
World of magic: Vampiric Reincarnation

The year is 2190. The genre of DIMMVRRPG for VR games has been ruling over the world's entertainment world for 20 years. However, one game monopolized most games in a matter of 2 years, it was Volos. The game is heavily based on Slavic Mythology. For 10 years the game was a playground for many players, among them there was Nikodem. His Guild - The Oak Tree has risen quickly to #10. However, after those 10 years. the game has decided to shut down its servers. After long minutes of crying. Nikodem decided to go outside, to forget about what happened, but instead of forgetting what happened, he got stabbed, by a man. After which, he got reincarnated, as a vampire? Let's see how Nikodem will rise in the new world. The cover is not mine, it's by Kogasa. Or so I believe. From what I know it represents Touhou, however, it's the best art that represents the main character. I hope you won't mind. Discord contact: Yu.#3554

OsukaGrande · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 10: Kidnappers

Three men, one woman.

All of them, were in front of Harlow, talking someone to each other, thought Harlow couldn't hear them, even though he had regained his consciousness, his hearing still didn't return. But now, nothing interrupted his thoughts, as it happens before. So his first thoughts were:

'Kidnapping someone stronger, by doing it from behind huh... Looks like something from the typical novel...'

Even though Harlow, right now was kidnapped, he didn't panic, nor did he have a lot of unnecessary thoughts, instead, he joked about the situation he was in. Well, who would not? Kidnapping like that, is typical novel lore, in other to add some plot and add some new characters, or it happens in novels he read.

'Still, they only used ropes, don't they know that I can easily just burn them or something? I can even shatter them with my strength alone.'

What they had done was pretty much Idiotic, well, humans when doing something from pure jealously, despise, or just being angry made the basic mistakes. He knew that and that's why he always acted without emotion, and he taught himself how to suppress those emotions. He always knew that Humans are not ideal, and if they were, who knows what would happen to earth.

After a while of his thoughts, he has finally recognized the people, that has kidnapped him.

The first one was Marcy Von Schauffhusen, the one he defeated the very same day. He probably participates in this kidnapping, out of pure anger.

The second was his Fiancee, Darathee Von Ginningen. She was also from a family that specialized in Magicial Swordsmanship, however, she was in class A. A class is worse than S however, still better than B or any below. In short, second best.

She probably, couldn't take as an answer, that her Fiance was defeated and humiliated even though being stronger than Harlow.

The third was Ruprecht Von Friburg, the one he defeated in Duel. Harlow was quite surprised he is here since yesterday not only was he disowned but also kicked from the city by his father and prohibited from entering it. So how could he be here? Well, he probably received help from 3 others.

Fourth, and the last one was, someone whom he didn't talk to, but he could recognize him since he was in the same class.

Hennecke Von Zeppffenhain, The 'best' student in class S, his rival and classmate. Even, if he would be caught at this act, nothing would happen, since he is one of the Principal family [Royal Family/Families, we use here Polish Noble Hierarchy, and there could be many royal families in Poland.] so it was sure, that all he would gain, was fame for kidnapping, that was all. It wouldn't affect his future, as long as he would have some kind of excuse.

Harlow decided to play with their plan for a minute or two since he wanted to see their faces and everything. It would've been just fun, playing with someone's plan, and then saying 'Courting Death?' like from typical Manhua or Chinese novel.

The only person he couldn't touch was Hennecke, if he would touch him, execution would be the only option for him, though, exile would be more option since Harlow is literary immortal in some way.

"Look, he is awake," Ruprecht said.

Everyone followed the finger, that Ruprecht has pointed at Harlow, and it was true. Harlow was awake, still, he looked a bit uneasy as if he was sick or something.

Well, that was just a trap, to make people in front of him make feel uneasy about his state. Since they would've been the first people to get involved in the death of Harlow since they were the ones that would do it out of pure anger.

"Damnit! If he will die here you know what that means! Even Hennecke will not help us! He better be ok." Marcy said.

Ruprecht didn't care, however, Marcy and Darathee were the ones that were in danger if something would happen.

"Whatever, he just needs to tell us few things and do some things, he will listen to us. Because what other things he can do in this situation?!" Hennecke said.

He smiled out of pure happiness. He always wanted to crush those who thought that they were superior to others, it was his hobby. To the point, wherein his own villa, there was his own torture room.

"Alright, I won't go around the bush, tell me, what is your sword technique? Can't say, it was rather unique."

Harlow was quiet instead, he looked like he knew nothing.


Hennecke smashed Harlow in the face!

"I will say it again, WHAT IS YOUR TECHNIQUE IN SWORD"

'Fuck it! I used no technique you little imp. That was just random composition of being happy!' Harlow thought, however, what he said was quite different.

"Blood Technique: Level Master" Harlow instead, said something, that was first inside his head. He wasn't creative, so he just named his so-called 'technique' blood technique, since he himself was a vampire, it was the first thing that came to his mind.

"Never heard of it, it is some family's technique or what?" Hennecke asked, he was quiet as if he could not wait for the answer.

"I was living in woods up until now, and my Master, no, my Father has taught me this technique"

Harlow came up with some cliché stories out of his mind, even if they were cliché, they were most likely almost always true.

Hennecke visibly thought about it more deeply and came to one mind: What Halow is saying is true.

