
Index The Power


LEVELS OF POWER of the Continent Cho Ling

[ Practicing kingdom of 1 star to 3 stars] = Student of the academy Nvl Bajo.

[ Practicing kingdom of 3 stars to 6 stars] = Student of the academy Nvl Medio.

[ Practicing kingdom of 6 stars to 8 stars] = Student of the academy Nvl Alto.

[ Practicing kingdom 9 stars] = Student of academy Nvl Pico.

[ I reign Disciple major 1 to 3 stars] = Low Genin Nvl.

[ I reign Disciple 3 stars to 6 stars] = Average Genin Nvl.

[ I reign Disciple 6 stars to 8 stars] = High Genin Nvl.

[ I reign Disciple 9 stars] = Genin Nlv I Sting.

[ Main kingdom 1 stars] = Low Chunin Nvl.

[ Main kingdom 2 stars] = Average Chunin Nvl.

[ Main kingdom 3 stars] = High Chunin Nvl.

[ Main kingdom of 4 stars] = Chunin Nvl I Sting.

[ Great Main kingdom 1 stars] = low Jonin Nvl.

[ Great Main kingdom 2 stars] =Jonin Nvl Medio.

[ Great Main kingdom of 3 stars] =Jonin Nvl Alto.

[ Great Main kingdom of 4 stars] = Elite Jonin or Anbu.

[ I reign King major 1 to 4 stars] = low Nvl Kage.

[ I reign Emperor major 1 to 2 stars] = Average Nvl Kage. [I reign Emperor 3 stars] = high Nvl Kage.

[ I reign Emperor 4 stars] = Nvl Kage I sting.

[ Divine kingdom from 1 to 9 stars] = are to the Level Beast with Tails and every star represents a tail, only there has been a human being who has trodden on this kingdom and it was 3000 years ago

These levels of power will be kept until the end of the novel and I do not think to update them.

Also I want to say to him that in the [Practicing Kingdom 1 to 3 stars] There is no great difference, but of the [Practicing Kingdom 3 to 6] It Is like to cross to another level of power. As from 8 to 9 it is a different liga. It is the same thing in other kingdoms.

In the continent Cho Ling there are 3 types of magic beasts. {Normal beasts} {Mythical Beasts} and {Beasts Divine}

{ Beasts Normal} Level 1 Is equal to one [Practicing Kingdom I sting] {Beasts Normally} Level 2 Is equal to one [Kingdom Disciple I sting] {Beasts Normally} Level 3 Is equal to one [Main Kingdom I sting]

Later that them {Beast Normal} comes to the Beak of the Level 3 and they cross this kingdom, transform in {Mythical Beasts}.

{ Mythical beasts} Level 1 Is equal to one [Kingdom Great Mainly I sting] {Mythical Beasts} Level 2 Is equal to one [Kingdom King Pico].

{ Mythical beasts} Level 3 Is equal to one [Kingdom Emperor I sting].

Later that them {Mythical Beasts} Come to the Beak of the Level 3 it can try to penetrate to {Kingdom of Divine Beasts} that coast of 9 levels and every star is equal to a tail of bijuu.

{ Kingdom Divine Beast} Every Level is equal a demon of tail and being the Level 9 The Highest.

Certainly the human beings and the beasts on having entered the (Divine Kingdom) have in this Level almost the same force, being the magic beasts only a bit more forts.

To clarify something, at this moment in the continent Chow ling alone there are one {Beast Divine Level 1} And Several caught in the level {Mythical Beast Level 3 I Sting}.

On the other hand the human beings only have 7 persons you catch in the [Kingdom Emperor 1 and 2 Stars] it it wants to say that the magic beasts are stronger, but the human beings have an Exchequer that I leave the human only one them in the history that could have entered to the [Divine Kingdom].

It is because of it that the magic beasts do not attack the human beings with everything and only they govern his respective territories, though always they are in constant war, but the beasts are wilder and is because of it that this spread in the whole continent.