
World of Assassins

I am from a clan and we have special eyes called Runic eyes They are very powerful, they can help you copy someone's movements, see their movements better, and it is cool looking overall. I have a different kind of eye from the rest of my clan so I get shunned and treated like I am a parasite. I plan on becoming the strongest of them all so I train, if I am going to become the world's greatest Assassin I need to train. "In order to be extraordinary i need to not be ordinary" -Durzo

Mythic8_ · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Filler:Abella Arc (Gonna be like 4 chapters srry)

I woke up the next day with my head hurting like crazy. I sat up and went outside to do some contracts, I never did a contract without Durzo so it felt weird going without him. I grabbed a C tier skeleton hunting mission, I got my cheap gear on since thats the only gear I have. I went into the west forest and took out my bow that was like 2 seconds from breaking. I heard a rattle to my left and knew it was a skeleton, I turned in the direction I heard it and saw a large skeleton and 2 normal sized ones.

I readied my arrow and aimed at the large one. I calmed my breathing and pulled back quickly and released. The arrow hit its mark perfectly but it bounced off the large skeletons head, I quickly loaded 2 arrows at once and shot them and it hit one normal skeleton but missed the second one. I panicked and threw flame knives to do something, it took down the large skeletons leg but it just hopped towards me slowly. Their hissing was getting louder and louder with each step they took.

"I can't die here, I can't I still need to beat Quinn and prove that I can fight"I thought to myself

"Mud Style: Heavy rain!"

I sent a giant heap of mud towards them and knocked them down

"Glass style:Shards"

I sent a rain of glass shards onto the group killing them all instantly. I almost fell from the use of mana, I slowly walked over to them and took their heads as proof I did the mission. I walked to the contract station and turned in the heads for a reward. I got enough money to eat lunch and dinner, I went back to the clan house to train my elements. I went to Durzos hidden training spot and did water magic training untill I had no mana left.

"How did he do this for hours on end" I said barley able to breathe

"Because he never took breaks and didn't let anyone stop him from training" The voice was all too familiar.


I turned around and saw Quinn leaning on the wall from afar. He had a devious smirk on his face and had eyes of a snake. I so badly wanted to kick his butt, even though it would never happen I still want to.

"But he has large mana reserves and he uses large mana spells that some clan leaders can't even cast" I said

"Thats because he isn't normal, he has large reserves because his father had what seemed like an unlimited source of mana" Quinn said soundly a bit jealous

"I can help you with training but it won't be easy, I will be strict on you just because you were close to him. I will help you reach your goals though, you are apart of this family after all." Quinn said in a gentle tone

I wasn't stupid I knew that there would be some catch to this and how he would be strict

"What do you gain?"

"You give us information about the villages strongest Assassin and in return I will train you to become stronger than me" He said

"I need more time to think" I said

I went off to my room to sleep and regenerate my mana

"What if he's telling the truth?" I asked myself




ps4:Mythicmaddness8(don't have pro sadly)

Ayo if you guys like more fillers I can do some fillers about other characters like Jesus(Gobbler), Natasha, Halt, and more i will day though they will be a maximum of 4-6 chapters

Mythic8_creators' thoughts