"Alright, alright. Then do you have someone you love? Or something like that?" Hennecke asked.

Of course, it was a trap, he wanted to use the loved one, to make Harlow one of his subordinates or something like that. The best option, to make someone yield to you, is to threaten him/her with her/his loved ones.

Of course, some people wouldn't care, but most people would yield.

"No..." Harlow responded.

He exactly knew that was a trap, and if he would mention Elisabeth, then she would probably be the thing, that would be a curse for him, instead of a cure.

"Hah" Hennecke sighed.

"Alright, then do us a little favor instead," Hennecke said.

He smiled after those words as if saying the next words gave him happiness. If someone would have to imagine it perfectly, then he would imagine The smile before you say a funny joke. It was the same.

"I won't bush around, become my subordinate or leave the academy."

Everyone started to smile except Harlow.

***Ha ha ha ha***

He instead, began to laugh psychopathy, as if he was insane, however, it was quite the opposite Henneck, didn't know Harlow's true power and his techniques. if he would know, then this proposal would've been insane.

Of course, that doesn't mean, that Harlow is every cliché isekai MC. Quite the opposite, a lot of people in the world are stronger than him. However, henneck, in the environment they were now in, couldn't beat Harlow, as they were in the basement, Harlow could just use some kind of explosion spell.

"Whatcha laughing about?! Did ya go insane or what" Henneck said.

Instead of a reply, Harlow just looked at him, Henneck felt uneasy at this moment, as if he was staring at someone or something that he shouldn't

Because of that, he didn't see when Harlow started to burn the rope, however, even if he did, then it would've been already too late since the fire Harlow used, was hotter than any fire, on earth would've been possible. So the rope, pretty much in a matter of 2 or 3 seconds was already gone.


Harlow punched Hennecke in his face, with all his might.

Hennecke, didn't take much damage, however, the impact, made him literary fly till the end of the room, where others were.

They were surprised. At one point, they were frozen in the place, when Harlow already was standing.

"How... How did you do it!?"

̶W̶e̶l̶l̶,̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶M̶C̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶n̶o̶v̶e̶l̶

"Are yer brain just for the show?! How can a mere rope stop me faggots!"

It finally came to their mind. They used normal rope, instead of the rope they should, enhanced with magic.

"Didn't you say it was enhanced with Magic Ruprecht!?" Hennecke shouted at him.

However, it was too late already. Only Ruprecht can use long-range Magic, however, at him, already an icicle bigger than his chest was rapidly going at him.


Sound similar, to something being smashed, like meat or something could be heard.

When they looked at Ruprecht, they were scared.

He was right now headless, standing. Fighting with Harlow wasn't just a playground play with kids, it was a serious battle to the death. They finally got themselves into reality.

"W-wait!!!! This was supposed to be a prank!!!"

"Prank huh... You would've killed me if I not for my magic"

It was true, even if they completely overpowered Harlow in terms of strength, no human could rival Harlow in terms of Mana flow. To begin with, Humans didn't have a Magic stat, instead, they had Mana Stat near Health that they couldn't increase.

"Grrr... I will give you anything! So just spare us! I will give you anything... Money, Women, Weapons... just please"

These were words of Henneck. He was visibly scared, and knew, that Harlow right now could've killed him. He had no weapon that could break the Icicle, and he didn't know how much Harlow had mana.

"Haha!!! Great... Great..." Harlow responded to Henneck's words. "Subarashi" He quickly added. In 2190, it was popular, even among people who didn't know Japanese, if something good happens they often said it.

In the end, from Henneck, he got: 5 000 000 Germaniam Marks [50 Gold Coins]. One Magical Sword from the Asura Kingdom and villa, near academy. It was a good deal for both of them.

Harlow gained a lot of money due to that deal, and Henneck was still alive. Because thought, who would do anything to Harlow, if no one was witnessing? And Harlow, knew from the army, how to make yourself 'invisible' in this case.

Everyone, even Harlow, thought that the deal is done, and everyone could go, however, someone knocked up the door.

Instead of waiting, the person knocked up the doors, and they were sent flying and were annihilated.

It was Elisabeth. She was a stalker of Harlow, so she knows that something was wrong, normally, he would now study magic, however, he wasn't even in his room. And so, she followed his footsteps, she discovered with Magic and found him here.

More or less, she could grasp the situation. Harlow was near, something that looked like a torture chair, meanwhile one was dead and others were on their knees.

She knew, that Harlow was ideal in long-range magic, well not only long-range but overall. So she just guessed that he defeated them, and she guessed right.

Harlow looked at her, and the face said only one thing: Don't say anything you saw here. And she nodded to that.

Honestly, she wanted to kill everyone in this room except for Harlow, however, she couldn't. Harlow said to stay silent, so she did so. She wanted to be useful to him.

And so, the day was ended. Harlow in the end received everything and no one knew about the incident. Elisabeth in the end didn't confess to him, even though she wanted to, however, the courage didn't allow her to.

However, she still left some tip for Harlow, that she was in love with him, and Harlow was concerned about it, if it was kindness out of nowhere to use him, or was she in love with him, or was she scared or just kind.

Well, that was another matter.

Harlow anticipated that another day will be a peaceful day.

If you have any friends, that you could recommend this Novel to, then please do so. It would help me, the Author a lot.

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