them even from behind would be suicide.

'Damnit, what would I do in this situation if those monsters would be humans!'

For a while, Harlow had a lot of thoughts, meanwhile keeping the Wolves at distance with his magic.

At this moment, he got enlightened.

"Form a line! Don't fight the wolves right now and form a line!"

They looked at Harlow and said one question

"What the fuck?!"

They didn't know, what he talked about, if they formed a line, they would've been dead.

The administrator thought quite the opposite.

'Forming a line, against flanking the enemy. At first quite a stupid idea, but it will make the enemy unable to flank them at second thought, especially if they form a line I think about

"Just do it, I will explain later!"

They did as he said.

Elisabeth did it without a second thought. However, henneck didn't want to die, so he just joined the line.

They formed the ideal line.

It would've been at this point even better if only long-range mages would've been in the team.

But not anything can be granted.

"Alright, we need to end this before it gets dark."

Everyone understood what it means, everyone must somewhat attack the enemy.

Harlow had the upper hand.

He formed a quite huge number of Icecilies and launched them at a huge scale at the enemy. It killed quite the most of wolves, 6 of them died. 3 left on his side, it was visible that the wolves had human intelligence since they focused on Harlow, that was the biggest threat. 9 of them were on his side.

However, it was useless, even though they began to run at Harlow, he quickly slashed them through.

He was lucky, that he took his sword with him, if it wasn't for it, he would've no arm right now.


Henneck moaned out of pure pain. One wolf has bitten Henneck. This means, that they weren't holding well, even though there were only 4 wolves.


Harlow, even though right now he should hold back ogres, he decided to help Elisabeth and Henneck.

Though he didn't need to, Elisabeth alone was a lot of times stronger than Henneck, even though being deemed weaker than him officially.

Harlow sighed in relief.

"Now we gotta do something with those og-"

Harlow's words were interrupted by the Administrator.

"No, you shouldn't. They are stronger than you all are. I will deal with them."

As the Administrator has said that, around his left arm, a huge mana flow has concentrated. Even though humans couldn't see mana, they could feel it.

He has done something impossible. Administrator with singe slash, have slain all the ogres.

He concentrated a lot of his mana into this slash, to form a 'Mana Slash'.

Harlow now understood the clear difference between, him and the Administrator.

As soon, as it got dark, they have run over to the gate, where other classes were.

Everyone other, then class S was shaking in fear as if they saw something they shouldn't. Well, the monsters barely fought back by group A, so imagine what class A and B had to fight.

'Damnit, if it wasn't profitable, then I am fucking quitting this.

As he has said that, he opened his Status window.

[Harlow Shallfear]

[Level 33]

[Race: Lesser Vampire]

[Class: Dark Lord]

[Sub Class: ✞︎⚐︎✋︎👎︎ ☹︎⚐︎☼︎👎︎]


[Magical power: 1405]

[Strength: 405]

[Vitality: 305]

[Agility: 605]

[Perception: 305]

[Stat points to be distributed: 50]


[Mana Manipulation]

[Shadow Step]

[Shadow Control]


[Asura, The all-knowing sage]

[Gender Change]

[❄︎☟︎☜︎ ☜︎❄︎☜︎☼︎☠︎✌︎☹︎ ✞︎⚐︎✋︎👎︎]

'5 levels, well pretty ok, still a big way till evolution'

Harlow, put all his stats into Strenght as he lacked strength. He knew that, as he watched others students fight in Training Ground.

Well, the day almost came to the end, so Harlow and other students were allowed to go to sleep. Well, a lot of monsters were fought off the geat, and even if not killed, then at least pushed back. It damaged the monster's offensive greatly and will make them retreat for a while to the woods.